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[ Newbie 610]
[ Newbie 610]

Currently playing.
This time, I'm the 'role to be revealed after confirmation'. I played a lot of gambits, some carefully thought out, but admittably, I played it too far, and now the town thinks that I am scum. I'm now just waiting for the confirmation to be lynched on Day 1. Hopefully, they'd be able to turn it around.

Revision as of 10:38, 7 June 2008

Player Information

Indigo Heron joined on February the 27th, 2008, after being recommended to it by another frequent patron of the website, ting =).

With an IQ of 172, he was one of the best chess players in his secondary (high) school, and is the most skillful attacker in it. He was known to beat his opponents by analysing simple and relatively harmless sequences of moves and prepare for an attack in positions where others saw nothing.

He is also known to have a driven desire to win in everything he does. He doesn't take defeat well, but he never wants people to go soft on him, especially chess games, as it mocks his intellect and reasoning power.

A newbie in the game of Mafia (especially on this level), he is still learning the ropes.

He is currently in college as a freshman doing his degree in aeronautical engineering.

Chess Game History

Indigo Heron Vs. darkdude (1-0)

My first game on this website. It was relatively simple and straightforward. I used Queen's Gambit as the opening, which he declined, and then accepted (which is rather intriguing, but nevertheless acceptable). I then made the overtures to target Black's kingside, and struck when the time was right. He demonstrated an unwillingness to trade pieces, something that I exploited.

Along the way, I capitalised on Black's mistakes and blunders, such as 4. ...f5, which kept his pawn at c4 isolated, and 9. ...c5, which decided the course of the game. Either it was tactical oversight, or it was his unwillingness to sacrifice pieces. A better move would have been Nc5, threatening White's queen and would lead to an exchange of queens, among others, which would have led to pressure on your king to be eliminated, and mine slightly increased. Such moves allowed me to build a relatively strong position in the centre early on which was the basis for my victory, all the while avoiding mistakes.

ting =) Vs. Indigo Heron

Game pending. A very interesting and open game. I used the Berlin Defence to counter his Bishop's Opening, which surprised me, since no one really uses the opening White did (although Russian grandmaster Garry Kasparov has been known to occasionally use it to surprise his opponents). White was enthusiastic to exchange pawns and pieces with me to clear the board and keep things simple. For example, he was looking to trade queens at 10. Qe2+, which I delayed with 10. ...Be6 (it was a better move than Qe6, anyway) and before that , White traded pawns as early as 5. exd5, and bishops at 8. Bxf4, after being presented with a stand-off with Black's bishop.

This was extremely fun to play. Neither side made mistakes, and was reminiscent of my time in secondary school. Now, it's in the endgame, and one screw-up would definitely screw the entire game for either player.

darkdude Vs. Indigo Heron

A rematch of an earlier game, with me playing as Black this time. He plays with the King's Pawn Opening, which promises an open game. I counter with the popular Sicilian Defence. He plays the anti-Sicilian Alapin Variation, attempting to set up a strong pawn centre. In giving up a queen and a pawn for equal materiel, I force the centre open again, and gain an advantage in piece development, as he has to backtrack to defend, not to mention that he can't castle.

Mafia Game History

Newbie 577: Beijing Mafia

My first Mafia game. Played as scum. Admittably, I was terrible, and was swept along the currents of the more experienced players of the game. Eventually got bored and allowed myself to be lynched.

Newbie 610

This time, I'm the 'role to be revealed after confirmation'. I played a lot of gambits, some carefully thought out, but admittably, I played it too far, and now the town thinks that I am scum. I'm now just waiting for the confirmation to be lynched on Day 1. Hopefully, they'd be able to turn it around.