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UC Voyager

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Revision as of 08:51, 25 November 2017 by UC Voyager (talk | contribs)
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Back Ground UC Voyager (Tyler Roper) is a user who started in September of 2017. He is known for his Star Trek references.


2 scum win, 0 scum lose, 5 town lose, 2 town win

Mini Normal-Mod: Mulch-Mafia win

Role: Non Consecutive Jail Keeper

UCV came off to a great start, but fell behind. He started to get lost. The thread was moving to fast for him, but he eventually sorted everything. He instantly scum read Boon, who was mafia. He also had a scum read on Torenga, who was also scum. his third scum read was Tchill, who wasn't scum. the scum team managed to get UCV to l-1 very early in day one. he was frced to claim Non Consecutive Jail Keeper. They managed to lyncha townie at the end of the day. the first night, He tried to jail keep Tchill. He of coarse died that night. He was killed by Sub4Hire, who he didn't have a scum read on.

Noobie-Mod: Cabd-Mafia win

Role: Vanilla Townie

UCV did very poorly in this. despite the fact he figured out the scum by the time he was lynched. He claimed VT super early. Another player pushed him really hard. UCV tried to warn him that he would get lyched the following day resulting in two townies miss lynched, but the player did not listen. UCV was lynched day two, and the player who had pushed him was lynched day three. UCV followed in dead thread til the game ended in the last 10 min of day four with a mafia win!

Noobie-Mod: Cabd-Town win

Role: Vanilla Townie

UCV came off to a decent start in this game. He had a scum read on one of the scum right off the bat. He eventually changed his vote to another player, who was scum. That player convinced UCV he wasn't scum, so UCV changed his vote to a townie. this is where he went downhill. He tried to find a read, but couldn't find one. In the end, he was lynched day one. TO the towns luck, they got the first scum the next day, and the last scum day three!

Micro Greatest idea-Mod: Micc-flawless scum win Role: Mafia GodFather

UCV did amazing in this game. It was a very scum sided set up, but he still did good! this game ended after night one ended. day one, UCV lurked a little, but made contributing posts. He tried to look like he was being useful. the first day ended in a town mason miss lynch! TO UCV's luck, he wasn't even on the wagon! that night, the scum team planned to kill one of the other masons then try to get the last mason miss lynched, but to their suprise, a town PR targeted a Paranoid Gun owner, and was killed. that was the fourth dead townie and then the scum team had completed their wincon!

Micro Shut up and vote-Mod: ChessKid3-scum win UCV tried his best in this game, but it is hard when all you can do is vote and quote! there was a miss lynch day one, and the scum tried to frame him by voting the person who voted him day one, so UCV had to convince a nother player he wasn't scum with the little he had! he tried to point out how the scum tried to turn on the other townie, but UCV didn't fall for it! the other townie voted UCV ending the game with a scum win!

Noobie game-Mod: Fferyllt-flwaless scum win

Role: Doctor

UCV was excited to join this game! he new the person he replaced play style and this was townie! He joined in to realise the person had claimed doctor all ready! saddly, the scum team wanted to lynch him for "fake-claiming". UCV did everything he could, but actually was fake hammered and reacted as if townie just died! the second night, he wasn't night killed! At the start of day three, someone voted for him. UCV omgus voted him! the scum team quickly quick hammered ending in a lose for UCV

Normal Game mod: Flairs-scum victory

Role: Jailkeeper

UCV was happy because this was his first town PR game. he lived to night four before being night killed. day one, he was a common scum read early. He eventually pushed his wya out of being a scum read. He fake hammered someone, but then the town their reaction was fake, so they miss lynched the townie anyway. day two, UCV claimed jailkeeper and then town telled another player. Day two, they no lynched. UCV wasn't night killed. day three, vanilla cop outs himself to get the first scum and it works. That night, the vanilla cop was night killed. day four, UCV death tunneled a town and ended up misslynching a townie. that night he died. day five, mafia won.

Normal game mod: JJH-town win

Role: Vanilla Townie

day one, UCV did poorly. he lurked a ton, and wasn't active. that day, a town PR was lynched. day two, UCV still lurked but posted more good reads. That day, the town got the first scum. Day three, UCV was very active. He pushed on a townie for a little, but the scum fakeclaimed PGO. It was quickly called out the PGO was not normal, so scum was lynched. The game ended there because the last scum was a traitor who lost!

Noobie Basketball game mod: Mhsmith0-Flawless scum win

Role: Mafia Goon

UCV had won as scum before, but this ws his first time rolling scum. He did a little bad day one. He lolhammered the jailkeeper! since the BulletProof had claimed, the scum team decided to take their time and get rid of the last town PR. day 2, everyone was surprised to see a no night kill. the day pushed through til the last hour where UCV hammered another Townie. that night, he was able to kill the BulletProof. day three, his buddy pushed a no lynch. he decided to sheep and there was a no lynch! night four, the mfia team killed randomly. day four, a player became conf town because of a rage quit. UCV and his partner began to buss hard on eachother! they were both at l-1, when the conf town decided that the two people voting for UCV should change their votes to another player who was a townie. both his partner and the townie voting for UCV switched their votes, so UCV quickhammered!

Noobie wishes game mod: xalxe-flawless scum win

role: vanilla townie UCV replaced in on day 3. he was instantly in a bad position. day 3, no lynch. next day, UCV went for another townie. he went into huge detail on the scum team. his scum team consisted of one scum and the townie. he voted for the townie and said if anyone else voted for them, he would unvote and vote them. he did this fr a few days before letting the scum team hammer. then the town lost. UCV was shocked to this