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Mathdino/Permian Period

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Mathdino   Carboniferous Period (2013)   Permian Period (2014)   Triassic Period (2015)   Jurassic Period (2017/18)   Modded Games    

The diversification of reptiles.

This was basically how I became a power player. Learned basic things in the vein of charisma, scumhunting, getting what you want done, not getting lynched, etc. Improved at setup spec, and this was around the time that I picked up gambitting.

It's actually really crazy to see how much more I roll town than scum. Hell, one of my greatest scum skills (PR hunting) was picked up from having to PR hunt as town in a few of these games.

I think my favourite games from this time were Jurassic Park Mafia (riveting experience) and Hilariously Unbalanced Mafia (for the gamebreak I designed).

The Permian Period: 2014

Mini 1616: Guardians of the Galaxy

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme Aronis Town Peter Quill, Thief Started Survived Abandoned
Not much to say about this game, mostly involved me translating GreyICE with a post restriction and bickering all game with a scum hydra of Nachomamma8 and SleepyKrew. Abandoned after the modkill policy was misinterpreted. By the mod.

Mini 1617: Mafia with a Twist 2

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme Thesp Town Vanilla Townie Started Vengekilled D1 Town Win!
The game where I'm way better at looking town than catching scum. Really enjoyable D1 (fun read), at which point the mod gave the townie we lynched a vengeful shot and he decided to kill me. Game then went into Methodical Mafia and town won.

Open 574: Stack the Deck

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Open Saki Town Roleblocker Started Survived Abandoned
I don't remember much about this game (it was abandoned D2 because of mod error in the setup). Looking through my ISO, it looks like my entire D1 was dead wrong, but I managed to block texcat's kill on N1, and then went into a scumpool of {texcat, randomidget, Albert B. Rampage, wgeurts, Riddleton}, 3 of which were scum. So not bad!

Open 582: Stack the Deck

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Open Anatole Kuragin Town Innocent Child Started Survived Town Win!
This game has a special place in my heart. Because 574 was abandoned, we managed to get a different mod to run the same setup with the same playerlist (meaning we all had good meta on each other). Rolled IC, decided to play with a more hands-off style. Ended up, in no uncertain terms, solely scumreading the entire scumteam by the end of D1. Lynched scum D1, vig killed scum N1, scum kept me alive for WIFOM. Town mislynched without me on D2, but we won it on D3.

Possibly my best scumhunting effort ever.

Open 575: Friends and Enemies

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Open reinoe Town Vanilla Townie Started Killed N4 Mafia Win
This game was a majorly mixed bag. I helped powerlynch 2 scum in a row on D1/D2, but then we mislynched twice and had to deal with 2 modkills on town, sending town into 3p LyLo with a mason who chose wrong. I'd like to think my reads were okay, considering I knew who the last scum was by PoE by the end of D4 (my friend was playing and I had a good townread on him), but I was obviously killed for WIFOM too soon to do anything about it.

Reluctant to count it because of double modkill, but c'est la vie.

Micro 407: Jurassic Park Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Micro ArcAngel9 Town Compsognathus, Vanilla Townie Started Survived, Won Town Win!
One of my favourite games I've ever played. We mislynched town twice in a dysfunctional cesspool of activity, sending us into 5p LyLo. Beck had been tunneling BlueBloodedToffee the previous day, and was killed. So we had a Neighborizer, claimed Tracker, and claimed Watcher, with a guilty on BBT. We narrowed down the possible scumteams to Mathdino/Pine, fferyllt/BBT, Pine/BBT, and Scripten/BBT with setup spec and votes.

Then I proceeded to vote basically everyone else in the LyLo, knowing scum didn't have daytalk, and caught Pine signalling a quickhammer on fferyllt. Lynched BBT then confscum Pine, and won, at the cost of giving fferyllt a proper heart attack.

Open 576: Enemy of My Enemy

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Open Voidedmafia Town Vanilla Townie Started Survived Abandoned
Mislynched town D1, then a scum player decided to ragequit and out their scumteam. Apparently I had pretty decent reads though! REROLL.

Open 576.1: Enemy of My Enemy

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Open Voidedmafia Werewolf Werewolf Goon Started Replaced out Town Win
My first scumgame, and of course it's in multiball. I'd like to think I played pretty decent, considering I faked a townslip that fooled Mastin2! I scumslipped later on, which GreyICE figured out, and then I replaced out because a player admitted to replacing into all my games solely to harass me (they got banned later). And then my successor got shot by GreyICE that same night.

In a way, this was a loss, because my successor didn't do anything.

Mini 1622: (Hilariously) Unbalanced Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme mastin2 Town Gunsmith Started Survived, Won Town Win!
The setup was basically tailored to encourage counterclaims left and right, naturally punishing counterclaims. Luckily, town didn't buy into that. Mislynched a cop on D1, but then lynched all 3 scum in a row with a combination of good teamwork and a complete setup-break designed by me.

The Permian Extinction: 2014

Mini 1624: Joss Whedon Mafia: The Musical

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme Bulbazak Town Universal Backup Started Replaced out Town Win
Played as a hydra of me and a RL friend. Middling performance, scumread 2/3 scum, but also made ourselves a major wagon because hydras are weird. Replaced out due to workload.

Open 577: Hope Plus One

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Open theelkspeaks Mafia Mafia Goon Started Replaced out Mafia Win
A very good scumgame in terms of nightplay that I unfortunately siteflaked out of. Filled up pages of distancing with a Wake88/House hydra early on, got our mislynch. Then I managed to PR hunt the whole setup over the next few days. Shot cop N1, doc N2, and had a scumbuddy counterclaim the last doc D3 and powerlynched him (unfortunately picking up a lot of scumreads in the process).

After I flaked, mastin2 replaced into my slot and helped win 5p LyLo.

Open 579: Pick Your Power X/Y

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Open insanity018 Town Vanilla Townie Started Vigshot N3 Town Win
Exciting game in one of my favourite setups. Had pretty bad reads through the game (mislynched town twice and was not on the D3 scumlynch). I was copchecked on N1, which the cop crumbed heavily to the point of getting shot. I thought this would clear me!

But alas, a paranoid Aneninen couldn't figure out how I guessed everyone's roles (quality PR hunting) and vigshot me on N3. Town figured it out without us.

Luckily I at least got killed before I siteflaked, so this counts as a win.

Mini 1628: Rick Santorum Saves Christmas

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme xRECKONERx Town Bill Donahue, Vanilla Townie Started Died on "N3" Mafia Win
Hilariously flavoured game, apparently I choked to death on a black dildo I got for Christmas after D3 ended. Otherwise I don't remember much about my play, other than that I tried to break the game mechanics and died in the process.

Micro 431: Noughts and Crosses Mafia

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Micro Empking Town Vanilla Townie Started Lynched D2 Mafia Win
A mafia game based around tic-tac-toe mechanics. Looking through it, scum was in exactly the right position to draw the game out until LyLo, unfortunately. Interesting setup, but swingy by role distribution.

Anyway, lynched scum D1, and nailed T-Bone as the second scum until I played Dumb Or Scum and assumed he was dumb. Had to lynch myself on D2 for mechanical reasons. Town lost in 3p.

The only time I've ever self-voted as town, for possibly the only good reasons other than deadline lynching.

Mini 1631: Mafia with a Twist 3

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme Thesp Town Vanilla Townie turned Insane Cop Started Replaced out D2 Mafia Win
Barely remember this game even though it had loads of memorable people. Apparently I spent most of D1 on a vanity wagon trying to lynch scum, which was good, but I also townread the other two scum, which was bad. Siteflaked, and my slot later got lynched on D5.

Don't know who could be reading through this, but this is a hilarious post in retrospect.

Mini 1633: Non-normal Mafias

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Mini Theme CooLDoG Town Town Doctor Started Replaced out D1 Mafia Win
Siteflaked a couple days after this game started. Nothing really worth commenting on.

Open 581: Making Friends and Enemies

Game Type Modded by Faction Role Entry Status Outcome
Open Armageddon Town Vanilla Townie Started Replaced out D1 Town Win
Hahahaha. What a game to end this on. I hydra'd with a RL friend of mine under CorpsesInEthanol and decided halfway through to post solely in metred rhyming poetry. Even V/LA'd with a poem.

Looks like I stayed active a little longer in the games I'd been in longest (the Opens), but otherwise, I siteflaked right around Christmas 2014.

I guess Rick Santorum couldn't save Mathdino's Christmas.