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YouChoose is a mafia game varient developed for Chat Mafia. The players send in a role name to the Game Moderator. The moderator will then create a role based around the role name. Sometimes players may fish for a particular role type (for example, fishing for Mafia by sending in 'Don Corleone'), but trying to 'outwit' the mod in such a manner generally does not work. YouChoose games have not yet been run, but have been declared as being officially awesome enough to never need to be run.

Invented by Brutal Assassin.

Brutal Assassins Totally History of YouChoose

Whilst sitting in Scumchat one evening, the people in the room were trying to determine what kind of game variant to play. I suddenly had this great idea to play a game where the players make the rolenames instead of the mod! Jdodge suggested we call it "YouChoose" since the players choose the role names! It was such a great idea and I invented it.