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Kokusho's Gambit

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Revision as of 11:24, 27 March 2018 by Mathdino (talk | contribs)
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Kokusho's Gambit involves an informative role claiming a different informative role's result on someone in the hopes of drawing out more information and countering potential fakeclaims along the lines of Sketchwick's Gambit.

When to Use

The player is a Power Role with information strongly suggesting another player is scum, such as:

  • A Cop with a guilty result.
  • A Tracker who tracked their target to the nightkill.
  • A Gunsmith with a "has a gun" result.
  • A Roleblocker who blocked someone while no one died the previous night.


As an example, a Cop with a guilty might claim a Tracker guilty result on someone. While the cop has no idea whether the person in question targeted anyone, it is typically tantamount to suicide for scum to claim that the gambitter is lying and that they targeted nobody. Oftentimes, the target will attempt Sketchwick's Gambit, and claim something in line with the claimed result, such as that they did in fact target the person who died. The Cop would then claim their original result, proving the target was lying.

This can be unusually effective even if the gambitter is known for using this gambit. After all, "Maybe he really is a tracker this time," while being a WIFOM, is a possibility too strong to ignore.


  • A Cop claims a Gunsmith guilty to draw a Vigilante fakeclaim.
  • A Tracker claims a Cop guilty to draw a "targeted no one last night" fakeclaim.


This gambit was popularized by Kokusho of MTGS, in the IRC Channel #mafia.