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Two-Fold C9++
C18++ is an experimental 15 player semi-open setup designed by Kaiveran, that is currently under consideration for running in the Open Queue barring some tweaks under LlamaFluff's guidance. Inspired by the failed Two-Fold C9, this game uses a randomization system similar to C9++ but in a Multiball format. Role modules are distributed to the town that work against a specific scumteam.
- This setup uses a Daystart
- Scum choose which of the assigned power roles they get Pre-Game.
- Cops/Seers are guaranteed to be sane
Generating the Setup
First, roll 7 random numbers 1-70 to determine Mafia roles and anti-mafia modules. Each number is turned into a letter as follows:
- 1-35 = T
- 35-50 = C
- 51-60 = D
- 61-70 = I
Role modules are accumulated depending on how many of each letter are generated. For example, when looking at the "C" list, look at how many Cs you received and add the corresponding roles. If you get no Cs, do not add any roles from the C list (exception: "T" list has a set of roles to be added if 0 Ts are generated). If you draw more letters than are listed in a category, just reroll and try again.
Scum Roles
TTTTTTT = Goon + (Godfather/Ninja)
TTTTTT = Goon + (Godfather/Ninja)
TTTTT = Goon + (Godfather/Ninja)
TTTT = 2 Goons + (Roleblocker/Spy)
TTT = 2 Goons + (Roleblocker/Spy)
TT = Goon + (Roleblocker/Spy) + (Godfather/Ninja)
T = Goon + (Roleblocker/Spy) + (Godfather/Ninja)
0 Ts = Spy + Roleblocker + (Godfather/Ninja)
Abilities are chosen pregame
C Roles
C = 1-Shot Cop
CC = Cop
CCC = Cop, 1-Shot Cop
CCCC = 2 Cops
CCCCC = 2 Cops, 1-Shot Cop
CCCCCC = 3 Cops
Cops are guaranteed to be sane.
D Roles
D = Doctor
DD = Doctor + 1-Shot Doctor
DDD = 2 Doctors
DDDD = 2 Doctors + 1-Shot Doctor
DDDDD = 3 Doctors
I Roles
I = Tracker
II = Tracker, 1-Shot Tracker
III = 2 Trackers
IIII = 2 Trackers, 1-Shot Tracker
IIIII = 3 Trackers, 1-Shot Tracker
Now repeat the first step, now rolling for the following wolf roles and anti-wolf modules.
Scum Roles
TTTTTTT = Werewolf + (Master/Stealth) Wolf
TTTTTT = Werewolf + (Master/Stealth) Wolf
TTTTT = Werewolf + (Master/Stealth) Wolf
TTTT = 2 Wolves + Wolf (Roleblocker/Shaman)
TTT = 2 Wolves + Wolf (Roleblocker/Shaman)
TT = Goon + Wolf (Roleblocker/Shaman) + (Master/Stealth) Wolf
T = Goon + Wolf (Roleblocker/Shaman) + (Master/Stealth) Wolf
0 Ts = Shaman + Roleblocker + (Master/Stealth) Wolf
C Roles
C = 1-Shot Seer
CC = Seer
CCC = Seer, 1-Shot Seer
CCCC = 2 Seers
CCCCC = 2 Seers, 1-Shot Seer
CCCCCC = 3 Seers
D Roles
D = Guardian
DD = Guardian + 1-Shot Guardian
DDD = 2 Guardian
DDDD = 2 Guardians + 1-Shot Guardian
DDDDD = 3 Guardians
I Roles
I = Stalker
II = Stalker, 1-Shot Stalker
III = 2 Stalkers
IIII = 2 Stalkers, 1-Shot Stalker
IIIII = 3 Stalkers, 1-Shot Stalker
Cop only detects Mafia, Seer only detects Werewolves
Doctor only guards the Mafia kill, Guardian only guards the wolf kill
Trackers and Stalkers work a little differently; they reliably track all actions, except kills. The wolf kill is invisible to Trackers, and the Mafia kill is invisible to Stalkers.
The final step here is to compare the Power Tiers between the Scum, and award one side a helpful role module based on the difference.
- Tier 1 vs. Tier 2 = Tier 1 team gets a Traitor (Mafia) or Defector (Wolves)
- Tier 1 vs. Tier 3 = Tier 1 team gets a JOAT module (Power Cop*, Roleblock, Self-Tailor)
- Tier 2 vs. Tier 3 = Tier 2 team gets a (Strong Will/2-Shot Self-Tailor) module.
^same as Spy/Shaman power.
Determine the amount of Wolves and Mafia, then add a number of townies until the game has 15 players.
Then, randomly distribute the role modules to everyone who counts as town, according to the following rules:
- No player may have more than two role modules.
- No player may have two modules belonging to the same category of roles.
- Traitors/Defectors may not receive powers that work against their favored team.
Example Role PM's
forthcoming, not sure how to tackle
check here for example setups.
Nothing yet.