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Revision as of 07:04, 1 April 2017 by Mastina (talk | contribs) (Making some minor additions.)
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mastina   Played Games   Modded Games   Mafia Theory Work   Account Avatars   Mish Mash   Miscellaneous    

Star Wars: Rogue One

Alignment: Mafia.


i guess i had that coming after jk9++ (Referencing this game)

--Antihero (chat)

You have a lot more influence than the average player, that's for sure

--Infinity 324 [1]

I think the end result of your posts comes out pretty good :) It's like every post is a dramatic speech.

--Infinity 324 [2]

Well played Mastina!

--Nachomamma8 [3]

Mastina did a great job.

--ThinkBig [4]

I'm glad mastina pulled it out in the end.

--zefiend [5]

Good job taking it home Mastin.

--MagnaofIllusion [6]

Dead Thread

town is mega screwed

--SirCakez (upon learning my alignment)

ive never seen mastin play scum this way

--Desperado [7]

I think mastins strat is actually optimal

--Infinity 324 [8]

mastina just outplayed me

--Antihero [9]

i can't wait to read the scum PT. this will be the first scum PT i will actually READ instead of just control+f my name to stroke my own ego.

--Antihero [10]

Mastina is playing TWIE like a fiddle.

--Nero Cain, reposting ThinkBig. [11]

Last Updated: 03:02, 1 April 2017 (EDT)