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Al kohaulec
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||is tricksy.|| ||Played Game History|| Px2
- M:tG 12 The Battle for Serra's Realm
- Radiant Archangel, Cult aligned / lost (town won)
- Paranoia Paradise Mafia - Uncon
- PariahKing, Town / Lost
- Mini Final Fantasy VII Mafia
- Vigilante / Won
- Resident Evil Mafia
- Rain Ocampo, town / lost, Serial Killer won.
- Harry Potter Mafia
- Peter Petigrew, Death Eater Aligned Traitor / abandoned
- Ghost Mafia III: Return to Ghost Manor
- culted Scientist / won
- Pokemon Mafia
- Pidgeotto, town / lost (cult won)
- MPFG Mafia II: The Lord of the Rift
- PariahKing, Frogian Mafia Syndicate Aligned Leader and Traitor to MPFG / won
- Ghost Mafia II
- town aligned trickster / abandoned
- Ghost Mafia
- culted Psychic / won
- Star Wars Mafia
- D'Harhan, self aligned / lost (town won)
- X-Men Mafia
- Nightcrawler, cop and doctor / won
- Uncon Contest: Ravnica City of Guilds Mafia
- Pariah's Shield, town / lost (SK won)
- Uncon Contest: MPFG Mafia
- Just a Cleric, trigger happy vigilante / lost (SK won)
- Mafia: the Gathering 5
- mafia / won
- Mafia: the Gathering 3
- mafia / abandoned
- Mafia: the Gathering 2
- Soratami Savant, townie / won
- Mafia 13
- mafia / lost (town won)
- Mafia 12
- townie / won
- Mafia 11
- townie / won
- Kitten Mafia (Inexperienced 4)
- Doctor / lost
- Mini Sanity Mafia
- Paranoid Town / won
- Mini Reverse Mafia
- Town / lost
- Mini Primetime Mafia
- House, doctor / abandoned
- Mini Arrested Development Mafia
- Goerge Micheal Bluth, town mason / won
- Mini Communist Mafia
- John Adams, capitalist mafia / lost (Communist town won.)
- SSB Reenacts the Civil War!
- Confederate / abandoned
- Good Omens Mafia
- Tibetan, townie / lost (Satanic Mafia won)
- Mini Invader Zim Mafia
- Miss Bitters, townie / won
- Mini Remlington Mafia
- sane cop / won
- Mini KoTOR Mafia
- Darth Bandon, Mafia Goon / Won.
- Newbie 129
- Townie / Won.
The Graveyard
- Harry Potter Mafia
- Serius Black, Town / won
- Mafia 1
- mafia / lost (town won)
Teh Source
- 8-Bit Mafia
- Garland, Mafia Leader / abandoned
- Agent Smith Mafia
- Mafia / abandoned
||Modded Games|| Px2
- Inexperienced Witch Hunter Mafia
- In progress
- Psychiatric Hospital Mafia
- Coming Soon
- ChatMafia Mafia
- Coming soon if mafiascum is ever revived
- Meadow of Sorrow Mafia
- A PariahKing game I'm taking over if mafiascum is ever revived
A Series of Tubes
- Mafia in the 1920s
- Mafia win
Wins: 16
- Town Wins: 11
- Mafia Wins: 3
- Serial Killer Wins: 0
- Cult Wins: 2
- Other Wins: 0
Losses: 13
- Town Losses: 8
- Mafia Losses: 3
- Serial Killer Losses: 1
- Cult Losses: 1
- Other Losses: 0
Abandoned: 7