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Revision as of 20:57, 13 October 2008

Eek!'s Games

Funny Quotes 

Mafia Game 80 - Nice Shot!

Eek!: Posting to say I was away unexpectdly, reading and catching up now, posting later.
Xtoxm: I'd forgotten MME was even in this game, lol.
Eek!: =_=
BM: thats an MME tell. lol

| Mini Games | Newbie Games | Normal Games |

Mini Games

Completed Mini Games so far: 1

| DP15 - Dutch Mini |


Set-up: Dutch Mini Modded by Dragon Phoenix Victory: Mafia Amount of RL days: 62
Players & Info
Name of Player Role Killed Replaced
Cogito Ergo Scum Townie Lynched D1 -
My Milked Eek Townie Nightkilled N1 -
Jaguar Townie Lynched D2 ikbenbas
KaleiÐoscøpe Townie Nightkilled N2 -
Niempie Town Cop Nightkilled N2 -
Barim Townie Lynched D3 -
Martino Town Vigilante Nightkilled N3 -
WeyounsLastClone Town Lynched D5 Guardian
Cass Townie Endgamed -
Mastermind of Sin Townie Endgamed -
Lawrencelot Mafia Survived -
Falcone Mafia Survived MichelSableheart
Sexy Notes
 As a big supporter of the Dutch game, I didn't get around to playing that much. Got killed N1... The Mafia members played very good.

Newbie Games

Completed Newbie Games so far: 3

| 538 | 557 | 601 |

Newbie Game 538

Set-up: Pie E7 Modded by Thok Victory: Town Amount of RL days: 102
Players & Info
Name of Player Role Killed Replaced
Filthy Ike Townie Lynched D1 -
Mispeled Doctor Nightkilled N1 -
Holy Mafia Goon Lynched D2 Flipstar
Flameaxe Townie Nightkilled N2 -
Scooby Mafia Roleblocker Lynched D3 -
Mizzy Townie Survived chazworthington / Bird2234
My Milked Eek Cop Survived -
Sexy Notes
 My first game ever. And I was a cop. I have to admit I played very bad. So bad I even made nearly everyone's top 2 scum lists. I claimed Day 2, I was way too nervous. But the claim eventually lead to our victory. Holy counterclaimed and after a long day she got lynched. Day 3 was filled with WIFOM. I had to pick between a suspicious person (in my eyes at that time) or a relatively protown player. I took some time to reread the thread and made a good call. I learned a lot from this game, especially how not to play as cop or town.

Newbie Game 557

Set-up: California Modded by mikeburnfire Victory: Town Amount of RL days: 60
Players & Info
Name of Player Role Killed Replaced
Derekstiles Mafia Goon Lynched D1 The Seawolf Bandit
Alabaska Cop Nightkilled N1 ZooYurk
Muerrto Mafia Goon Lynched D2 -
Massive Townie Survived -
Mizzy Townie Survived -
My Milked Eek Townie Survived Akimbo
thevampireofdusseldorf Townie Survived xiaoXuer / Ilkanta
Sexy Notes
 I replaced Akimbo, which was easy to do since she only posted 3-4 times. There was a cop claim by Derek, who was looking very scummy, followed by a direct counterclaim from Alabaska. The California setup didn't allow for counterclaims so Derek was an easy lynch, hammered by yours truly. Day 3 the townies cooperated nicely and we brought down Muerrto, the last scum, down relatively easy. I liked this game a lot, I played good and we played a perfect game.

Newbie Game 601

Set-up: F11 Modded by Thestatusquo Victory: Town Amount of RL days: 72
Players & Info
Name of Player Role Killed Replaced
Septia Townie Lynched D1 jamesstanley
Scigatt Townie Nightkilled N1 -
Neon Boy Townie Lynched D2 Plasmasword
gorckat Townie Nightkilled N2 -
Greasy Spot Mafia Goon Lynched D3 -
Mr. Blonde Townie Nightkilled N3 jj78th
My Milked Eek Mafia Goon Lynched D4 -
Laryxler Townie Survived PennyNickles
Porochaz Townie Survived TheHermit
Sexy Notes
 Ugh. We were doing so well. I just made the mistake of claiming doc too soon and bussing my partner even sooner. On top of that I unwillingly flaked, to which I was lynched. Not my best game, lol, not at all...

Normal Games

Completed Normal Games so far: 1



Set-up: Speed Game Modded by Johoohno Victory: Town Amount of RL days: 18
Players & Info
Name of Player Role Killed Replaced
xyzzy Mafia Recruiter Lynched D1 -
killa seven Townie Lynched D2 -
Rogue Shenanigans Town Tracker Nightkilled N2 -
Phoebus Town Berserker
(1-shot vig + 1-shot BP)
Lynched D3 -
My Milked Eek Town Cop Nightkilled N3 Nitro Styles
Grimmy Town Miller Lynched D4 -
muffinhead Townie Nightkilled N4 Korts
Battle Mage Mafia Tracker Lynched D5 Flameaxe
Jenter Brolincani Town Berserker
(1-shot vig + 1-shot BP)
Survived -
Mr. Flay Townie Survived -
farside22 Townie Survived -
SpyreX Townie Survived -
OhGodMyLife Town Tracker Survived -
Sexy Notes
 I replaced for a rather absent cop. At the time of replacing I was put under pressure, which I answered with a cop claim. I didn't really do much, since I was only one day in the game before being killed. But yeah, we won, lol.