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Hi, names Ran. my goal is to win. I want to argue with people to see their motives, and I will be honest and townie as can be. I don't try to "avoid nk's" because that shouldn't be my focus. My preferences are to see everyone contributing and giving thoughts on other players/who is to be lynched. (Which is why I press others to actively post because discussion is good for town) I take things seriously. I ignore wifom and emotions. I'd LIKE to use VCA but I don't know how to do it yet, but I'll try it sometime. My problems: I can't convince people. I need to work on that. I play aggresively.
== Personal mish mash ==
Names Carlos. I'm age 21. I have a girlfriend, and she goes by the username July here on Mafiascum. I introduced her to Mafia on Smashboards and Mafiascum. I like videogames. I'm a silly guy. I tend to ask alot of questions, and I tend to be one to give advice.
== How I was introduced to Mafia ==
Guess I'll add how I arrived here, and how I got into mafia. I come from Smash Boards There is a mafia section called Dgames. If you are interested in playing out of site mafia with unknown meta, be my guest, join there. Anyways, I had a thread up about Super Mario. (A general discussion thread) It turned out a newbie mafia game was opening, I wasn't interested at all. I looked at how it played and was in fact, confused. My friend Terywj said that he would help me, so I said, "Ok, why not!" and I played. Funnily enough, I drew mafia. I was actually hoping for a town pm. Anyways, thanks to my scum buddy, SephirothsMasumune, I understood the concept a bit. He asked me if I ever played, and I said no. He then said "Ok, heres the plan, let's no kill, and get a tracker claim, and have the jailer lynched". I was like "Oh, no kill? But how does that get us a jailer claim? blah blah blah" In fact, here's my newb qt just for you to see at my raw newbieness: [redacted until it's on whitelist] I won with my partner (he replaced so I could get some support, he was having life). I was so invested to that game, it was so fun. I got MVP for it. I then went on to play my next game, Soul Calibur Mafia. I was town, and lynched D1 for answering someone else's question about Policy Lynhes. >_>
== How I arrived to Mafia Scum. NET ==
I then played many more games. I heard about Mafia, and how it had great guides referring to mafia and even a forum just for mafia. I joined shortly thereafter, joined the newb here, and as you can see, progressed through the games you see here (Which are completed, not the ongoing ones)
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|+ '''Games Ranmaru played/is playing in'''
! Game|| Alignment || Mod || link || Method of arrival || Win/Lose
| Newbie 1083 Mafia || Vanilla townie || Uite || [[]] || Signed up || Night killed N2. Lead town for a bit, but didn't do well in catching scum. Sorry Town. Town lost D3.
| Open 300|| Vanilla townie || SingerSigner || [[]] || Replaced in || Lynched D4 for frantic posting, going the low road in some arguments, and bringing up a fallacious argument against Zito. Town followed the cop. Won.
| Mini 1146|| Vanilla townie || Chesskid3 || [[]] || Replaced in || Won. Hammered scum without even reading the thread. Was busy with school, sorry town. I promise that won't happen again.
| Newbie 1091|| Vanilla Townie|| Dekes || [[]] || Replaced in ||
| My most satisfying win. I replaced in opportunisticly, because I have been reading along and thought that Glowball was SOOOO scummy and no one was noticing it. I couldn't let another newb town fail miserably. ME, THE SUPAH TOWN DEFENDER, MADE THE SCUM SELF HAMMER MUAHAHAHAHA. Actually she self hammered due to boredom, which I was also fine with. *shades* She pulled my leg and made me think she was town, and i was all *sadface sadpanda sadface ;-; * I had a ton of fun this game. I pressured Glowball 90% of all the players. Essentially I was scum in my first newb (only time I was ever scum jeesh do I have the bad luck of drawing town all the time), and I did the same things she had. I was confused, and I have attacked weak players and lurkers. I knew what to look for. Rhino was also another problem. See, there was a fakeguilty and it was on him, the experienced IC. He seems to use wifom openly and also theorizes alot so it was hard to not think it was him. K, so I replace in. Everyone is waiting for July/Replacement input, and boy do I give them some input. Of course, I flip flopped on the whole town. I wanted to MAKE SURE of my reads. I went from Glow > Pro > Alex  to Rhino > Alex > pro to Alex > Glow. I proposed that we would have been lynching Rhino, and I saw his seemingly townie give up speech. I saw Alex say something scummy and I was like WTF ALEX but I didn't want to risk the lynch on him, so I voted him without a colon. Apparently, it counted. Due to this failGambit, I was taken to lylo, yay! There I was being painted as scum, and attacked Glow with all my might, as you can see it was like two pages of walls and cases. Then it became a 'I'm tired let's talk about fluff' fest because it was so late at night and I didn't want to pressure her THAT hard (I would have come back to that the next day). Then Rhino came in, Glow asked him PLZ ITS RAN LISTEN TO ME. I then refuted her points, and then she asked U RDY FOR SELF HAMMAH??? I'm like NO WAI- SELF DESTRUCT. And I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO U SCUM? She was like 'lol no' and I was like "Fuck. *strangles Rhino* *RHINO* RHINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". She was like JK and I was like YAYYYY. And there, was a glorious satisfying taste of juicy, sweet, and thirst quenching VICTOREEEEEEEEE-HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
| Fall of the Matrix|| Ongoing|| Mastermind of sin || ongoing || Replaced in || ongoing
| Open 305|| ongoing || Chkflip || ongoing || Replaced in || ongoing
| Large normal 132 || ongoing || Untrod upod || ongoing || Signed up || ongoing
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|+ '''Off site games'''
! Game|| Alignment || Mod || link || Method of arrival || Win/Lose
| Newbie 10 Mafia || Mafia Goon || X1-12 || [] || Signed up || Endgamed town, won.
| Soul Calibur Mafia|| Vanilla townie || KirbYoshi || [] || Signed up || Lynched D1 for answering another's question. Town won
| Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Mafia|| Journal || Xiivi|| [] || Replaced in || Lynched d3. Town lost. First time replacing in, replaced into slot with super pressure lol.
| Rusty Guilotine Mafia|| Town Voyeur|| Xiivi || [] || Signed up || Endgamed mafia. Thanks to J <3
| Inception Mafia|| Town Doc|| Ronike || [] || Signed up || Didn't really play well at the start, but J was mafia and obv scum. :3 Town Won. I didn't even know I was playing Inception Mafia! I was in a dream! No really!
| Bad Idea Mafia 4|| Townie || X1-12 || [] || Replaced in || I was wrong the whole time. Fridged Kuzi because he was lurking. >_> And not helping. D: < Also, newb cop DIDN'T CC FAKE CLAIMING SCUM D: < I'm going to mod a game and he will be blacklisted. (Unless he shows improvement in a small game.)
| Diddy Kong Racing Mafia || Vanilla Townie|| Meta-Kirby || [] || Signed up || Was having a blast because this was the only game which I knew the flavour! I was forced replaced upon a mod error. : [ I WANTED TO ANALYSE FLAVOUR.
| Resident Evil 4 Mafia|| Town Princess.|| Xiivi || [] || Signed up || Endgamed mafia. Thanks to Sephi. Also, I was a sexy princess. <3
| Bingo Mafia|| Vanilla Townie|| Kat || [] || Signed up || I played with my Girlfriend, and Maziek as the Pink Lemonade Hydra. It was quite fun! We lost because of Glyph, the mafia traitor. : [
| Newbie 11 Mafia: KSSU|| Even Night Cop|| Gova || [] || Signed up|| I was put on the spot by X1 for asking for a 3-possible scum list on page 2, in RVS. I argued that I was only trying to get discussion underway, but I seemed scummy for that apparently. I was almost lynched (By Joey >_>) And I claimed cop. I wouldn't have been nk'd until the next night. I tried really hard the next day to try to find scum, didn't do so well. Turned out scum was my girlfriend and X1. >_>
| Newbie 12 Mafia|| Vanilla Townie|| Adumb || [] || Signed up || Was endgamed by mafia. Was having stress, I tried hard earlier. Oh well. Sorry guys.
| Super Heroes Mafia|| Town Hero|| OverSwarm|| [] || Replaced in|| Lost to Nabe. I hammered Circus, who had a bomb attached. I went down.
== Preferences ==
I like town more than mafia. I don't want to deal with the pressure of knowing who is town, etc. I would rather scumhunt and look for scum as town. I want to be right. I don't mind Power Roles, but I also like the Role Vanilla Townie. I tend to play power roles the wrong way I think. For example, I was a cop in a past off site game, and I was very vocal. I was put on the lynch line. : [ Even worse, I was an even night cop. :/ I did bad that game. Anyways, Town > Pr's > Mafia. I REALLY like masonries, even if it's life linked. I'd rather not be life linked, but I can deal with it. I also like discussing theory and such alot.
== Leave a comment!==
Raaan~ :D! You're awesome! Hope we can play in a game together on site soon :D! ~Maziek
Hey Ranmaru! I'll teach you how to use a VCA sometime, if you want. ~Wierdalexv

Latest revision as of 04:11, 22 September 2018