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EPYC 2: Chains of Glory/Chain 23

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Chain 23: KittyMo's Chain

8. KittyMo - Phrase

"Your guess is as good as mine."

15. SpyreX - Picture

23 1.jpg

36. Mist7676 - Phrase

"Both men were equally confused, one had broken his arm, and God showed that he was happy."

23. Xalxe - Picture

23 2.jpg

40. Moospiker - Phrase

"Two men, one with broken arm, are confused by cloud's message: 'Broken arm = happiness"

27. Rhinox - Picture

23 3.jpg

38. bvoigt - Phrase

"We were confused by the notion that arm flotation devices create happiness."

25. Shanba - Picture

23 4.png

28. Porochaz - Phrase

"The group were astounded that the butterfly-man was happy to be drowning."

21. Gammagooey - Picture

23 5.png

32. Korts - Phrase

"Popped collar douchebags make blowjob faces at the gay faerie of the lake."

19. Thor665 - Picture

23 6.jpg

6. AntB - Phrase

"The wanderer has found something a little more than he bargained for."

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