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Template:VoteTable: Difference between revisions

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(added no lynch)
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[[Category:Pimped by HowardRoark]]
[[Category:Pimped by HowardRoark]]
[[Category:Pimped by Fenhl]]
[[Category:Pimped by Fenhl]]

Revision as of 13:29, 29 August 2012


Used to create the HowardRoark variation of the Vtable template. It handles 1 lynchee, not voting, and up to 16 additional votees. The table's caption is a link to the forum game thread post containing the lynch.

More expansion and customization options are planned. Feel free to request them on the talk page.


parameteruserequired?data typeexample data
postlynch scene forum post numberyesinteger1962582
dayday numberyesinteger1
lynchcolorcolor for lynchee rownorrggbb or rgba020f0
lyncheeplayer being lynchedyesstringHowardRoark
lynchvotesnumber of votes on the lyncheeyesinteger7
lynchersplayers voting for the lyncheeyesstringmith, orangepenguin, Vi
novotesnumber of players not votingnointeger2
novotenamesplayers not votingnostringBattleMage, tubby216
novotebgbackground color for not voting rownorrggbb or rgbddeeff or def
novotecolortext color for not voting rownorrggbb or rgb55555 or 555


|lynchers=iamausername, Torqez, ErictheRed, Symbol, don_johnson, Hoopla, tubby216
|MrSuave|2|julienvonwolfe, MacavityLock
|novotes=2|novotenames=Nuwen, xRECKONERx}}

D1 Final Vote Count
Votee Count Voters
julienvonwolfe 7 iamausername, Torqez, ErictheRed, Symbol, don_johnson, Hoopla, tubby216
MrSuave 2 julienvonwolfe, MacavityLock
Hoopla 1 MrSuave
not voting 2 Nuwen, xRECKONERx

|lynchers=iamausername, Torqez, ErictheRed, Symbol, don_johnson, Hoopla, tubby216
|MrSuave|2|julienvonwolfe, MacavityLock}}

D1 Final Vote Count
Votee Count Voters
julienvonwolfe 7 iamausername, Torqez, ErictheRed, Symbol, don_johnson, Hoopla, tubby216
MrSuave 2 julienvonwolfe, MacavityLock