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  • Age: 19
  • Location: England
  • Occupation: Student
  • I stumbled across mafiascum in May 2006, while on utopiatemple.

My Completed Games

Newbie games / C9 setups

  • Newbie 224 (The Mickey Mouse Club) modded by Nai. Town wins.
  • Role: Mafia (lynched day 3):
  • My first game of mafia. Didn't play it too well, on day one I made alot of newbiescum mistakes. Somehow avoided being lynched until day 3 when I was rumbled by the cop and couldn't explain away my day 1 actions. There was alot of lurking in general.

  • Newbie 253 modded by MeMe. Town wins.
  • Role: Townie (killed night 2)
  • I was happy to get my first win ever. Day 1 we mislynched on a scummy townie, but the doc stopped a kill on me night 1 and day 2 the cop claimed. We worked out who the scum were by process of elimination, helped by a dodgy counterclaim attempt by one of the scum.

  • Newbie 267 (Go Pop!) modded by Save the Dragons. Town wins.
  • Role: Townie (survived)
  • A good game, which had me doubting on more than one occasion. The cop played a slightly odd game so that the scum wouldn't nightkill him, it paid off in the end when I trusted him in the endgame.

  • Newbie 289 (Powerpuff Girls Mafia) modded by Thok. Scum win.
  • Role: Townie (lynched day 2)
  • Probably my worst performance to date. Also the first time I was lynched as town. I played vaguely on day 1 and made some unfortunate comments that tied me to the scum we lynched. The last scum played very well.

  • Newbie 280 modded by logicticus. Town wins.
  • Role: Normbot - Townie (survived)
  • A 26 page marathon, longest newbie game ever. High quality discussion, and numerous twists and turns along the way. One of the most enjoyable and nervewracking games I've played in.

  • Newbie 309 (Fuwochichi v The Sandwich Army) modded by Save the Dragons. Town wins.
  • Role: Townie (survived)
  • A weird newbie game. A small flavour issue led to the very experienced cop outing himself as non vanilla in his very first post, and I had difficulty trusting him all game. However, he bagged us a guilty on day 2 before being killed on night 2. In the endgame, the scum voted for me early, but I managed to outalk him FTW. Nervewracking endgame.

  • Pie C9 modded by mith. Scum win.
  • Role: Mafia Roleblocker (survived)
  • Not a newbie game, but I include it here as it is closer to a c9 than anything else. The setup of 3 townies, 1 doc, 1 cop, 1 mafia and 1 mafia roleblocker is interesting and needs to be tried more. In this case the win was fairly easy and the town didn't really get going.

  • Pie C9 2 modded by bird1111. Town wins.
  • Role: Townie (survived)
  • The second version of the pie c9 setup. Day 1 was long and fairly pointless, with a townie being lynched. Night 1 the doctor stopped a kill on me. On day 2 we squeezed the scum with a well planned massclaim. The scum conceded early when they were in a hopeless situation.

  • Cop c9 modded by Thok (replacing Sarcastro). Scum win.
  • Role: Townie (endgamed)
  • An open setup of 4 townies, 1 cop, 2 mafia. Terrible play by the cop ended up in us lynching him on day 1, when an overeager townie hammered him without waiting for a claim. Day 2 I was completely clueless about who the scum were, and could even have got quicklynched, though in the end it happened to the overeager townie. Well played by scum.

  • c9 modded by Glork (replacing Max). Town wins.
  • Role: Townie (killed night 1)
  • A c9 setup, but without the newbies. Day was really stagnant and we even managed to lynch our doctor. I was glad to be killed on night 1. On day 2 the cop claimed with an innocent result and was believed. The town was able to pick out the 2 scum from the 3 main suspects left and won.

Mini Games

  • 100 mph mafia modded by Arafax. Scum win.
  • Role: Townie (killed night 2)
  • Ugh a painful game this one. I was attacked most of my time alive by one person for no reason, in the end I gave in to my frustration and took part in his lynch even though I had doubts. I had one scum pegged before being killed off. The scum did well at leading the town around and letting the town argue amongst themselves. The fast day mechanic hurt the town alot but this was well balanced by the fact that there were only 2 scum.

  • Starcraft Mafia modded by Infested Jerk. Scum win.
  • Role: Townie (killed night 2)
  • Another game I would rather forget. The setup was heavily against the town. I played ok in not being suspicious and nailing the SK, but other than that, I never particularly had a solid idea of who the mafia were. The mafia took advantage of their oppotunities.

  • 101 mph Mafia modded by Arafax. Town wins.
  • Role: Townie (killed night 1)
  • The sequel to 100 MPH Mafia, and it couldn't have been more different. This time the town got all the lucky breaks. Arafax added one extra scum to the setup, but gave the town some strong power. Scum strangely killed me on night 1 instead of the claimed doctor, and this allowed the cop and deputy to claim on day 2 and start confirming people.

  • Mlakerville modded by mlaker. Town wins.
  • Role: Town Priest (killed night 3)
  • It's finally over! We lynched scum 1-2-3-4 without a mislynch. The game ended in some confusion though, with a possible 5th scum (!!) being modkilled.

  • Vengeful Mafia modded by CrashTextDummie. Town wins.
  • Role: Townie (Survived)
  • A 5 player game. A decent all around win for the town, with no mislynches. Another setup which I enjoy playing in, as you can see by the fact that I signed up for the second one.

  • Vengeful Mafia 2 modded by Romanus. Scum win.
  • Role: Mafia Goon (Survived)
  • The lack of discussion really hurt the town here.

  • Vengeful Mafia 3 modded by spectrumvoid. Scum win.
  • Role: Townie (endgamed)
  • Same comment as for the last game could apply here. I didn't play too well, nor did the rest of the town.

  • Mini 358 modded by Fortify. Town wins.
  • Role: Doctor (killed night 1)
  • Not the best played game by a town by any means, but we stumbled through it in the end. I didn't play a big part; I was forced to come out on day 1 to counterclaim scum.

  • Doomsville 2 modded by Machiavelian-Mafia. Town wins.
  • Role: Protown copycat (killed day 2 by the day SK).
  • A weird and high powered setup, featuring a day serial killer and a mafia recruiter. My role turned out to be weaker than I'd expected it to be. The town actually didn't play that well, with the daykiller taking out two members of the mafia before being lynched in the endgame.

  • Nightless Mafia modded by spectrumvoid. Town wins.
  • Role: Townie (lynched day 6)
  • 8 townies v 4 mafia, no nights. I played poorly, but overall, a strong win for the town, that never looked in much danger of losing after lynching scum days one and two.

  • Ben and Jerry's Mafia modded by DrippingGoofball. Scum win.
  • Role: Napolitan Dynamite - Mafia Goon (Survived)
  • An ice cream themed game which contained some unusual roles. Strong power on both sides. I replaced in on day 1, and was happy to be with two awesome scumbuddies;) I looked clean throughout much of the game, though on the last day the flavour/roleclaims forced me into a tight spot. Luckily there was one guy who had a weaker claim than me, and he was lynched for the win. Enjoyed being scum in a group bigger than two for the first time.

  • Old Maid Mafia modded by MrBuddyLee. Town wins.
  • Role: Suicide King of Hearts - Protown Doctor (Survived)
  • Definitely the most complicated game I've ever played in. Probably the longest mini I've ever played in too. Activity was somewhat erratic, and the last scum was actually modkilled for inactivity, though by that point the result was already decided. An interesting setup and an enjoyable experience.

  • The Amazing Race Mafia modded by pablito. Town wins.
  • Role: Fern - Protown Inventor (killed night 3)
  • A nicely constructed and modded game by pablito, featuring a mafia, daykillers, an inventor and more. My role was quirky, with a variety of abilities that I could try, though I didn't know what each did until I used it on someone. A highly frustrating game, in which I was subjected to a one man crusade for the best part of my time alive, which luckily didn't lose us the game. After I was nightkilled, said player made the right choice in the endgame for the town win.

  • Saints and Sinners Mafia modded by Rosso Carne. Abandoned.
  • Role: Archangel - Doctor (Survived)
  • A fun open setup game, which was unfortunately abandoned on day 3. Town was in a strong position, partly due to the excessive amount of flavour in the game.

  • Mormon town 3 modded by Kain. Abandoned.
  • Role: Jew - Mason (Survived)
  • A heavily religious themed game. My first time as a mason, but my partner was killed off on nignht 0. Average scumhunting success for me; hard to say who would have won if the game had continued. The game stagnated on day 2 when the mod simply vanished.

  • Ye Old Porte Towne modded by Vaughn. Abandoned.
  • Role: Pirate - Cult leader (Survived)
  • A pity this game was abandoned, as I was looking forward to playing as cult leader. I had decent success in finding rival scum, as did the town. I think I would have had good chances of winning this one.

  • Monks and Masons modded by Brizzyboy. Abandoned.
  • Role: Werewolf (Survived)
  • An interesting setup for an open game, with two scumgroups. Unfortunately, player activity was terrible and the game had to be abandoned.

Games still going

  • Scrubs Mafia (Smalltown 2) modded by Adele.
  • Role: John Dorian - Protown martyr (killed night 1)
  • Currently day 3.

  • Communique Mafia modded by MeMe.
  • Role: ???
  • Currently day 2.

  • Julius Caesar Mafia modded by PBug.
  • Role: ???
  • Currently day 1.

  • Lights Out 2 modded by Rainbow Brite.
  • Role: ???
  • Currently day 6.

  • Newbie 304 modded by MgM.
  • Role: Sheep - Townie (killed night 2)
  • Currently day 3. I replaced in on page 4.

  • Newbie 313 modded by Maz Medias (replacing AndrewS).
  • Role: ???
  • Currently day 2.

  • Newbie 364 modded by Mr Flay.
  • Role: Townie (killed night 1)
  • Currently day 2.

  • Face to Face Mafia modded by Mr Stoofer.
  • Role: ???
  • Currently day 4. An invitational 15 player game.

  • Pie c9 3 modded by CrashTextDummie.
  • Role: ???
  • Pregame stage. The third installment of the pie c9 setup.


  • Open 9 - Basic Twelve Player. Town wins.
  • 23 pages
  • A reasonable win for the town, despite losing their doctor on night 0. The scum were on the back foot for most of the game, after one of them got lynched on day 1.

  • Sicilian Mafia
  • Ongoing game.

  • Mafia 61 - No Theme Mafia
  • A large New York game, currently day 2. Originally I was the backup mod and AndrewS was the mod, but he has disappeared, so I've taken over.

Record so far: 17/23.



Here is a breakdown of my roles in completed games (does not include abandoned games). As can be seen, I have alot of vanilla. Note that mafia goon also accounts for just plain mafia, as in newbie games.

  • Vanilla Townie: 14
  • Doctor: 2
  • Cop: 0
  • Vigilante: 0
  • Roleblocker: 0
  • Town Priest: 1
  • Copycat: 1
  • Inventor: 1
  • Mafia Goon: 3
  • Mafia Roleblocker: 1