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Goo Proud founding member of the Screaming Death Clan

Fate is an enigmatic player who has always existed. His playstyle changes every game with the shifting sands of time.

He discovered mafia by chance after a traumatizing real life experience. It was something akin to "love" (if Fate could love) at first sight. But it wasn't chance, it was Fate.

Current Destiny


Won: 18

Lost: 22

Lynched: 9

Killed: 20

Survived: 12


Won: 5

Lost: 0

Lynched: 1

Killed: 0

Survived: 4

Game History

New York

Number Mod Role Result Fate Comments
[Mafia 112: Ridiculous Drama] Dramonic Vanilla Townie Won Killed N2 Scum got rolled. Had em all nailed D2 except for one. Guess that's why I died. -The Scum PRs were mostly NK'd. Birth-place for the Screaming Death Clan.
[Mafia 117: The Vanillaside] Hoopla Vanilla Townie Lost Killed N4 Pretty good setup. Pretty awful town. We outed two useful power roles in the first cycle, hammering the vig without even a claim. We then had two very scummy players lynched back to back. When I was shot Hoopla asked me to guess the scumteam and I had gotten it 2/3 right. I had the third one pegged D1 and D2 but I backed off when Red_Coyote replaced in and did much for that slot.

Little Italy

Number Mod Role Result Fate Comments
[Open 207 -Vengeful 5p] ODDin Vengeful Townie Lost Lynched D2 I put a townie at L-1 early on in D1, and scum quickhammered. The scum was vengeful killed, and then we lost in LyLo when the other townie hammered me. Easy quick loss, at least.
[Open 206 -Trendy and Subversive C9] DarkLightA Mafia Goon Won Survived Very unsatisfying win. Town had two liabilities that even farside couldn't overcome. One townie was quick hammered by another townie D1, who then claimed scum at LyLo and was lynched. Power roles didn't even have a chance to claim.
[Mafia in Sienna] Darkstrike 11 Vanilla Townie Lost Lynched D4 Replaced into CA/Budja's slot. Double replacing is fail. Helped lynch the SK and then the Godfather, but I was still lynched D4 for fabricated "buddying" between me and the godfather. Though my first catch up post after I replaced into the game had the whole scum team nailed.
[Open 199] Papa Zito Mason Won Killed N1 Originally a Mason who was killed N1, I replaced back into Yawetag's slot (one of the other masons) on the final day. This ended up winning the game for town because the mafia who I suspected to have killed me was in LyLo with me, and we quicklynched him for the win. If Yawetag had remained he would have hammered incorrectly, and lost it for us. It was a good twist of Fate.
[Mini 934] Col.Cathart Mafia Goon Draw Lynched D2 Damn you PGOs. I reluctantly call this a draw as Col's ruling stands. My team got to MyLo and mislynched a townie so I feel it as a personal victory.
[Mini 944] MrSuave Vanilla Townie Lost Lynched D2/Endgamed Lulznote: Replaced in again after I died. After my second replacement I voted the scum who hammered me, but a townie was at L-1 and I hammered him. It was MyLo but I thought it was OK because we had a CPR doc who could vig, but he vigged the BP scum... bad loss. I should've tried to turn the train around at MyLo in retrospect.
[Mini 994] Elliebereth Godfather Won Survived Epic win against an epic player list of my favorites. A few people blame the Godfather+Weak Cop combination but I wasn't even confirmed until N4 so this could've gone against me real fast.
[Caffwagon Invitiational] Patrick Townsperson Won Survived Replaced in D2, helped quicklynch scum. We quicklynched scum the next day as well. I thought my play was pretty epic because I re-read the thread BACKWARDS from when I replaced in, and only read three pages or so before nailing both scum. Would've loved to have played with Yosarian and Ether hydra.

Coney Island

Number Mod Role Result Fate Comments
[The Fountainhead] HowardRoark Watcher Lost Endgamed Failed with my watcher role. Scum recruited a traitor the night that I watched the claimed JOAT, so it made me think the JOAT was gambiting as scum because I knew no one targeted him (he claimed Bulletproof for that night). The last scum nokilled the last day and I watched him instead of RC, which would have role confirmed the JOAT. Lessons have been learned: think more.
[Whedonesque Mafia] TonyMontana Insane Cop Lost Lynched D4 This game! I was an insane cop who investigated a dead guy N1, (knew my sanity was off), and then the godfather N2. However N3 is where I lost it, I had correctly investigated the goon, then switched to a townie at the last minute. This made me think I was paranoid and had the scum team pegged. I was lynched in LyLo, even though Farside was being bussed by her buddy.
[Precision Mafia] RedCoyote Townie Lost Lynched D4 Cobalt played an excellent scum game. He bussed both his teammates early on and lurked until endgame, where I got voted by the remaining townie. We had a good game going until the mason's recruited wrong and had to suicide.
[Weeds Mafia] xRECKONERx Townie Neighbor Won Killed N1 Mason N1 Death counter: 2. Why am I the obvkill choice when I'm a mason? Who knows, I had one scum nailed D1 with another active player, but we didn't end up lynching him. Town ended up winning thanks to Ythan single-handedly winning the game for town.
[Malthusis' Alternate Reality] Malthusis Mason Lost Killed N1 Seriously these N1 Mason deaths are getting ridiculous. ESPECIALLY when I wanted to use my one-shot roleblock on scum. Oh well town WIFOM'd itself when scum claimed a daykill that made no sense.
[Furry Mafia] StrangerCoug Vanilla Townie Won Survived Replaced out D2 or D3, but then I replaced back in for LyLo and hammered scum. A pretty sweet win because the person who replaced me was leaning hammering the townie who had been put at L-1 quickstyle D2.
[Mixology Mafia] OhMyGodLife Town Abadoned Quit D1 Awesome mechanics, good player list, flaked mod. Ah well, can't have it all can we.
[Bastard Mass Effect] TonyMontana Serial Killer Lost Killed N4 Damn bastard modding. I screwed up my fakeclaim because someone's Avatar didn't match their role.
[The Wire Mafia] MacavityLock Wiretapper Won Killed N3 Scum got rolled this game. I got a guilty N1 with my role, we lynched scum who had faked a PR D1, and I put heavy suspicion on the final scum (a Godfather) before he killed me and claimed to have vigged me.
[Square Enix II: Siege of Obscurum] Kise Shadow Lord Won Survived MPR and Bv310 as town? Easy mislynches are easy. Scum with daykill and ability to make the whole town L-1 at LyLo? Town that aren't paying attention and letting scum do all the talking? This game couldn't have been made easier for me. Fun game, not a lot of pride points though.
[Advance Wars: Mafia Rising] AlmasterGM Hachi Lost Lynched D5 Awesome mechanics, good player list. I had the scum team nailed at LyLo like usual, but this time a townie was tunneling on me and another townie for a good few days and it lead to my eventual lynch. At least I only get lynched in LyLo...
[Quick and Dirty] Jahudo Townie Won Survived My scumdar was spot on this game, catching both scum within about 5 pages. Needless to say town won the game in one phase by lynching and shooting the two scum.
[The house of Claudius] mykonian Town Neighbor Won Survived Scum played pretty poorly. One scum fakeclaimed detective at L-4 on D1 which he then later screwed up the next day. Ellie was a one-shot compulsive vig that shot scum N1, and my neighbor and I had the scumteam figured out in our QT N1 as well.
[Troll Mafia] Zorblag Troll Lost Lynched D2 Fuckin bullshit guilties. DGB+Ellie scumteam made for some havoc, plus the traitor being recruited is how I got framed. Meh, two tracker set-up really threw town off.
[Mafia on Holy Orders] Vi Righteous Lost Killed N1 ALWAYS WITH THE GETTING KILLED N1. My reads were off, but I think I would have re-calibrated down the road. Awesome set-up, disappointed I didn't get to play it.
[Spontaneous Bastard Mafia] zwetzschenwasser Mafia Loner Won Survived Fun as hell bastard mod. So many awesome things happened this game. I became unlynchable as the last mafia member (I didn't know who my teammates were) I was recruited by SpyreX into his cult, so I had to make sure SpyreX would win. He was also a jester so I had to hammer him in endgame. Before that happened, two townies exploded themselves on a mislynch I pushed, a townie asked to be dayvigged by the mod, and I killed the mod the day before LyLo and he lost. What an epic win.
[Inception Mafia] TonyMontana Yusuf Lost Lynched D6 I still don't know what was going on this game. Domm got flavor cleared though and claimed vig as scum, and just coasted. Town did stupid things by lynching me the most powerful townie, though I don't count it against my record due to replacing in.
[Random Mafia 2] MafiaSSK/Vi Ongoing gonjng ongoig Random bullshit.
[Black & White Comic Book Mafia] CallMeLiam' One-shot Vig Lost Killed N1 Sweet role! GRRRR DYING N1!! I shot scum with it, but he was bulletproof for fuck's sake. I also had all three scum nailed very early into D1, but we ended up lynching a really poorly made claim by town. And then scum killed me and coasted to victory.
[SuperHero Mafia] jasonT1981 Survivor Lost Modkilled Modkilled for being a jerk apparently. I got the scumteam down, but then said scumteam claimed that they were both town so I backed off based on scummier targets. I don't regret my play this game, the town's was much worse and they mislynched a cop who faked an obvious fake guilty the day before.
[Aqua Team Hunger Force] Untrod Tripod Ongoing Ongoing Ongong Sweet role!ut I wasn't even confirmed until N4 so this could've gone against me real fast.
[The Dresden Files] TheButtonMen Ongoing Ongoing Ongong Sweet role!ut I wasn't even confirmed until N4 so this could've gone against me real fast.
[The Big Game] mykonian Vanilla Town Lost Endgamed Mafia lightning-rod that coasted all game and buddied me stole the win in LyLo. I mishammered because I tried to out-guess the mod as to why there were no nightkills and figured the last scum was doing a gambit cop claim to get the real cop lynched. Oh well.
[The Prisoner Mafia] Zorblag Ongoing Ongoing Ongong Sweet role!ut I wasn't even confirmed until N4 so this could've gone against me real fast.

Theme Park

Number Mod Role Result Fate Comments
[Seemingly Normal Mafia] Jebus Townie Won Lynched D2 Lynched the same day I replaced in. I suppose I didn't act too townie this game, as I was focused on PYPII. Ended in a weird town win.
[PYPII] Spyrex Town Bomb Lost Endgamed Very fun game. I had the scum pegged near the end and almost had the scum vig, but then I switched onto a Town Vanilla and we mislynched and lost the game. A frustrating loss, but a great experience.
[PYPIII] Spyrex Town Vanilla Won Survived Nailed scum D1 through ESP. D2 I was suspicious of but the tracker ending up outing him, and D3 I nailed scum once again. Very satisfied with my play, but I think the setup balancing helped the town out a lot. Tried to draw a night kill by fakeclaiming cop, but I drew a Jailkeep action at least. Got neighborized by scum, AGAIN, and was fooled until that scum got gunsmithed.
[Rapture Mafia] Budja Citizen Lost Endgamed Crazy long game. Had the scum pegged (SpyreX) for the most part, but the rest of the townie's play was so horrible I didn't even care that I was lynching someone who was basically role confirmed. Their play was that bad, seriously.
[Go Play in Traffic!] StrangerCoug Cop Won Ejected D2 Ejected from the game D2 for a joke. After nailing the scum Roleblocker D1. I'm counting this as win, deal with it. Oh town lost after I replaced out because my replacement didn't get a single useful inspection after my I was ejected AND got himself mislynched as one of only two pro-town power roles. This game is worth a read for laughs.
[Wisborg Asylum] Knight of Cydonia Innocent Won Killed N1 Good stuff. Free win thanks to set-up
[Of Gods and Men] Kinetic Miller Reviver Won Survived An extremely long game that I approached interestingly. I didn't read the roles come massclaim time and just sheeped obvtown. Me botching my own town claim came into play later by getting the Cult Leader lynched, a success I attribute to myself and Mina.
[Gears of War Mafia] Shotty to the Body Bulletproof COG Lost Lynched D4 Sweet role! But then Reaper had to go and fuck everything up voting me when there was a secret voter out there and scum was at L-1. He thought the WHOLE scumteam outed themselves on a townie and didn't hammer, voted me, and then I was quickhammered. I had the setup and the scumteam pegged mthe instant I died. Frustrating loss, and I gave up my avatar because I failed to keep my town win promise.
[Cross Edge Bastard Mod] Dramonic Vote Freezer Won Survived Loved my play this game, hated Benmage's. He fakeclaimed a guilty on me D1, forcing me to use my ultimate and turn into a vanilla. My ultimate put me in a 1v1 with someone with only one of us being able to be lynched. I overcame my urge to choose Benmage and had scum targeted instead.
[Square Enix III: Stigmatic Opera] Kise Mason Juggernaut Won Killed N3 Sweet role! But of course Chronopie had to be my damn mason buddy, he scummed it up and outed us both D2. Glork outed the connection between us because of how scummy Chrono was, and then we both died N3. Scum ended up killing eachother to win the game, it was pretty unbalanced considering we lynched scum correctly out of all the days. As usual I nailed scum D1 but the wagon moved off of him due to Glork.
[It's Always Sunny Mafia] xRECKONERx Town Bulletproof Miller Won Survived What an insane role. I fakeclaimed Miller Princess D1, and people bought it. I then drew a nightkilll from scum the final night, and we did a pretty good job. Except for Sociopath making me lynch the obvtown Tracker.
[Reck Mad Mad Mad Mad Mind] Kise Neighborhood Watcher Lost Killed N4 Got to be neighbors with Sociopath, which was awesome. Outed a mason-confirmed scum with our action N1, awesome. Then bastard serial killers won the game. Meh
[Alphabet Mafia] Fate X Lyncher Lost Killed N2 A quadruple lyncher that had no chance of winning. I was made a lover with Parama by Benmage D1, nailed a ton of scum in the two days I was alive, and had gotten one of my lynchees lynched. Then both friggin scum shot me the same night... If I were Bulletproof this would have been cake.
[/invitational 11: Pick Your Poison 5] Kise Vigilante Lost Endgamed I fucked town over real hard. Damn SpyreX, damn not reading the rules, damn outing myself for no reason.
[Magician's Mafia: The Hypnotists] petroleumjelly Watcher Lost Killed N1 Had scum in my sights D1, and almost turned the wagon on them, but gandalf's role claim was so eerily similar to his username I got mindfucked. I was then immediately killed, and then PM's Ellie 3/4 the rest of the scumteam and nailed them.
[The Lord of the Rings Mafia] Plum Imrahil Won Survived Truly epic game. We only had one mislynch due to poor town play, but other than it was gravy. First time hydraing with Reaper, he balanced me out pretty well and knew the flavor. We gambited like crazy, and we also were the only one to completely nail down who Gollum was. Too bad we let him quickhammer and win with town.
[Ocarina of Time Mafia] Reckamonic Ongoing Ongoing Ongong Sweet role!ut I wasn't even confirmed until N4 so this could've gone against me real fast.
[Spotaneous Bastard Mafia II] zwetschenwasser Ongoing Ongoing Ongong Sweet role!ut I wasn't even confirmed until N4 so this could've gone against me real fast.
[Stars Aligned III] Percy Ongoing Ongoing Ongong Sweet role!ut I wasn't even confirmed until N4 so this could've gone against me real fast.
[StrangerCoug's Worst Nightmare IIIS: The Dungeon] StrangerCoug Vanilla Townie Won Survived Pretty sweet game with an awesomely accurate daykiller Antihero. I replaced in, tunneled on Parama because he was being terrible, got frustrated with poor town play, then lynched Chronoscum lurker. I was then immediately killed by the last scum, who got daykilled in a blaze of glory.
[Mostly Mountainous] bouncy.bouncy Ongoing Ongoing Ongong Sweet role!ut I wasn't even confirmed until N4 so this could've gone against me real fast.
[PYPIV] SpyreX Ongoing Ongoing Ongong Sweet role! But I wasn't even confirmed until N4 so this could've gone against me real fast.
[Objection Redux] Faraday Vanilla Townie Lost Killed N2 Nailed 2/3 of the scumteam by page 4. Satisfied with my play this game, unsatisfied with vezok, who's inability use his neighborizer role to confirm himself at all (by not actioning, and by submitting it on people who were obviously going to die) forced AGM into the same situation I had in Rapture. Lose to scum playing well and feel okay or lose to scum playing fucking horrible and never get over it.
[Gorrad's Favorite Fictional Characters Mafia] Untrod Tripod Ongoing Ongoing Ongong Sweet role!ut I wasn't even confirmed until N4 so this could've gone against me real fast.
[DEFCON Mafia 2.0] AlmasterGM Ongoing Ongoing Ongong Sweet role!ut I wasn't even confirmed until N4 so this could've gone against me real fast.

BaM Moderator History


Paradise Mafia-town lost a lynch due to a mason flaking. Pretty regrettable, but I thought it was a balance. Good starter game to get on to REAL set-up designing.
Battle of Alcatraz-town win due to unfortunate scum play, and the towniest scum hitting the Reflex-Cop N1. The Serial Killer fared better but made a terrible slip in his fakeclaim and was hammered in LyLo.
