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22, architecture grad in California. I have the bad habit of signing up for too many games at once so if I lurk/replace out of yours, please don't take it personally. I'm told I have a very transparent playstyle, though it changes a lot with every game I play. Here's a wiki anyway.


Newbie 1176 (Lost in crash)

Mod Entry Role Team Status Outcome
Crazy Started Mafia Rolecop Mattman/Fionnabhair Lynched, Day 3 Town win, Day 3
My first game of forum mafia contains a lot of fumbling around as I attempted to fake town play (without ever having played town before). Day 1 was cake - sitting back as a belligerent townie got himself lynched. We noticed Praetyre playing cautiously and killed him, thinking he was a PR (he was Cop!). My partner had plenty of experience from another site and looked super town to everyone until she made a BAD slip and got lynched for it. Implosion was then able to lead a PoE lynch on me. I'm not proud of this game because I kind of just rolled over once my lynch gained traction. Still, I think I got to learn some aspects of basic scumplay.

Newbie 1354: Pirate Mafia

Modded by Entry Role Team Status Outcome
quadz08 Started Mafia Goon BebbZ/Diabolik Survived Scum win, Day 3
I wasn't happy about rolling scum again. This game was an experiment in an aggressive playstyle that was unnatural to me. At game start, Notscience's odd newbie play generated a lot of confusing noise. I tunneled him, picking up on inconsistencies in his play, but he didn't get hammered and we had to wait until his Day 2 lynch. I had a general strategy to either eliminate the most experienced players or get them on my side. We rolecopped the IC, The Acting Method, then killed him the next night (he was Cop) before he could completely confirm his clear. The final day I played closely to Ms Marangal by letting her develop a confirmation bias towards DoctorPepper and following her movements. We convinced town to lynch during 6-P MYLO by saying a no-lynch would result in the same situation the next day, only with Autti (our presumed clear) gone. I was pretty proud of my play this game since I managed to stay completely out of the line of fire, being townread by most. TAM even said I was the scum MVP!

Newbie 1379

Mod Entry Role Team Status Outcome
Messiah/Zaicon Replaced in Day 3 Vanilla Townie Antagon, fferyllt, goodmorning, Karnage, Saki, theslimer3 Survived Town Win, Day 3
My first replacement game and also my first town win! This game was severely disrupted by replacements (even the mod!) and I inherited a slot that, despite leading the lynch on scum Day 1, wasn't confirmed. It was a unique situation because all possible-scum players were replacements, unable to answer for their Day 1 actions (and our clears weren't being of any help to discussion). At first town seemed to be in agreement that Sakura deserved rope, but then I got paranoid and started to see everything Ffery did through a scum lens, doing a lot of back-and-forth guesswork. When Sakura self-voted, Ffery thought me fencesitting scum. Sakura could have nearly pulled off a lynch on me until she got tired of the day dragging on and self-hammered. This game showed me I like playing town over scum for sure.

Newbie 1382

Mod Entry Role Team Status Outcome
Zaicon Started Town Cop Mr. Flay, Kattaze, Mutleyddmc, notscience, rmpeacoc, Xiao Long Killed Night 2 Town Win, Day 5
Pretty interesting game. I rolled Cop and was pleasantly surprised that my play seemed to be transparent enough to get townread by everyone. Then I found out: a near-universal townread, while great for making friends, was problematic for survival. I ended up investigating Xiao, who I thought would make it to endgame, and Mr. Flay, who I wanted to be able to cooperate with. Too bad I was killed before I could confirm my town results - I was clueless as to how breadcrumbs work, and omitted them altogether. Kattaze was a pretty awesome Doctor who correctly chose to save me Night 1, but unfortunately he WIFOM'd and let me die Night 2; Night 3 he saved Xiao. He afforded town enough time to find scum, even after several bad mislynches. Scumteam started brilliantly - I didn't even start looking in the right direction till I was dead. I'm glad the right people were around at endgame.

Newbie 1386: Junior Noir

Mod Entry Role Team Status Outcome
Maestro Started Vanilla Townie TheIrishPope, Rank, Nachomamma8, TheGreatOne, homertve, maverick_alpha Killed Night 4 Scum Win, Day 5
Lackluster performance from me. A late Tracker claim Day 1 caused us to no-lynch, and he died that night. I had difficulty scumhunting and spent most of my time trying to make my intentions seem open and genuine to other townies. I thought I could recognize town!Mara from a previous game, but didn't realize I was wrong until others had built up a big case for her. After we lynched her, town looked to be having a comeback, but the next day went into a standstill due to inactivity. TGO was massively lurking but refusing to replace out, coming around occasionally only to proclaim how much he didn't care about the game (he was later modkilled for not playing to his wincon). I fatally determined Likeabauss as town due to his convincing case on me. At MYLO, I started a quicklynch on TIP that really shouldn't have happened without analyzing the nightkill. Yeah, even thinking about my play here makes me die a little inside.

Newbie 1398: Can You Spot The Scum?

Mod Entry Role Team Status Outcome
yabbaguy Started Vanilla Townie JasonWazza, enomis, Siegfried, Wilma, T S O, notscience Survived Town Win, Day 4
Enjoyable game hosted by a great mod! Day 1 I spent a lot of time shouting back-and-forth with JasonWazza only to sort him town, and after that helped mislynch a newbie. Day 2 I got sidetracked on Baezu (whose reads ended up being almost 100% accurate). Notscience's replacement was a boon to town, breaking up Day 2 momentum for the better (similar to Newbie 1382). Guyett flailed and claimed Tracker, outing the true one. I didn't wise up till he flipped that I had been looking in the completely wrong direction, but the scumteam made some off-color kills that helped me PoE. I think my biggest mistake was refusing to rethink Kaze, my strongest town read from Day 1, who ended up being scum. I was quite impressed that this was his first game. In 3-P LYLO he and I crossvoted, and a confirmed Jason hammered for the win on Day 4.


Micro 152: Battlestar Galactica

Mod Entry Role Team Status Outcome
AngryPidgeon Started John Cavil, Mafia Goon buldermar Lynched Day 4 Town Win, Day 4
My first foray outside of the Newbie forum, which showed me I still had a ways to go in learning the ropes. AngryPidgeon came up with a cool flavor setup! Overall I had a really difficult time faking my reads or pursuing leads on anybody, and I think I hid behind the "I'm a newbie" wall too often for it to feel genuine. I lurked a lot :(. Buldermar and I fell for Nero's fakecrumbing and nearly fell for Malakitten's too. I think our mistake was not killing Orcinus when he was obvtown right out of the gate; unfortunately for us he was a Role Cop. I observed some great scum play from my partner and town play from the others. Buld told me early on to try to forget my wincon and not stress about micromanaging, advice which I've since tried to incorporate into my games.

***As a side note, this game caused me to watch all 4 seasons of BSG in about 2 weeks right before finals, so there's that LOL.***


Mini 1477: BANG! Mafia

Mod Entry Role Team Status Outcome
JasonWazza Started In Progress

Mini 1487: SpyParty Mafia

Mod Entry Role Team Status Outcome
xxRECKONERxx Started Yvonne Pennyweather, Partygoer Lynched Day 3 In Progress

Salt n Pepper (Hydra with DoctorPepper)

Mini 1475: War in the Middle East Mafia

Mod Entry Role Team Status Outcome
Majiffy Started Egypt, Town Even-Night Vigilante Titus, Your Troubles Will Cease, Purpkin, T S O, killerjester, Amrun, waynegg, runnerman, Baezu Killed Night 3 Town Win, Day 5
Game started out as a clusterfuck when Wayne decided to dayvig during RVS (for a gambit that ended up not working). We vigged him to end WIFOM. Town played a pretty horrible game at times but luckily, scum was even more horrible (screwing up fakeclaims, flailing when accused, disappearing from the game completely). TSO and Killerjester prevented town from going astray, in my opinion. DP was a great partner to have for a first hydra - we have similar ability and scumhunting methods, and we found ourselves compromising well. Overall we ended up being right about 2/3 scum, but definitely could have pushed harder.

Modded Games

Coming soon!