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Accelerated start

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Authored November 3, 2009 by zoraster

Accelerated start is a theory, as of yet unimplemented.


The rules are:

  1. Before the game starts, each player is assigned randomly a person who they start out voting for, but no player may be put closer to lynch than L-2 to begin with.
  2. There is NO unvoting (changing votes to another person is allowed)
  3. ONLY applies to day 1. All other days revert to normal rules, including allowing unvoting.
  4. Otherwise lynching works as normal (a majority of votes are needed to lynch, etc.)

The attempt is to offer a slightly different random voting stage. While obviously no one is accountable for their first random vote, their actions after this point necessarily take on meaning. By not allowing unvotes, it makes it so that each player must at least stick their neck out a little during each vote. Presumably, many will vote for a player with few votes to start to try and get things back to the status quo, but even this might glean town some information.

This is something that I'd like to try in the future, but I've been working on a couple of other small mechanic tweaks (Plurality Voting Lynch + 24 hours Real Time Mafia), and I don't want to overburden a game with complications, especially before I'm able to determine the effects of the new complications.

Make no mistake: this is a small change, but it MIGHT lead to less boring starting days.