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28041.png This user plays Mafia. (Talk)
Prefer to be a Pro-Town Player. J townie opt16.gif


Faction Played Win% Won Lost Tied Faction Survived Lynched Killed Endgamed
17 35% 6 11 0 1 7 6 3
Faction Town.png Town 12 42% 5 7 0 Faction Town.png Town 1 4 4 3
Faction Mafia.png Scum 4 0% 0 4 0 Faction Mafia.png Scum 0 3 1 0
Faction Self-Aligned.png Third Party 1 100% 1 0 0 Faction Self-Aligned.png Third Party 0 0 1 0


Kraskaesque (Kraska77+Lycanfire)

Ælla Was Spine (Vifam+Lycanfire)