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Cold Stone

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Revision as of 14:38, 25 August 2016 by Aubisio (talk | contribs)
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  • Cold Stone
Setup Size:
  • 7
Setup Type:

Cold Stone is a 7 player game based on the Carbon-14 setup originally proposed by BBmolla.


Standard Role PM's

Mafia Goon

  • Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Goon, along with your Godfather, [Player Name].


  • Factional communication: During nights, you may talk with your partner here: [QuickTopic link].
  • Factional kill: Each night phase, one of you or your partners may perform the factional kill.

Win condition:

  • You win when all members of the town have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

Mafia Godfather

  • Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Godfather, along with your Goon, [Player Name].


  • Investigation immunity: If a Cop targets you, you will give a 'not mafia' result
  • Factional communication: During nights, you may talk with your partner here: [QuickTopic link].
  • Factional kill: Each night phase, one of you or your partners may perform the factional kill.

Win condition:

  • You win when all members of the town have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

Town Cop

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Cop.


  • Each night you may target another player. You will receive a result of 'mafia' or 'not mafia'

Win condition:

  • You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one town player is left alive.

Town Vanilla Cop

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Town Vanilla Cop.


  • Each night you may target another player. You will receive a result of 'vanilla' or 'not vanilla'. Both Vanilla Town and Mafia Goon will show as 'vanilla'

Win condition:

  • You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one town player is left alive.

Vanilla Town

  • Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Vanilla Townie.


  • You have no special abilities

Win condition:

  • You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated and at least one town player is left alive.
