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RadioScum is the unofficial internet radio station of MafiaScum, currently run by JDodge and Flameaxe, with technical know-how and hosting provided by hohum.
Listening links can be found in the thread in GD. The current show schedule can be found here.
The following programming list is in alphabetical order by DJ name.
Pandora's Box
Mondays 8-10 AM EST/2-4 PM GMT'
Taking a single song submission from a Scummer, abusing Pandora, and churning out a 2-hour setlist of what I didn't cringe at the sound of.
Saturdays, Noon-2PM EST, 4PM-6PM GMT
Join ChannelDelibird on Saturdays for two hours of music with a pinch of international flavour, some off-topic ranting about whatever he's seen this week, several outrageous lies, and almost no cricket references.
DeathScum 2011
Saturdays, 10PM-1AM EST/2AM-5AM GMT
Because I can't think of anything more clever.
Musical A.D.D.
Tuesdays, 11AM-1PM EST/3PM-5PM GMT
Mostly just whatever Pie feels like playing. Possible ideas for a more "solid" show include album-of-the-week or themed playlists, however, they are not currently implemented.
JD's Album Reviews
Mondays and Wednesdays, 10AM-11AM EST/2PM-3PM GMT, Fridays, 11AM-Noon EST/3PM-4PM GMT
Join JD on Mondays and Wednesdays as he works his way through the albums he's missed over the years with wit and criticism. Also join him on Fridays as he brings you his favorite albums, uninterrupted for your listening pleasure.
Song Contest Weekly
Fridays, Noon-3PM EST/4PM-7PM GMT
JD brings you his thoughts on this week's Song Contest entries, or the results live via full audio-out-the-ass glory.
JD on the Weekends
Saturdays and Sundays, 9PM-10PM EST/1AM-2AM GMT
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
waiting on description
Miscellaneous Musics
Mondays, 8PM-9PM EST/Midnight-1AM GMT
obv misc stuff
The Core Hour
Wednesdays, 8PM-9PM EST/Midnight-1AM GMT
like core music (hardcore metalcore etc etc)
It's All Easy Thursdays
Thursdays, 8PM-9PM EST/Midnight-1AM GMT
like pop punk stuff
Desert Island Discs
Tuesdays, 7PM-8PM EST/11PM-Midnight GMT
MafiaScum users pick their ten songs to take to a desert island each week.
Seraph's Guerrilla Radio
who knows
it exists.
waiting on description
Mafia & Mashups
Fridays, 7PM-8PM EST/11PM-Midnight GMT
Each week, Reck will play new mashups (or old but good ones), and have a guest or two on to discuss mafia theory, recently completed games, or just get drunk and shoot the shit. Warning: Reck will likely be drinking during these chats.