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Commonly Used Abbreviations
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This page contains a list of (hopefully) all the abbreviations used on mafiascum which are peculiar to this site. It does not include general internet slang, for which you can go to this list.
If you can't find what you are looking for on this page, try the Glossary.
Game-Related Abbreviations
- AFAIK: As Far As I Know
- AtE: Appeal to Emotion
- BWCS: Best Worst Case Scenario. This is most commonly used when there is a claim of a Vanilla Townie to argue that that player should be lynched (if they are scum, well and good; if they are Town, no power roles were lost).
- EBWOP or EBWODP: Edit By Way Of (Double) Post. Because actual editing of posts in mafia games is forbidden in most games, the only way to "edit" a post which contains an error is to make another post containing the correction.
- FTFY: Fixed that for you. Usually said under quotes that have been altered for truthery.
- GG: Good Game. Equivalent to "Congratulations".
- IIoA: Information Instead of Analysis
- IME: In My Experience
- IoA: Information over Analysis. Similar to IIoA.
- Iso (or ISO): Isolation. Usually refers to reading a player's posts in isolation. You can view one person's posts "in Isolation" by using the "Display posts from previous" drop down boxes at the bottom of every page.
- IGMEOY (or IGMEOU): I've Got My Eye On You
- FoS: Finger of Suspicion. Used to indicate that you find someone suspicious but are not going to vote them, for whatever reason (often because you are voting for someone even more suspicious).
- HoS: Hand of Suspicion, used when a Finger of Suspicion is not enough to convey the extent of your suspicion.
- L-1: Lynch minus one. This either refers to the second-to-last vote before a lynch is obtained, or a state where a player only needs one more vote to be lynched.
- L-#: Lynch - number, The number indicates how many votes a player needs to be lynched. Eg, in a 9 player game, a player with 3 votes on him is at L-2 (5-3).
- LyLo: Lynch-Or-Lose. This is a stage in the game where the town must lynch scum or they will lose the game.
- MFoS: Middle Finger of Suspicion. Probably self-explanatory given what FoS means.
- MyLo: Mislynch and Lose. A stage in the game where the town can no-lynch safely. However, should they mislynch instead, it is likely one of the town will die the next night, resulting in a scum victory.
- NK: Night Kill, specifically the scum's factional kill.
- OMGUS: Oh My God You Suck. While occasionally used on its own as an insult, it's usually used as an inferred reasoning for purely retaliatory actions. For instance, an OMGUS vote on someone is one made purely on the basis that they are voting for you.
- PbPA: Point by Point Analysis. This is a detailed analysis of (usually one player's) posts.
- PEdit: Preview Edit
- PL: Policy Lynch
- PM: Private Message
- PoE: Process of Elimination
- PR: Power Role or Post Restriction, depending on context.
- QFT: Quoted for Truth(ery). Said after a quotation to express agreement/approval.
- RQS: Random Questioning Stage, analternative to the Random Voting Stage for starting a game of Mafia. This has one player posing either a survey to all players or a separate question to each player.
- RTFT: Read the F*cking Thread. Self-explanatory.
- RVS: Random Voting Stage. Most Mafia games start with a phase wherein people vote for silly reasons, until someone slips up or makes a legitimate accusation.
- sus(s): Suspicious
- SK: Serial Killer
- V/LA: Vacation/Limited Access. A catch-all term for "unavailable due to MeatWorld constraints".
- VI: Village Idiot. Not to be confused with the player Vi.
- VT: Vanilla Townie.
- WIFOM: Wine in Front of Me.
- YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary -- Generally, your interpretation may be different
Mafiascum Abbreviations
- BaM: Bad at Mafia. This can refer to a playstyle, but more often refers to a ruleset.
- C9: The old setup for Newbie games played on the Forum, or more generally any basic seven-player game. See C9 for details (including the origin of the name).
- F11: A setup formerly used for Newbie Games played on the Forum. Click here for details.
- GD: General Discussion
- GL: The Grey Labyrinth puzzle forum, from which mafiascum was spawned.
- IC: Inexperience Challenged. Refers to the "teaching" position in Newbie Games.
- MD: Mafia Discussion
- SE: Semi-experienced. This refers to nominally experienced players with no extra responsibility in Newbie games.
- TWSOGMM: The Whole Sort Of General Mish Mash. This is the forum for non-Mafia games.
Abbreviations of Player Names
- ACM: AClockworkMelon
- ABR: Albert B. Rampage
- BD: BattlingDragon
- BJ: Baby Jesus
- BK: big_kahunia
- BM: Battle Mage
- BC: BloodCovenent
- CA: ChocolateAttack
- CDB: ChannelDelibird
- CES: Cogito Ergo Sum
- CLA: cheeky-little-asian
- CMAR: CryMeARiver
- CPE: creampuffeater
- CTD: CrashTextDummie
- CKD: Curiouskarmadog
- d_o: death_omen
- DB: Dani Banani
- DCJ: Darkcoffeejazz
- DDD: Debonair Danny DiPietro
- DGB: Dripping Goofball
- DH: Dean Harper or DemonHybrid
- DLA: DarkLightA
- DoS: DragonsofSummer
- DP: Dragon Phoenix. (DP1, DP2, etc, refer to games modded by Dragon Phoenix)
- GL: GreenLiquid (not to be confused with the Grey Labyrinth)
- GW: GhostWriter
- HH: HackerHuck
- IKD: Imkingdavid
- IS: Internet Stranger
- K: Kise
- KK: Kublai Khan or Kill-kill
- LB: LyingBrian
- LML: LoudmouthLee
- MBL: MrBuddyLee
- MBF: mikeburnfire
- MM: Mellowed Man
- MME: My Milked Eek
- MoI: MagnaofIllusion
- MoS: Mastermind of Sin
- NTW: NanookTheWolf
- PB: PeaceBringer or PolarBoy
- PEG: pickemgenius
- PJ: petroleumjelly or Panzerjager
- POTS: Penguins of the Serengeti
- PTMB: PookyTheMagicalBear
- RAJ: rajrhcpfreak
- RC: RedCoyote, Rosso Carne, or Robocopter87
- S8: Snailman8
- SB: Starbuck
- SC: StallingChamp or StrangerCoug
- SK: SaberKitty, SaintKerrigan (but see also the role of Serial Killer)
- SL: ShadowLurker
- STD: Save The Dragons
- SSF: Somestrangeflea
- SV: spectrumvoid or Shattered Viewpoint
- TS: Toaster Strudel or Twistedspoon
- TSS: the silent speaker
- TV: Turbovolver
- VPB: VP Baltar
- VRK: Vel-Rahn Koon
- YB: yellowbounder or YogurtBandit
- YoYo: YoYoGuy435