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I did have ideas about what I would put here but they changed. They probably will change again.
Playing History Summary
(aka what people come here for) (see AxleGreaser/GamesList for links)
Forum Games not on Mafiascum (prior to joining MS)
6 Games
3 Town: Zero wins
3 Scum: One win
Details of those games? Not relevant as I've changed and so has the environment.
Significant Games on MafiaScum
(This wont include every game (currently does), but will be selected list of games updated and chosen when I don't have role PM) It will also include forward looking statements about games I will play in.
The flavor of the pending (pre in) game, may mean I need some prior disclaimers. So I will make them just in case the game turns out to be played that way. On the other hand we may just lynch people.
Newbie 1505 Vanilla Town: Loss
A getting to know you/me game. Merits: I posted quite a bit, and wrote walls, reading it ought give some insight into what happens behind the curtain. Limitations: Its a newbie game, hence not like games which are not. Its my first game here, and I have zero games here before it, I now have many(infinite) times more games on MS that I can expect other players may look at, hence all future games wont need to be as self contained as that one was.
Pending Pre In ... AKA in the works
Pre game notes.
- I expect fewer walls, and significant difference as it is a not for newbies game, hence base assumptions are different all round.
- Although I expect fewer walls, however if the game turns out that way there might be even more walls, or worse yet walls of AxleLogic.
- Dear, AA9 sorry, that I got your spot.
GoodMorning Said
This is a disclaimer: I have nothing against the Republican party as it existed under Nixon. I have quite a few things against the modern Republican party. Flavour will mainly be actual quotes from the actual candidates.
I however do have things against the Republican party as it existed under Nixon, and now, and in the future. Mainly I have the things they said and or did, which is pretty damn good considering how far from them I live and vote. but as they vaguely resemble the things the pollies said in my country, I thought I'd spread the love around.
I am however an equal opportunity, pollie basher, and my in game quotes (or bastardised quotes (for enhanced parody)) may well come from people that were officially not on the right wing side of the fence but performed above and beyond in the upper class twit stakes.
So please don't take offence at any parody I happen to make during the game. Also in parodying RW pollies (hence repeating what they said but in parody) I may cross some lines as I am too far from the States to know what is PC. Blackface for instance is not as known to be taboo in my country, neither is references to strange fruit. Indeed me even knowing what strange fruit was would indicate that I knew what it was, and felt it viscerally. Also Im not just throwing sticks across the Pacific as my nation has had its hands in the quasi genocide pie too. Dragging such stuff into the light is the one thing it cant stand, hence the white hoods.
No scum will live in poverty(want for a noose) by Day3 Drink and give speech you bloody Idiot either that or he's a 'Posterior'
Changes here, now probably closed until after the game. (depending on how long takes for the game to come up)