Win rates
0-2-0 (Total - 0%)
0-2-0 (Town - 0%)
0-0-0 (Mafia - 0%)
0-0-0 (Anything Else - 0%)
Completed Games
(asterisk signifies game won)
Ongoing Games
- Judge, Jury and Executioner
- Newbie 1272
- Newbie 1278*
- Mini 1372*
- Mafia in La-La Land*
- Micro 24*
- Newbie 1286*
- Political Corruption Mafia
- Newbie 1288*
(asterisk signifies still living)
Road to Rome (Newbie Games)
Newbie 1272
Newbie 1278
Newbie 1286
Newbie 1288
Central Park (Open Games)
Northern Forest Archipelago (Micro Games)
Micro 4
Game Link
- Moderator
- ChaosOmega
- Set up
- Double Day Unlimited
- Game started
- Aug 9 2012
- Player list
- Yosarian2
- Fate
- Maestro
- Jarvis
- Om of the Nom
- N
- IceGuy
- Albert B. Rampage
- Mehdi2277
- Game ended
- Sep 05 2012
Dead QT Mafia QT
- My thoughts
- The first game I ever started in! I didn't play very well at all, and was on all of the lynching wagons, including two hammers of town (Om day 2b and Maestro day 3 in lylo). Day 1, I cracked under pressure from Jarvis to vote for IceGuy, but Jarvis's play was seen as outright scummy and was lynched pretty quickly afterwards. Day 2, I then used the same reasoning (that one must be scum) to vote both Fate and Om, which backfired. Day 3, lylo was probably the most stressful experience I've had on site; I was so unsure of myself that the lylo probably took as long as the rest of the game put together. Maestro and Mehdi voted for each other and left the final decision to me. Unfortunately, I chose wrong and let the town down.
My info |
My Role |
Entered |
Died |
townie |
from start |
endgame |
Micro 18
Game Link
- Moderator
- gorckat
- Flavour
- Train Station in Winter
- Set up
- closed normal
- Game started
- 21 Aug 2012
- Player list
- McStab
- ChannelDelibird
- Salamence20
- shos
- N
- PMysterious
- DarkLightA
- Malakittens
- evilpacman18
- Game ended
- 31 Aug 2012
Dead QT Mafia QT
- My thoughts
- This was my first completed game! Day 1 was focused on Salamence, with most people pointing suspicion his way. Salamence ended it early by self-hammering. I was then killed night 1 because I had shown suspicion toward CDB, and I didn't read the thread very heavily after that. Apparently my kill was one of the main reasons CDB was under suspicion day 3 and self-hammered. In lylo, shos had planned a huge case on Malakittens and manipulated PMysterious into voted for Mala before she'd even posted. The whole game was over in 10 days.
My info |
My Role |
Entered |
Died |
Townie |
from start |
killed n1 |
Night 1
my actions |
death |
role |
N |
Townie |
Micro 24: Whose Tit is Tat
Little Italy (Mini Normal Games)
Mini 1372
Coney Island (Mini Theme Games)
New York (Large Normal Games)
Theme Park (Large Theme Games)
Judge, Jury and Executioner
Game Link
- Moderator
- IceGuy
- Game started
- Jul 21 2012
- Player list
- StrangerCoug
- AurorusVox
(Teleporting Speed Hippos)
- BloodCovenent
- Nero Cain
- guille2015
- Thor665
- Quilford
- GreyICE
- Nocmen
- WrathChild
- Ser Panda
- Knight of Cydonia
- TheShadow
- DoomYoshi
- Mastermind of Sin
- N
- D3f3nd3r
(Scott Brosius)
- Axelrod
- Arugula
- Sir Bastion
- Ended
- 4 Oct 2012
Dead QT Mafia QT Mod QT (spoilered Dead QT)
- My thoughts
- I loved the idea of this theme, which is why I replaced in. I was new to the site at the time, and the sign ups stated you had to have completed (I think) 2 or 3 games on-site; so when IceGuy looked to be getting desperate for replacements, I sent him a PM begging him for entry if he had no other applicants in whatever time-frame. As soon as I came in, I received a lot of suspicion - I like to tell myself that it was because people didn't like whispersilk's lurking, but it was probably my playstyle. At this stage, my whole game experiences consisted of two incomplete micro games - one which had barely started and I got killed night 1 (micro 18) and one in which I had helped lynch IceGuy (as a townie in micro 4) but which had not ended yet - so it's fair to say I was very inexperienced. The first thing I remember doing was offering to hammer D3f3nd3r, but stepping back after he claimed VT - I did not know at the time that VT was the go-to claim for scum (even though he turned out to be a VT anyway), which got AurorusVox very angry at me for some reason. In the Dead QT, I stated that if AV wasn't scum I never wanted to play with him again, so I guess I've blacklisted my first person.
- The fact that this ended up a perfect mafia win really spoiled it for me. The two main problems were that the mod forgot to include a (quite powerful) town PR, and that hammers were so easy to achieve (because you could double vote, you only needed a quarter of the town to be voted for someone to get them hammered.
- Jury QTs
- night 1
- night 2
- night 3
- night 4
- night 5
Mafia in La-La Land
Political Corruption Mafia