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@Admins and moderators: Remove or change any contents that violates the forum, Wiki, and game rules.
Hi everyone! I'm a returning Mafia semi-veteran and I look forward to playing with everyone again!
==Games Completed==
None yet.
==Moderation Resume==
===Currently Modding===
None yet
===Games Completed===
None yet

{{AlignmentPreference| |}}
==Come Say Hi!==
==Comment Spot==
Want to stop by and say "Hello?" Just simply drop by here. Who knows, maybe I'll give a witty response.
''Anything goes here, as long as it follows site rules.''
As I'm assuming by "anything", you mean that others commenting is all right, I've got a question.
How do you describe your playstyle? I've noticed a couple things, and wonder if you do. - Cow
''This will be a long explanation. Yes, I do mean that you can talk about anything here as long as it follows site rules. And your question is a good one. Here's my stab at how I describe my play style''
''I like making a mixture of both short and long posts. When I'm in a direct argument with a person, I tend to make a spree of shorts posts attacking them. However, I also like doing long posts as well as you are able to get caught up and get it over with in one post instead of flooding the thread with multiple short posts when unnecessary. Other reasons for long posts include making a big case on a person where I try to point out as many scummy things as possible to make my case somehow convincing, doing an analysis, looking at bandwagons of mis-lynched people, and searching for connections. When I make big posts, I like to put them all up in one posts instead of spreading them out because you may forget something vital and you don't want that to happen. Although to be honest, this only really describe my better games.''
''I noticed that activity has been a problem for me recently. I am currently trying to rectify this with playing less games overall and I feel that being more active in those games makes me an overall better player because I'm more focused on them. Currently in five, hoping to stay in no more then four games at a time.''
''I tend to think about making a specific post long before actually making them. I feel that I am more likely to remember the post and will be able to contribute easily. Yes I like to make up posts in my mind and eventually dish it out to the world.''
''I'm that kind of person who wants to attempt to refute cases made against him. Why? Because as town, you know that they're in the wrong direction by trying to lynch you. As scum, it gives you more time to manipulate the town and lead the game in your favor. And I do mean by refute cases against him, I mean every single part about the case possible.''
''Right now, I'll say that I'm more of a cautious player then an aggressive one, although I am attempting to become more aggressive with my play style.''
''And slightly irrelevant, I like to listen to music while playing Mafia, it gets me into a good mood.''
A estastic fan of Mafia as like others.
I am a huge fan of video games, especially about Nintendo and ESPECIALLY about the Super Smash Bros. series (I'm an obvious fan). I've been playing video games since 1998 and has remained my favorite hobby to this date.
==Smash World Forums==
I was introduced to Mafia with this site. The place is in Desicive Games. To find it, go to Smash World Forums, in the General Discussions section, go to the Forum Games section, and finally, enter the Desicive Games section.
To be honest, I came across Mafia because well, I was bored. I looked around for a little while and I saw it interesting. Little did I know that from then, it would be one of the main reason why I spend so much time on the Internet nowadays.
I signed up for SwordsRbroken's games on March 5, 2010, whom's game was Smash Bros. Mafia.
==Smash Bros. Mafia==
As of now, this is what I consider to be my very worst game I have every played. It was a complete disater from Day 1. It was bad enough I had to be V/LA for half of Day 1, but things went even more downhill from there. I manage to actually start pissing people off, especially Meta-Kirby. With my numerous terrible posts, I manage to increase in suspicion dramatically. Then when I thought Fatchu was at L-1, I attempted to hammer Fatchu. I manage to get put at L-1 because of that. Sure I did improve a bit during the rest of the day, but Day 2 was even worse for me. When The Paprika Killer asked me to claim, I gave up and decided to self-hammer, which was the worst thing I have ever, ever done in a Mafia game. I got a few people really mad at me, especially Meta-Kirby, who basically threw a fit over this situation. I was revealed as a '''Mafia Goon'''. While scum did eventually win the game, I did so horribly that I consider it a loss for me (Same with every game I die in).
==Newbie Mafia 5==
I did a lot better in this game, thought. I had minimal suspicion in Day 1 and Day 2 and even thought I was a primary lynch candidate in Day 3, I manage to avoid lynch. Day 4, we were in a rare situation and resorted to No Lynch. I died in endgame. Sure scum won, but I consider this the first game that I actually did well in. Oh and I flipped '''Town Mason'''.
==The Muppet Mafia==
My performance in Day 1 was pretty bad, but I think I did decent for Day 2 and so-so in Day 3, even thought I got lynched (I stopped caring about the game by the time I was lynched). I think I did OK in that game, but I could have done a lot better. I was a '''Vanilla Townie'''. Town won this game.
==Tree Stump Mafia==
What do you know, a Town win in Day 1, how awesome is that? I'd say I did OK in the game, so-so at worst. It was really hard to follow thought and I started to lose interest in the game as the days went by. Nevertheless, I am proud of my first true victory period. I was a '''Townie'''.
==Newbie Mafia 6==
I replaced Sworddancer Day 2 and I did well on that day. Day 3 was OK, Day 4 was bad. I failed to claim properly and got lynched. I was a '''Town Doctor'''. Scum went on to win the game. I'd say I did okay to decent in that game.
==Dragonball Z Mafia==
This game was very entertaining, but I rate my performance as so-so. I was really hyped for this game. Strangely enough, I almost never got in, due to my self-hammer at Smash Bros. Mafia. I had to talk to Ronike via AIM to get in.
Day 1 was crazy, especially the first two days. Hundreads of posts were made during the time and it was difficult to keep up with the game, although I did manage to do so. I also posted a lot of fluff and I manage to get on some people scum list.
Overswarm cheated Night 1 and nearly ruined the game for us. Ronike temporarily blacklisted him for his attempting of breaking the game. Luckily, the game was still going to go on.
However, on Day 2, I was up for a rude awakening. I received a ton of pressure to improve and I had absolutely no idea how to do it. I got very, very close to getting lynched. So close, that not only did I nearly give up on the game, I also could have declared that I was never coming back to Desicive Games, period. However, I was smart enough to actually claim and that saved my life. I was actually quite surprised that I never got Night Killed. Meta-Kirby got lynched instead.
Fast forward to the end of the game. SwordsRbroken was lynched Day 5 and flipped Town Vigilante. Co-Independents Cello Marl and Kataefi won the game. Despite Ronike attempt to coax me a bit, I really do feel disasatified with my play, as I do with most other Mafia games I've played.
Due to my poor reputation on my game play at Smash World Forums, I am planning on temporarily leaving the Desicive Games section of Smash World Forums. This won't be permanent as I will miss the community, but this is probably the only way I'll ever learn how to play decently in Mafia on that site. I plan on returning when...
* I feel I'm a solid player.
* Start learning how to replace well.
* Mod a few games here that I'm interested in.
This will not effect my activity at Mafiascum in any negative way. As a matter of fact, I may become an even more active member here.
I joined the place on March 25, 2010. I feel like I do better in here. Maybe my style fits more naturally with these types of games.
==Newbie Mafia 934==
This game I did okay in. I played well in Day 1, but the quality of my game play started to slip from their. By Day 3, I stopped caring about the game and got lynched. I was a '''Vanilla Townie'''. My lynch caused a scum win. I have a lot to learn from that game.
==Mini 955: Classic Mafia==
In the list of games that I don't want to talk about in the near future, along with Smash Bros. Mafia. This was the first game that I've ever replaced into (Replaced Doomcow Day 1). I did horribly in this game, looked scummy from the start. I claimed Vanilla Townie, lying about my role in fears of a Night Kill. I knew it was too late to back track because I knew even if I honestly claimed, I would be lynched because of the Lynch All Liars policy. I got lynched Day 1 and flipped '''Town Cop'''. A few people got on me because of it. And no, I'm not explaining why I didn't claim because it's too late to do so.
==Mini 958: Another Mafia Problem==
First non-newbie game here. I did decently in Day 1, but I was doomed from when I accidently hammered ConfidAnon Day 2, who flipped Vanilla Townie. I was killed Day 3 and flipped '''Vanilla Townie'''. I'd say I did so-so, but really, town didn't play that good of a game, with the exception of Elias_the_thief and hasdgfas.
==Open 223: Jedi's Assassin==
This is what happens when the town is not careful about lynching Day 1. It's especially bad in a seven-players set-up as I felt my Day 1 lynch was unjustified.
==Mini 984: Mafia in Mobsville==
I'm not talking about this game again, no execption.
==Mini 988: Small Town Mafia==
First game as Mafia over at Mafiascum and 2nd game as Mafia period. When looking at it, my play was a substantial improvement compared to the first scum game I was in. Day 1 I managed to bus my scum partner (The Butterfly) for I knew he would be detrimental to my alignment if he stayed anymore then one Day. When The Butterfly flipped scum, I decided to make a big case against Nachomamma8 and I successfully pulled for his lynch. I did a little less Day 3, but enough to still retain a town read from everyone (Except DavidParker). Concerned claimed Town Vigilante. Since only one Kill happened during Night 1 and Night 2, I was attempt to shift my kill toward Cuetlacthli Night 3. Turns out Concerned wasn't lying and managed to vig me successfully, thus resulting in a town win.
Very entertaining game, mostly solid line-up of players, and I did great in it.
What a hilarious Mafia game. ReaperCharlie made his active-lurking so obvious that we nearly lynched him for it Day 2 (He turned around, which saved him). We literally owned Andrius and dramonic by the simple process of elmination, but Parama ended up surprising us all that he was scum, which he got a Scummy for. Still, this was a lot of fun and I did great.
==Newbie 977: Death in Sudotopia==
After three failing attempts at replacing, I decided to give it one more shot at the Newbie Queue. I tried to replace in for Guthrie, but Friend beat me to it by eight minutes. However, I did get another replacement offer for Beanman and I did. He was under suspicion at the time. I made a relatively big catch-up post that contained my thoughts and all went well for the most part. I was surprisingly NK'd Night 1, thought. It was a good town, although they should't have rushed the Day and I never would have guessed in a million years that esuriospiritus was scum in that game. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted and one of the first games I watched to completion after dying (Usually, I'm embarrassed to read the thread due to my poor play in them and being lynched early, hopefully this is a sign of change).
==Mafia 114: Mafia Vs. Werewolves==
My first large game and probably my best game as of now. A lot happen during the game, so it would be a waste to not talk about it.
I slipped up a little during confirmation stage and that got me into a position where I was the most likely to be lynched at the very beginning of Day 1. Luckily, with help from Vi/Seraphim/Leafsnail and my contributation, the suspicion on me was all but gone. I started to contributed on a very large amount and put forth my very best effort toward finding scums, starting with my case on Parama (Who was scum, although I switched my vote to other people).
Day 2, I team up with SerialClergyman with the town team idea. Turns out it was a horrible idea, as I gained some suspicion out of that. I immediately dropped the idea. It turns out that SerialClergyman did have scum intentions, as he flipped scum Day 8.
Eventually, I made it very clear that I was a threat to the scums, so I was NK'd Night 6.
Even thought town would eventually lose, they at least tried very hard and weren't dysfunctional like LynchMePls painted them to be. Anyway, this game was a ton of fun to watch and I really wanted to stay alive as long as possible.
But if I have learn anything from that game, it is this. Don't be afraid of becoming suspicious as town when there are scums to find. This was a hard lesson to learn and this game finally taught me that.
I also feel that I left the game as a considerably better player. I felt if not for this game, I wouldn't feel nearly as confident about my Mafia ability and I wouldn't think I have the potential to be one of the better players here.
==Mini 985: Madness at Night==
Notable because this is the very first game that I have won on this site, so it gives me a warm glow to a degree. Unfortunently, my play doesn't really reflect that. I was heavily suspected Day 1 and Day 2 and to a lesser extend, Day 3, although we did win Day 4.
The title at least lived up to it's name in one circumstance, it was crazy.
This was an eleven-players game, which confused a lot of people. Due to my scummy play Day 1, I was put at L-2. There was only two more days to the original deadline. I would have claimed at L-1, but it would be too lynch and I would have received '''yet another Day 1 lynch'''. So I decided that at L-2, it was claim now or face another lynch. I claimed my role and a few people got onto me. Shortly after, the game went into a post explosion with podium123456 recklessly defending himself and among other things, it was crazy. Nopointinactingup nearly got lynched due to my stupidity. Eventually, we decided on Sando for Day 1, who flipped Mafia Godfather, which gave town a huge advantage right off the bat. podium123456 was NK'd the following night. Night 1, I investigated AlmasterGM, who flipped town. I investigated him due to the potential Sando-AlmasterGM connection.
Once again, I gain heavy suspicion Day 2 and to be honest, I did very little. I had to be prodded to get back into the game due to lack of interest. Due to a mistake, llamaeatataco was lynched Day 2, even thought I switched my vote to charter. Also, I had very confused reads. Litterally, I thought if llamaeatataco was scum, so was AlmasterGM, a complete fail in my part.
And get this, I was counterclaimed not only once, but ''twice''. One was scum (charter), another was an Insane Cop (AlmasterGM). And yet I still survived to the end. Who would expect a townie to live through two counterclaims? And yet I did.
Luckily, people believed my claim Day 3, thanks to me investigating charter-scum, although hiphop still pushed for my lynch, we eventually No Lynched. Night 3, I made the correct decision in investigating my top suspect, SpyreX, who turned up scum. He was lynched Day 4 and town won.
Although my play was far from perfect, given that this is my first win on this site, a win is a win.
==Mini 974: Thrillville Mafia==
First theme games I've played on-site. It was pretty entertaining while I lasted in this game. It's too bad that I got lynched Day 1 ''again''. Hopefully, this should be the end of my bad streak.
However, I'm also kind of glad to not have survived any longer. Heard that the game mechanics got seriously broken and pissed off quite a few players. The game also went on forever, about three months. At the end, it ended in a draw. Which sucks for both factions.
==Mini Mafia 1008: Mega Man Mafia==
Mega Man is my favorite video game character. Unsurprisingly, I joined the game. The game was pretty entertaining while it lasted. I felt that I did great in this game, avoided suspicion and scum hunted a lot. Day 1 was pretty funny with drmyshottyizsik making a complete fool out of himself and getting himself lynched. Too bad he was town. Friend's hammer was horrible, thought.
Day 2 was fun, although not as much as the first day as activity was much lower. Friend ended dayvigging the wrong person (Switz) on Day 2 and we had to No Lynch. I was NK'd the following night, much to my surprise.
Scum ended up winning in an unlikely winnable situation. I had gut feelings that XScorpion was scum and he was slightly scummy, but never did I suspect LynchMePls at one moment in the game. Props to them for winning.
Wished the modding was a bit better in this game thought. One vote count every two days? That's lame.
==Mafia 117: The Vanillaside==
I wished I was scum in that game.
I prefer pro-town alignment and all, but I was so disappointed with the town play, it's not even funny. You'd think that a group of mostly solid, experienced players would  be organized and actually work together. Unfortunently, that wasn't the case. I will say Mafia did play great, thought.
I joined this game mostly for the playerslot and the required high activity, which had me pumped for it. With quick confirmation, I was expecting this to be a memorable experience. Unfortunently, the town started to collapse around the time vezokpiraka claim. While he was town, lynching vezokpiraka right then and there would have been a good idea. But no, the town got worked up over one post I've made and because of that, I had no choice but to expose my power role. Then they went up to Seraphim and lynch the Vigilante! Like seriously, they lynched the Vigilante while he was on V/La and <i>didn't even give him the chance to claim!</i> I was killed the following Night. Come to think about it, I should have claimed Vanilla Townie so maybe town wouldn't have lost two power roles in one Day/Night!
I knew from then that town was going to lose. RedCoyote, who replaced the likely lynch that was Korts, played excellently and turned the game around for his slot and cement a win for the scums. Our two VI's, MehPlusRawr and vezokpiraka, were lynched eventually, but I felt they should have been lynched Day 1 instead of Seraphim. Night 2, our gunsmith was vanillized and NK'd, a truly unlucky situation for the town as they were guessing the possibility of gunsmith in later days. But the gunsmith was rolecopped by the scums anyway.
Not surprisingly, scum got a perfect victory.
This game is the perfect example of how to not play as a town. It's especially shameful as the majority of the town were actually well-known to be very good at Mafia. And with a 11:3 set-up, you have to admit, town could have done so much better.
Me and Seraphim were constantly criticizing the town for it's poor play and even going as far as to root for the scums, who unlike the town, didn't mess around, didn't suck, and knew what they were doing.
==Mini 1005: Mafiaphobes!==
When I first saw the flavor of this game, I knew I was not playing a generic Mini Normal game. First day I was quite mixed on. I did manage to avoid a lynch, which was a good thing, but I also lurked under pressure, possibly the worst thing you can do to deal with pressure. I knew that Day 2, since scums got lucky with a mislynch, that I had to change my play around.
Luckily, Day 2 was haliriously easy. Tazaro basically spammed the thread over and over again, making information difficult to read and some chuckles from me, as he was hurting town more then helping them, not to mention that he was an easy mislynch to pull off. A lot of people wanted him lynched for being scummy and spamming the thread for no reason. Being the opportunistic scum, I decided to join before I could be called out for joiing late in the wagon. vezokpiraka, one of my scum buddy, hammered Tazaro by accident. Will need to re-read Day 2 for humor.
Day 3 and Day 4 were still fun, although Day 3 was when the scums starting to fall apart. Sotty7 Day 3 was caught as a scum roleblocker and mercilessly lynched. Vezokpiraka played really poorly in this game and was lynched the next day.
I was the last to go on Day 5. To be honest, that was something I needed, especially since school is taking up a lot of time for me. While I didn't eventually win, I will say that I did like my play here, not to mention I loved the flavor of this game.
==Mini 1000: The Brave and the Beautiful==
This game I signed up as a replacement, but never expected to play any part of. Then just a few days before school started, ReaperCharlie asked me and Starbuck to replace Muffin who was going out of town. Unfortunently, due to the strict V/LA rule, he would be replaced. Since Starbuck didn't respond in time, I got the spot. I made a huge catch-up post which exposed Furcolow-scum, but I was extremely unhappy with the Day 4 choice - MagnaofIllusion, who I thought was obvious town. Night 4, Kdub targetted me for the kill, but bv310 sacerficed himself so I could finally investigate Furcolow, who turned up Evil in my investigation. Day 5, I was completely sure that Furcolow was scum. Others {Kast, Muffin} agreed and the last evil girl in town was wiped out.
I feel good about this victory. Unlike Mini 985: Madness at Night where I only wanted to mention it due to my first win on site being that game, I was satisfied with my play in the limited time I was in the game. This got me a pre-in invite by ReaperCharlie to his upcoming ''Metropolis: Revelation'', which I will put forth the maximum amount of effort into the game. Soooo looking forward to that.
==Choose Your Side: A Comedy of Whims==
A tremedously enjoyable game, even if it was confusing and that I wasn't super active. By reading this game, you are in for a treat. Present in this game are lovers, tons of third-party players, insanity, betrayal, and even God himself.
There were actually people ''claiming'' third-party (Or in Espeonage case, scum), that's how insane this game was. The flavor was amazing, something that I always read before moving on to see the flips. The scums weren't attacked until Day 6, but were killed off completely the following Night.
Too bad Andrius decided to betray me and go with AlmasterGM for the cult win, which sucks for me and the town. Oh well, at least I played well.
That's not even touching the icing, thought.
==Supernatural Mafia==
First game with a cult in it. Also one of my best game so far and the game I feel the most proud of, despite the town losing. Day 2, I replaced in for Untrod Tripod who made only one vote and that was for a reasonless vote on MagnaofIllusion. When I replaced in, I went in with all guns blazing, making the absolute maximum effort in that game. I managed to get a lot of notice and people actually believed what I was saying.
Our first scum (Cult really) lynch was ReaperCharlie during Day 3, who was tracked to molestargazer's death on Night 1, which he was called out for. He flipped Lucifer (Not immediately), a Cult Leader (Which was passed on to MagnaofIllusion, whom I considered obvious town).
Day 4, jmj3000, who was Night Killed Night 1, was revived and claimed hider. He claimed that he hid under Sawyer and died. That along with his "connection" with ReaperCharlie and he was busted. He was lynched and flipped Mafia.
We didn't really lynch any scums from then, which was disappointing. However, one of my primary suspects - GroupThink died Night 7 and flipped cult, I was at least right with that. I thought tubby216 had to be scum, turns out I was wrong. Day 9, we mislynched Lowell because he had been playing scummy throughout the entire time. While the cult was wiped out, the Mafia went on to win this game. Props to them and props to the town for trying.
==How well I played in each game (IMO)==
'''Smash World Forums'''
* Smash Bros. Mafia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Newbie Mafia 5: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Muppet Mafia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Newbie Mafia 6: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Tree Stump Mafia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Dragonball Z Mafia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Cartoon Cartoon Mafia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* MXC Mafia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Newbie Mafia 934: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Mini 955: Classic Mafia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Mini 958: Another Mafia Problem: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Mini 964: Another Story: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Mini 974: Thrillville Mafia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* New York 114: Mafia Vs. Werewolves: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* A Clash of Kings: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Mini 984: Mafia in Mobsville: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Open 223: Bird 7/The Jedi Assassin: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Mini 985: Madness at Night: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Mini 988: Small Town Mafia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* New York 115: Wickedestjr's Large Mafia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Mini 991: POWERFUL WIZARD MAFIA: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Last Will Mafia II: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Mini 1000: The Brave and the Beautiful: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Newbie 977: Death in Sudotopia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Supernatural Mafia: Pending
* Mini 1005: Mafiaphobes!: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Mini 1008: Mega Man 1 Mafia: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* New York 117: The Vanillaside: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* /in-vitational G6: N/A
* Open 242: Friends and Enemies: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RChalfstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Choose Your Side: A Comedy of Whims: [[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstar.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]][[Image:RCstarempty.png]]
* Cereal Killers: Mini 1027: Pending
This will be updated over time, so for people who are fans of looking at profiles, you may see a relatively large Mafia history build before your eyes. Hopefully my Mafia journey will be enjoyable for all.
==List of Mafia Games==
===Smash World Forums===
{| border=2 cellpadding=10 style="text-align: center;"
! Game !! Mod !! Entry !! Status !! Start !! End !! Role !! Alignment !! Death !! Result
| [ Smash Bros. Mafia] || SwordsRbroken || From Start || Finished || March 8, 2010 || April 30, 2010 || '''Bowser, Mafia Goon''' || <font color="red">Mafia</font> || Day 2 by lynch || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ Newbie Mafia 5] || Xiivi || From Start || Finished || March 8, 2010 || April 7, 2010 || '''Town Mason''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || End gamed || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ Muppet Mafia] || Gheb_01 || From Start || Finished || March 29, 2010 || May 12, 2010 || '''Kermit the Frog, Vanilla Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Day 3 by lynch|| <font color="green">Town Wins</font>
| [ Newbie Mafia 6] || Xiivi || Replaced Sworddancer. Day 2 || Finished || April 8, 2010 || May 18, 2010 || '''Town Doctor''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Day 4 by lynch || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ Tree Stump Mafia] || Macman || From Start || Finished || April 20, 2010 || May 9, 2010 || '''Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Survived || <font color="green">Town Wins</font>
| [ Dragonball Z Mafia] || Ronike || From Start || Finished || May 2, 2010 || June 7, 2010 || '''Piccolo, Town Jailer''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || End gamed || <font color="blue">Co-Independents Wins</font>
| [ Cartoon Cartoon Mafia] || Junglefever || From Start || Finished || May 20, 2010 || July 5, 2010 || '''Courage the Cowardly Dog, Vanilla Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Day 4 by lynch || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ MXC Mafia] || ChiboSempai || From Start || In Progress || June 28, 2010 || August 16, 2010 || '''Vanilla Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Day 2 by lynch || <font color="blue">Meat Handler</font> and <font color="green">Cartoon Voice Actions</font> <font color="blue">wi</font><font color="green">ns!</font>
{| border=2 cellpadding=10 style="text-align: center;"
! Game !! Mod !! Type !! Entry !! Status !! Start !! End !! Role !! Alignment !! Death !! Result
| [ Newbie Mafia 934] || ElectricBadger || The Road to Rome || From Start || Finished || March 29, 2010 || May 22, 2010 || '''Vanilla Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Day 3 by lynch || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ Mini 955: Classic Mafia] || AlmasterGM || Little Italy || Replaced Doomcow Day 1 || Finished || April 11, 2010 || June 2, 2010 || '''Town Cop''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Day 1 by Lynch || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ Mini 958: Another Mafia Problem] || magnus_orion || Little Italy || From Start || Finished || April 19, 2010 || May 23, 2010 || '''Vanilla Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Day 3 By Lynch || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ Mini 964: Another Story] || Azelf || Little Italy || Replaced Jag Johan Day 1 || Finished || May 3, 2010 || July 13, 2010 || '''Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Day 1 by Lynch || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ Mini 974: Thrillville Mafia] || animorpherv1 || Coney Island || From Start || Finished || May 17, 2010 || August 18, 2010 || '''Dagda, Sukarno, Vanilla Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Day 1 by Lynch || <font color="gray">Draw</font>
| [ New York 114: Mafia Vs. Werewolves] || MichelSableheart || New York || From Start || Finished || May 17, 2010 || August 3, 2010 || '''Vanilla Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Night 6 by Night Kill || <font color="orange">Werewolves Win</font>
| [ A Clash of Kings] || Eddard Stark || Theme Park || From Start || In Progress || June 1, 2010 || ??? || '''Rorge, Bulletproof Serial Killer''' || <font color="blue">Self-Aligned</font> || Day 4 by Dual-Lynch || ???
| [ Mini 984: Mafia in Mobsville] || Locke Lamora || Little Italy || Replaced Mitsuru Kirijo Day 1 || In Progress || June 2, 2010 || August 30, 2010 || '''Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Day 2 by lynch || <font color="green">Town Wins</font>
| [ Open 223: Bird 7/The Jedi Assassins] || McGriddle || Central Park || From Start || Finished || June 5, 2010 || June 18, 2010 || '''Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Day 1 by Lynch || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ Mini 985: Madness at Night] || Hayker || Little Italy || From Start || In Progress || June 9, 2010 || August 3, 2010 || '''Town Cop || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Survived || <font color="green">Town Wins</font>
| [ Mini 988 - Small Town Mafia] || lobstermania || Little Italy || From Start || Finished || June 10, 2010 || July 13, 2010 || '''Mafia''' || <font color="red">Mafia</font> || Night 3 by Night KIll || <font color="green">Town Wins</font>
| [ New York 115: Wickedestjr's Large Mafia] || Wickedestjr || New York || From Start || In Progress || June 18, 2010 || ??? || '''Townie Neighbor''' || <font color="green">Town</font> || Night 1 by Night Kill || ???
| [ Mini 991 - POWERFUL WIZARD MAFIA] || SpyreX || Coney Island || From Start || Finished || June 18, 2010 || July 18, 2010 || '''Town Necromancer''' || <font color="green">Town</font> || End Gamed || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ Last Will Mafia II] || LlamaFluff || Theme Park || From Start || In Progress || June 23, 2010 || ??? || '''Vanilla Townie''' || <font color="green">Town</font> || Lynched Day 4 || ???
| [ Newbie 977: Death in Sudotopia] || Sudo_Nym || The Road to Rome || Replaced Beanman Day 1 || Finished || June 29, 2010 || July 21, 2010 || '''Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Night 1 by Night Kill || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ Mini 1000: The Brave and the Beautiful] || ReaperCharlie || Coney Island || Replaced Muffin Day 4 || Finished || July 1, 2010 || Septermber 4, 2010 || '''Laura Croft, Tomb Raider, Investigator/One-Shot Grave Robber''' || <font color="green">Good</font> || Survived || <font color="green">Good Wins</font>
| [ Supernatural Mafia] || farside22 || Theme Park || Replaced Untrod Triplod Day 2 || In Progress || July 4, 2010 || September 18, 2010 || '''Ellen Harvelle, Vanilla Townie''' || <font color="green">Town</font> || Endgamed || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ Mini 1005: Mafiaphobes!] || totallynotmafia || Little Italy || From Start || Finished || July 7, 2010 || September 2, 2010 || '''Mafia Godfather''' || <font color="red">Mafia</font> || Day 5 by Lynch || <font color="green">Town Wins</font>
| [ Mini 1008: Mega Man 1 Mafia] || Netopalis || Coney Island || From Start || In Progress || July 19, 2010 || August 21, 2010 || '''Fire Man, Vanilla Townie''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Night 2 by Night Kill || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ New York 117: The Vanillaside] || Hoopla || New York || From Start || Finished || July 27, 2010 || August 26, 2010 || '''Town Tracker''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Night 1 by Night Kill || <font color="red">Mafia Wins</font>
| [ /in-vitational G6] || CSL || Coney Island || From Start || Ruined || July 27, 2010 || July 29, 2010 || '''Town Insane Cop''' || <font color="green">Townie</font> || Ruined || <font color="gray">Draw</font>
| | [ Open 242: Friends and Enemies Mafia] || Socrates || Central Park || Replaced drmyshottyizsik Day 1 || In Progress || August 6, 2010 || ??? || '''Mafia''' || <font color="red">Mafia</font> || Lynched Day 1 || ???
| [ Choose Your Side: A Comedy of Whims] || SaintKerrigan || Theme Park || From Start || In Progress || August 9, 2010 || September 14, 2010 || '''Mega Man, Robotic Defender''' || <font color="green">Town</font> || Endgamed || <font color="brown">Cult Wins</font>
| [ Cereal Killers - Mini 1027] || bouncy.bouncy || Coney Island || From Start || In Progress || August 20, 2010 || ??? || ??? || ??? || Still Alive || ???
{| style="height:50px" border="1"
|- style="height:25px; background:#cccccc"
!width="250"|Hydra Name
!width="100"|Hydra Partner
!width="100"|Game Name
!width="200"|Game Moderators
!width="110"|Game Type
| [ Memoria Esponia] || MagnaofIllusion || [ The Lord of the Rings Mafia] || Bilbo Baggins || Large Theme || Day 1 || ??? || ??? || ??? || ??? || ??? || ???
|- style="height:50px"
| colspan="12"| First game while being part of a hydra to another person. Expect a big summary end game.
Smash World Forums:, Mafiascum:,
<!-- Hey SSBF, I'm stopping by to clean your page up.  It seems like you're saying a lot of things twice, and I'm not sure we need to know the exact posts where you joined your games.  It's your page though; that's just my suggestion. ~Vi-->


Latest revision as of 19:17, 9 January 2019

Hi everyone! I'm a returning Mafia semi-veteran and I look forward to playing with everyone again!


Games Completed

None yet.

Moderation Resume

Currently Modding

None yet

Games Completed

None yet

Come Say Hi!

Want to stop by and say "Hello?" Just simply drop by here. Who knows, maybe I'll give a witty response.