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-Record- As of:(_14MAR15_)

Pro-Town: 5 - 5

Pro-Scum: 3 - 0

- - - Other: 0 - 0

Games Explicitly Not Counted: -Mini 1636: Mafialand Mayhem! - very late replace in.



-Personal Flavor Text-

  • you don't think hitting the vig target, the NK, and the war vet all while under the BG protection (and the BG lived) is a good target? ~pisskop
  • Literally everything pisskop ever posts comes across as scum to me. ~bjc
  • Everyone was like pisskop is scum and now I see so many people saying koppie is town. I'm not sure who actually changed. ~Tiershift
  • Pisskop is painting everyone black and is flipflopping like crazy. I find it hard to believe that he's actually feeling what he says he's feeling. ~Tiershift
  • You don't know how close I was to voting pisskop. ~imkingdavid
  • Pisskop, every post you make causes me to want to vote you. ~Scripten
  • Pisskop is unlynchable because he's town, if he's scum then maybe he'll be lynchable because he probably won't be as obviously town ~Rayfrost
  • and no, i don't see pisskop town anywhere and continue to be amazed others find towniness in the things he posts ~Nachmamma8
  • I should have hammered you when I had the chance, but I felt accomplished enough by fooling Nacho up to him defending me this game that I felt I was done. ^ the you refers to kop ~Sakura Hana



-Completed Games- 14

Open 585: Jungle Republic [1] : Modded by Honey Bee

07JAN15 - 03MAR15

Replaced into Game: 05FEB15 [2], post 724

Role: Vanilla Townie, Lost, Alive

  • Playerlist:
  • 1)Lalendra . 2)Cheetory6 . 3)orcinus_theoriginal/TellTaleHeart . 4)Gliffie/YYR/Jordan` . 5)Metalcyanide . 6)Lyserg-Zeroz . 7)West9 . 8)farside22 . 9)prawneater . 10)Aristophanes . 11)Albert B. Rampage/ VysePresident . 12)acryon/pisskop
  • Notes: I rushed the final days, and it bit us. I should have been more willing to listen to ABR,

Mini 1636: Mafialand Mayhem! [3] : Modded by N/Riddleton

29DEC14 - 01MAR15

Replaced in 24FEB15 [4], post 1330, D4

Role: Vanilla Townie, Lost, Alive

  • Playerlist:
  • 1)evilpacman18 . 2)BP/Droog/Aronis . 3)Lapsa . 4)Crusader/Drake/Reticent/pisskop . 5)freeko/Wake88/Titus . 6)MonkeyMan576 . 7)Psyche/Aeronaut . 8)KatieB . 9)Ollie/Gendaberry . 10)Luca Blight . 11)llll . 12)Aneninen . 13)curiouskarmadog
  • Notes: Placed in lategame, did not hone in fast enough on scum

- - - Hiatus from site, oldest meta - - -

NY 171: An Education in Telling Jokes [5] : Modded by Desperado !!Replaced Out!!

01FEB14 - 10MAY14

Replaced Out of Game 06APR14 [6], post 2392, D6

Role: Vanilla Townie, Lost, Slot Lynch D7

  • Playerlist:
  • 1)Formerfish . 2)PeregrineV . 3)Gooner/Cabd. 4)DeathNote . 5)pisskop/Nachomamma8 . 6)Matias/Yates . 7)pirate mollie . 8)OhGodMyLife/serrapaladin . 9)XLAV/Untrod Tripod . 10)Malakittens . 11)Elyse . 12)Marquis . 13)Nikanor . 14)Ythan . 15)Porochaz . 16)Albert B. Rampage/sthar8 . 17)evilpacman18/notscience/Kagami . 18)RadiantCowbells/Bulbazak . 19)zekrom25 . 20)tman2nd . 21)Green Crayons

NY 172: Another Large Normal [7] : Modded by Plessiez !!Replaced Out!!

13MAR14 - 03MAY14

Replaced Out of Game 28MAR14 [8], post 1747, N1

Role: Vanilla Townie, Won, Alive

  • Playerlist:
  • 1)Mister Rogers/penguin_alien . 2)zakk/talah . 3)bjc/Snork . 4)Doc Holliday/pisskop/TheWayItEnds . 5)Smudger/AngryPidgeon . 6)Luca Blight . 7)BipolarChemist/Egg . 8)Nero Cain . 9)aptil/SiX . 10)Yates . 11)BBmolla/projectmatt/fferyllt . 12)PeregrineV . 13)mastin2 . 14)SnowStorm . 15)Damon_Gant . 16)4nxi3ty . 17)RachMarie . 18)Zdenek . 19)ThAdmiral . 20)DeasVail

Mini 1559: The 80s [9] : Modded by toolenduso

10MAR14 - 06APR14

Role: Vanilla Townie, Won, NKed N1

  • Playerlist:

1)DOMO . 2)Elyse . 3)Egg . 4)farside22 . 5)Rhinox . 6)havingfitz/Klick/Kcdaspot . 7)kushm4sta . 8)skitzomaniak . 9)pisskop . 10)SiX/GuyInFreezer . 11)Jake from State Farm . 12)bjc . 13)evilpacman18

Mini 1556: Greetings Without Spain [10] : Modded byBicephalous Bob  !!Replaced out!!

04MAR14 - 23APR14

Replaced Out of Game 01APR14 [11], post 570, D2

Role: Mafia Goon, Won, Alive

  • Playerlist:
  • 1)pisskop/RedCoyote . 2)ICEninja . 3)d3x . 4)ika/Titus . 5)TrevorP/Thomith/Equinox . 6)Kcdaspot/Rubicon . 7)Kthxbye . 8)Lord_Farkwad/Rhinox . 9)Gooner/Aisa/evilpacman18 . 10)Xayzeck . 11)Lucresia/N . 12)Konowa/PrivateI/havingfitz/idk

Mini: 1553 Gone jeeping [12]: Modded by jmo16mla  !!Replaced out!!

12FEB14 - 09APR14

Replaced Out of Game 31MAR14 [13], post 1428, D3

Role: Town Doctor, Lost, Slot NKed N3

  • Playerlist:
  • 1)DOBO/lobstermania . 2)pisskop/Aegor . 3)Does Bo Know . 4)TvK . 5)bjc . 6)Squirrel Girl . 7)discode/Garmr . 8)Terminal Apathy/TrevorP/Kreacher . 9)SiX . 10)neil1113 . 11)4nxi3ty . 12)Keybladewielder/Farside22 . 13)Thesp

Open 546: Fire and Ice [14]: Modded by Rubicon

04FEB14 - 20Mar14

Role: Vanilla Townie, Won, Lynched D2

  • Playerlist:
  • 1)Dry-fit . 2)Gooner . 3)Haylen . 4)jklash12 . 5)jmo16mla . 6)mastin2 . 7)fontisian/Misaka Mikoto . 8)ObsessedWithCats . pisskop . 9)Shadowcat . 10)Surye . 11)Titus . 12)3dicerolling/Edosurist/Zekrom25

Newbie 1473 Modded by Zaicon

Newbie 1473[15]: 24JAN14 - 05MAR14.

Replaced into game post 134[16] (29JAN14).

Role: Vanilla Town, Lost, Lynched Day02.

  • Playerlist:
  • 1DizzyDotRocks . 2)dwsnsl5 . 3)Jargonaut/Cervantes . 4)Nachomamma8 . 5)Naio . 6)NicCage . 7)Nobody Special/Smudger . 8)pisskop/dragonunicorn . 9)T S O/Winifred

Mewbie 1468 Moddeed by Malakittens

Newbie 1468[17]: 11JAN14 - 03Mar14.

Replaced into game post 189[18] (22JAN14).

Role: Vanilla Town, Lost, Night Killed N1.

  • Playerlist:
  • 1)emeraldemon/Michael Jenkins . 2)Zekrom25/alongtimeago . 3)Jmo16mla/justkelly . 4)Dragearen . 5)Kaboooom/SunsetSabre . 6)pisskop/Milady . 7)Jake from State Farm . 8)innocentvillager . 9)JasonWazza

Italian Ice Modded by GuyInFreezer

Newbie 1471[19]: 20JAN14 - 27FEB14.

Replaced into game post 825, Day01 (01FEB14)[20].

Role: Vanilla Town, Won.

  • Playerlist:
  • 1)fferyllt/ika . 2)bjc . 3)TierShift/Crown . 4)pisskop/Rob W . 5)Wisdom/Hayate/Yagami/Lynch Me Bro/PurpleBandit3000 . 6)emeraldemon 1 . 7)RayFrost . 8)Sakura Hana/AbboTT . 9)Nachomamma8

Bread Mafia Modded by penguin_alien

Newbie 1467[21]: 1-Shot Bulletproof Town, Lost, Lynched Day02. 09JAN14 - 14FEB14.

Day Ends: Day01[22], Day 02[23], Day03[24]

  • 1)PichuVSLink . 2)Kenobi . 3)pisskop . 4) Brilliant Maniac . 5) Naio/Jimmy_Raynor . 6)Lootifer . 7)Espeonage . 8)RayFrost . 9. Nachomamma8

The Room of Shadows, Modded by Bulbazak

Newbie 1462[25]: 30DEC13 - 11MAR14.

Replaced into game post 150[26] (06JAN14).

Role: Mafia Roleblocker, Won, Alive

  • PlayerList:
  • 1)Pisskop/Winifred . 2)3dicerolling . 3)MTD/Supasaru . 4)Displaced/MrHyde/Cheesetovey' . 5)Luca Blight . 6)Imkingdavid/Clammy . 7)Notreallygood . 8)Notscience/Om . 9)Nachomamma8

Mafia Plain and Simple Modded by havingfitz

Newbie 1454[27]: 19NOV13 - 05JAN14.

Role: Mafia Roleblocker, Won.

  • Playerlist:
  • 1)Xayzeck . 2)ObsessedWithCats/Cadmean vixen . 3)NJAC/Louis14 . 4)pisskop . 5)innocentvillager/Sebster123 . 6)T S O . 7)BBmolla/thenewearth . 8)geraintm . 9)RachMarie