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Revision as of 10:14, 3 December 2015 by Frozen Angel (talk | contribs)
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About RC

Here RC will write about himself :)

Statistics (2015)

Winrates :

Alignment Win Loose Winrate
Town n n n
Mafia n n n
3P n n n
Overall n n n

Town games :

Game Type Name / ID Role Winners Comment
Status Result
Mini Normal 1645: BooneyToonz I Town Jailkeeper Mafia My reads were actually dead on, but I got ignored and NKed :P
Killed N2 Lost
Mini Normal 1642: The Burning Innocent Child Mafia First game since return to site, reads weren't on point.
Endgamed Lost

Scum games :

Game Type Name / ID MOD Entry Last Status Since Finished in
Role Winners Result Comment
Mini Normal 1737:Bringer Mafia Firebringer Started Alive Sat Nov 07, 2015 Day 5
Mafia Goon Mafia Won never ever say you town read me 100% :P

Statistics (pre 2015)

Winrates :

Alignment Win Loose Winrate
Town n n n
Mafia n n n
3P n n n
Overall n n n

Town games :

Game Type Name / ID MOD Entry Last Status Since Finished in
Role Winners Result Comment
Mini Normal 1737:Bringer Mafia Firebringer Started Alive Sat Nov 07, 2015 Day 5
Mafia Goon Mafia Won never ever say you town read me 100% :P

Scum games :

Game Type Name / ID MOD Entry Last Status Since Finished in
Role Winners Result Comment
Mini Normal 1737:Bringer Mafia Firebringer Started Alive Sat Nov 07, 2015 Day 5
Mafia Goon Mafia Won never ever say you town read me 100% :P

Favourite People / Games

Frozen Angel: Awesome scum partner and designer of this web page.

Mafia Theory

and here he will talk about his mafia theories