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The Wood Cutters

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Revision as of 00:13, 21 October 2017 by Mastina (talk | contribs) (The narration continues.)
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In the beginning, there was a goddess. Within her domain, her reign was supreme. For she had created the world, and all would follow her will. Yet something was amiss. She had designated for the trees to be within her control, as servants which would serve both as a necessary evil, and be the subject to which she would impart much suffering.

Her memories of a distant time leaving a scar on her divine being, it was her will to instill upon the world a heed, a call to action from all of mankind, her creation: "Lo and behold, for unto thee I do decree: thou shalt not witness a tree to stand tall." And this, she expected all her subjects to answer.

However, some would disobey this great mandate. Instead, they would pledge their allegiance to her great enemy, empowering the supposedly harmless forests and granting them a great degree of control, to beset a plague upon the land. This poison wrecked the winds of Fate which had so steadfastly been set to doom the greenery, and so, a mighty thinker was claimed by the great jungle of pestilence.

It was in this moment that the goddess did note with much sadness that her time as absolute ruler of the land may soon come to an end, yet she was not without hope. Her royal champions, Nachomamma8, Mastina, and TheRealGin-N-Tonic stood proud and tall, slaying the lives of those that would call themselves the devil worshipers. And together, these three would unite, forever bonding and forming a circle of eternal trust.

Thus, the birth of The Wood Cutters was ensured, as these champions of all that is right would seek forthward to honor the will of their great creator, and to slay her eternal foe. The enemy of all things coniferous, they would seek eternal vengeance upon the demons of the land. For no man alone could overcome a tree, yet within their team they could fell a forest. And so starts the great tale of the three slayers of the scum.

Game History

Game Statistics
Town Scum Other Total
Wins 1 0 0 1
Losses 1 0 0 1
Killed 1 0 0 1
Lynched 0 0 0 0
Games 2 0 0 2
Winrate 50% N/A N/A 50%

Mini Theme

1896: DoY I: British Monarchy Mafia

And hitherto the great woodcutters had gone unspoken, unknown, as a single entity, yet therein did they set forth to forsake all else except their grand quest: once more seeking to avenge their fallen goddess, and do her word's work once more. There they did battle long and hard, however, for all their grand efforts, they yet remained mortal, and were all too quickly claimed by the terrible treachery of those who wished to destroy the town. Without their aide, the day was lost, and yet they promised they would return, rekindled, renewed, once more to wreck their enemies as they had sought so hard to see.

1936: Yume's Cutsie U-Pick

Forthward did the great lumberjacks stride, confident in their renewed vigor that victory should be theirs. Thereby encountering in their just quest a valued ally, they proceeded to lay the groundworks for a great plan by which their mighty town would not falter. By a clever combination of misdirection, the scum were outwitted, left out to hang dry, and for the first time, the woodcutters tasted the sweet aroma of victory, riding off into the sunset to once more battle the evils of the world.