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mastina   Played Games   Modded Games   Mafia Theory Work   Account Avatars   Mish Mash   Miscellaneous    

Just my dumping ground of things.

Mastina's perfect Gametable quest:

  1. Game title formatted using Gametable way: #FFFFFF background, large centered text.
  2. Game title with modified version of Fehnl's Game template: minus the annoying auto-list, but with all the other features of it--Name of the game with thread link, game moderator, and (wiki).
  3. All titles below game title being formatted using the heavily-customized modification from MagnaofIllusion's gametable format: background color #CCCCCC.
  4. Fitting Type of game title inside. (As in Gametable template.)
    • Having Type of game box auto-link. (As in Gametable template.)
  1. Moderator title linking to Moderator page. (As in modified-MoI format.)
  2. Making up her mind on whether to have faction/role combined, or separate.
    • If separate, finding the space for both.
    • If separate, having Role title link to Role PM page.
    • If separate, having Faction title link to Faction page.
  1. Regardless of combined or separate, having role box auto-link to role (with option of custom-title).
  2. Regardless of combined or separate, having alignment automatically colored. (As in Gametable template.)
  3. Fitting Entry title inside. (As in Gametable template.)
  4. Fitting Lifespan title inside. (As in Gametable template.)
    • Preferably with days/nights separated. (As in modified-MoI format.)
    • Preferably also with the option of listing total days/nights.
  1. Fitting SWA title inside. (As in Gametable template.)
  2. Having Outcome(Results in modified-MoI format) box auto-colored for each possible combination. (Town win/personal loss; town win/personal win; mafia win/personal loss; mafia win/personal win; other win/personal loss; other win/personal win.) (As in Gametable template.)
  3. Fitting ID# title inside. (As in modified-MoI format.)
  4. Fitting Start Time title inside. (New addition desired.)
  5. Fitting End Time title inside. (New addition desired.)
  6. Fitting Total time contribution inside. (New addition desired.)
  7. Fitting Game Rating title inside. (New addition desired.)
    • Preferably with the option of typing in .5 increments with a maximum of 5 her game rating, rather than manually inputting the stars.
  1. Having game quote section. (As in modified-MoI format.)
  2. Having game description section. (As in both Gametable template and modified-MoI format; this is already easily done.)

She is currently working on trying to obtain this perfect table.

DEFCON Mafia 4.0

Type Moderator Faction Role Entry Fate Lifespan SWA Outcome
Large Theme Andrius Town Missile Silo Started Nuked D4. 4 days 1/8/10 Russian Victory
Not my proudest moment. Though, notable: I was one of only two town players to nuke scum, and also one of only two players to be nuked by mafia. You take your victories wherever you can.

Game Moderator Role Outcome Results ID#
DEFCON Mafia 4.0 Andrius Vanilla Townie/Missile Silo Nuked D4. Russian Victory 1
Start/End Date/Time/Present: Mon Nov 14, 2016 Fri Dec 09, 2016 1 month 9 days 4/5 days; 3/5 nights UNstar.pngUNstar.pngUNstar.pngUNstar.pngUNstar.png
I always have a plan. Always.
Not my proudest moment. Though, notable: I was one of only two town players to nuke scum, and also one of only two players to be nuked by mafia. You take your victories wherever you can.


Mini Normal 1873 (Your Average People, in a Normal Game)
Game D1/N1 D2/N2 D3/N3 D4/N4 D5 Players
Results Mafia Win karnos Lynch
XnadrojX killed
LicketyQuickety Lynch
All Alone killed
Alisae Lynch
BlueBloodedToffee killed
Garmr modkilled; No Lynch
ThinkBig killed
Titus Lynched; game ends BlueBloodedToffee, LicketyQuickety, Titus, ThinkBig, Alisae, Garmr, XnadrojX, All Alone dead/lost
shannon, TheRealGin-N-Tonic endgamed/lost
karnos dead/win posthumous
Lexa, PranaDevil alive/win
Roles 10:3
VT/Survivor; Null
JOAT shannon JOAT(Doctor/Jailkeeper/Bodyguard) BlueBloodedToffee VT nydushermain/TheRealGin-N-Tonic JOAT(Cop/Gunsmith/Neapolitan) LicketyQuickety VT Pepchoninga/Titus JOAT(Tracker/Follower/Motion Detector) Lexa Mafia JOAT(Ninja/Strongman/Roleblocker) karnos Goon KTthecreeper/ThinkBig VT Alisae VT Garmr VT/Survivor XnadrojX VT All Alone JOAT(Vanilla Cop/Rolecop/Fruit Vendor) PranaDevil Goon

Mini Normal 1900 (Another Normal Game)
Mini 1900 Game Name Game Type Moderator Info Game Result
Information Another Normal Game Mini Normal 1900 Solo-modded Mafia Victory Day 5
Players: Flubbernugget, CogMachine/Titus, ChaosOmega/Aronis, Transcend, rb/nancy, schadd_, Fart, Eddie Cane, Ircher, RadiantCowbells/Mathblade, Fro99er/Alisae, Antihuman, Lexa/ThinkBig
10:3 Town:Mafia
Jack of All Trades(Doctor/Jailkeeper/Bodyguard), Jack of All Trades(Cop/Gunsmith/Neapolitan), Jack of All Trades(Rolecop/Vanilla Cop/Fruit Vendor), Jack of All Trades(Tracker/Follower/Motion Detector), Vanilla Townie x6
Mafia Jack of All Trades(Strongman/Ninja/Roleblocker), Goon x2
First Cycle: Day One: karnos, Goon, Lynched Night One: XnadrojX, Vanilla Townie, killed
Second Cycle: Day Two: LicketyQuickety, Vanilla Townie, Lynched Night Two: All Alone, JOAT(Rolecop/Vanilla Cop/Fruit Vendor) killed
Third Cycle: Day Three: Alisae, Vanilla Townie, Lynched Night Three: BlueBloodedToffee, Vanilla Townie, killed
Fourth Cycle: Day Four: Garmr, Vanilla Townie-turned-Survivor, Modkilled, No Lynch Night Four: ThinkBig, Vanilla Townie killed
Fifth Cycle: Day Five: Titus, JOAT(Tracker/Follower/Motion Detector) Lynched; shannon, JOAT(Doctor/Jailkeeper/Bodyguard), and TheRealGin-N-Tonic, JOAT(Cop/Gunsmith/Neapolitan) endgamed; Lexa, Mafia JOAT(Strongman/Ninja/Roleblocker), and PranaDevil, Goon, survived/won.
A classical case of the town getting overconfident after getting an early lead. After they lynched scum on D1, then went on to quick-lynch (and inevitably, lol-mislynch) two day phases in a row, allowing the scum to snipe off members of the town with impunity. Furthermore, the Neapolitan got a guilty on a player who had claimed Vanilla Townie pre-result who was not, yet they failed to lynch that player. With the quoting of a role PM forcing a modkill, the town was left in mylo. The town had one JOAT who, thanks to the quicklynches, never got to send in a night action prior to the slot being replaced thanks to a flake, and the same Neapolitan had two other innocents, but they failed to actually put these to use, allowing for an easy scum win.

Game Thread