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Revision as of 07:58, 8 December 2018 by Callforjudgement (talk | contribs) (A fork of {{SetupPage}}; many setups use the old one, some of which have broken formatting, some of which don't, so create the new template so that we don't break all the old ones during the changeover)
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  • SetupParser
  • No

This template is used to format setup pages for Open setups, including colored and linked role names, and standardised role PMs.


| Players = player count, a decimal number
| Type1 = | Type2 = | Type3 = | Type4 = | Type5 = | Type6 = setup types in the Setup Sorting System
| Designer1 = | Designer2 = | Designer3 = setup designers
| InfoBoxNotes = any notes that should go in the infobox

| Role1 = a role string for the first role in the setup
| Quan1 = the number of players with role Role1, can be omitted if 1
| Role2 = | Quan2 = | Role3 = | Quan3 = | … like Role1/Quan1; repeat until you've specified every role in the setup

| GlobalRules = one of the following: absent; Compulsive (compulsive NK); Daytalk (scum have daytalk); Daytalk/Compulsive (both); Nightless
| Mechanics = bulleted list of unusual mechanics; optional
| WinconF1 = faction to customize the win condition of; optional | Wincon1 = customized win condition for WinconF1
| WinconF2 = | Wincon2 = | WinconF3 = | Wincon3 = like WinconF1/Wincon1

| Introduction = lead section of the page, introducing the setup
| Notes = setup notes, these appear after the role PMs; optional
| Variations = variations of the setups; optional
| History = description of the setup's history, coming after statistics; Yes or No

| Stats = whether to show setup statistics, Yes or No; requires a /Stats subpage
| Version2 = | Version3 = | Version4 = whether the setup has at least 2 (3, 4) versions, Yes or No
| HideHistory = whether to hide the history, Yes or No