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About Me

I'm a person.


Town Win% 0% (0/2)
Mafia Win% 0% (0/1)
Werewolf Win% - (0/0)
Serial Killer Win% - (0/0)
Total Win% 0% (0/3)

Completed Games

Newbie 1554: Gelato

Moderator Role Entry Fate Outcome
GuyInFreezer Town Tracker Start Endgamed D3 Mafia Win
My first game. Kinda bogged down with inactivity due to it occuring over the course of every fall/winter holiday, and not much discussion occured. Which was pretty much to the direct detriment of town. With nothing to go on the game was pretty much a crapshoot, and I wound up losing the game for town by not tracking the right people and by casting the losing vote in lylo D3...

Newbie 1565: Shakespeare Quotes Mafia

Moderator Role Entry Fate Outcome
Bulbazak Mafia Goon Replaced In D1 Lynched D2 Perfect Town Win
Scum team btfo. I had a good start and did a good job of looking town. I pretty much decided to play as if I actually were town; there were points where I had to remind myself that I was on team mafia. But after our IC, xReckonerx, replaced out, and GoodMorning replaced in, we were pretty much screwed, as she quickly deduced who the scum were, led the lynch against Belisarius the mafia roleblocker, and then I went and got myself lynched D2.