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About me

I'm a college student living in New York. I started playing f2f mafia at summer camp long before I heard of MS. I still play mafia with my friends, both f2f and over chat (aka facebook).


Game Records:
Newbie 1650 (Vanilla Townie, survived and won)
Micro 549: Everything is a Lie 2 (Town Ascetic Supersaint Rolecop, lynched D5, won posthumously with Jester)
Open 616: Fire and Ice (Vanilla Townie, survived and won)
Micro 561: True Pokemon Mafia (Mafia Public 1-Shot Delayer, lynched D2, won posthumously)
Newbie 1662 (Vanilla Townie, endgamed in LYLO)
Micro 566: Word Sneak Mafia (Vanilla Townie, survived and won)
Blitz 24: Great Idea Mafia (Bloodhound, killed N2, tied)
Micro 581: Pokemon Episode 1 (Vanilla Townie, endgamed)
Blitz 25: Super Mario uPick (Mason, killed N1, lost)
Micro 576: Word Sneak Mafia 2 (Mafia goon, survived and won)
Micro 589: Pokemon Episode 2 (Vanilla Townie, lynched in D4 LYLO)
Newbie 1681 (Jailkeeper, killed N2, won posthumously)
Paint Mafia (Tracker, killed N5, lost)
Ongoing games:
Open 630 (Pick Your Poison X/Y): Rap Battle Mafia
Micro 587: Math Mafia
Micro 599: Worst (Role) Idea(s) Mafia
Micro 602: Pokemon Episode 3+4

Town wins: 5
Town losses: 5
Mafia wins: 2