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Nobody Special

From MafiaWiki
Revision as of 04:23, 24 August 2011 by Nobody Special (talk | contribs)
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Hey, I'm Nobody Special. Really.

This wikipage is currently not in service.

Anticipated date of update and resumption of service: December 2010 February/March 2011 April 2011 ...any volunteers?

I'm not going to be updating this anytime soon, sorry. Feel free to if you feel the need.

This largely coincides with me taking a bit of a break from playing. I will probably keep modding, because it makes me feel wanted/needed/loved. (A 'bit of a break' is defined, currently, as two to three games at a time, rather than 7 or 8. Addiction is, truly, hell.)

To do:

  • Open Game & Open Game setups pages need links to list of Open Games Category (once I find it)
  • Newbie 1069 Day 2 ties with 13 posts
  • Update Modding page

Modded so far:

(As of 7-26-11)