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Hey, I'm Nobody Special. Really.
#REDIRECT [[Nobody Special]]
Game summary template used with kind permission of [[StrangerCoug]].
===Games Played===
Of the '''8''' games listed still in progress, I am still alive in '''4''' and have a replacement for me alive in '''0'''. '''0''' games I've been in have been abandoned.
!Alignment !! Wins !! Losses !! Draws !! Total
!Alignment !! Lynched !! Nightkilled !! Endgamed !! Survived !! Other !! Total
====Newbie Games====
!colspan="8" | Newbie
!Game !! Moderator !! Started !! Ended !! Replaced !! Replaced by !! Player status !! Game status
|'''{{plainlink|t|13147|Newbie 894}}'''||[[pablito]]||2010-01-08||2010-02-23||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Lynched, Day 2 (VT)||Town win
|colspan="8" |'''Comments:''' ''My first game.''
|'''{{plainlink|t|13389|Newbie 910 -- Mafia vs Emos}}'''||[[The Fonz]]||2010-02-09||2010-03-30||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Killed N2 (Town Doc)||Mafia win
|colspan="8" |'''Comments:''' ''None yet.''
|'''{{plainlink|t|13911|Newbie 940}}'''||[[Vel-Rahn Koon]]||2010-04-13||2010-06-11||align="center"|[[Jerako]]||align="center"|—||Lynched D3 (Mafia Goon)||Mafia Win
|colspan="8" |'''Comments:''' ''None yet.''
|'''{{plainlink|t|14261|Newbie 965}}'''||[[Jeffcole1]]||2010-06-05||2010-07-03||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Survived (VT/IC)||Town Win
|colspan="8" |'''Comments:''' ''My first IC game. It came down to a 3-player LyLo with mine as the deciding vote, and, after stressing over it for, like, three days, I voted my gut. Fortunately, I was right.''
|'''{{plainlink|t|14205|Newbie 962}}'''||[[Crazy]]||2010-05-30||2010-07-15||align="center"|<s>[[Hero764]]</s><br>[[Cove]]||align="center"|—||Killed N3 (VT/SE)||Mafia Win
|colspan="8" |'''Comments:''' ''Ongoing Game''
|'''{{plainlink|t|14127|Newbie 958}}'''||[[Nikanor]]||2010-05-15||2010-07-20||align="center"|<s>[[Leech]]</s><br>[[smashbro_of_the_SSS]]||align="center"|—||Lynched D3 (VT/SE)||Mafia Win
|colspan="8" |'''Comments:''' ''Must learn not to tunnel. Especially not [[Equinox]].''
|'''{{plainlink|t|14447|Newbie 976}}'''||[[Zorblag]]||2010-06-25||2010-07-27||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Lynched D1 (VT/SE)||Mafia Win
|colspan="8" |'''Comments:''' ''Again, stop with the tunneling. Keep an open mind.''
|'''{{plainlink|t|14481|Newbie 978}}'''||[[Amished]]||2010-06-29||''In Progress''||align="center"|[[Achilles]]||align="center"|—||''Killed N1 (SE)''||''In Progress (D5)''
|colspan="8" |'''Comments:''' ''Ongoing Game''
|'''{{plainlink|t|14651|Newbie 984}}'''||[[Robocopter87]]||2010-07-16||2010-08-16||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Killed N3 (VT/IC)||Town Win
|colspan="8" |'''Comments:''' ''Ongoing Game -- Second IC game''
|'''{{plainlink|t|14681|Newbie 987}}'''||[[Sotty7]]||2010-07-21||''In Progress''||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||''Alive (IC)''||''In Progress (N2)''
|colspan="8" |'''Comments:''' ''Ongoing Game -- Third IC game''
|'''{{plainlink|t|xxxxx|Newbie 999}}'''||[[Kison]]||''Pre-Game''||''Pre-Game''||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||''Pre-Birth (IC)''||''Pre-Game''
|colspan="8" |'''Comments:''' ''Ongoing Game -- Fourth IC game''
====Open Games====
!colspan="8" | Open
!Game !! Moderator !! Started !! Ended !! Replaced !! Replaced by !! Player status !! Game status
|'''{{plainlink|t|14167|Open 222 - Vengeful Mafia}}'''||[[Crazy]]||2010-05-20||2010-05-30||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Survived (Mafia GF)||Mafia Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|14247|Open 223 - Bird 7/The Jedi Assassins }}'''||[[McGriddle]]||2010-05-31||2010-06-18||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Endgamed (VT)||Mafia Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|14580|Open 232 - Vengeful Mafia}}'''||[[Robocopter87]]||2010-07-06||2010-07-10||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Survived (Mafia GF)||Mafia Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|14739|Open 239 - C9++}}'''||[[Ythan]]||2010-07-28||''In Progress''||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||''Lynched D1''||''In Progress (D2)''
====Mini Normal Games====
!colspan="8" | Mini Normal
!Game !! Moderator !! Started !! Ended !! Replaced !! Replaced by !! Player status !! Game status
|'''{{plainlink|t|12970|Mini 898 -- The Game (you just lost it)}}'''||[[Beyond_Birthday]]||2009-12-19||2010-03-21||align="center"|[[qax42]]||align="center"|—||Killed N2 (Town Miller)||Mafia Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|13277|Mini 915 -- Murder in Murder Free Village}}'''||[[Herodotus]]||2010-01-23||2010-03-02||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Lynched D1 (Town Neighbor)||Mafia win
|'''{{plainlink|t|13503|Mini 930 -- Morning People Mafia}}'''||[[sykedoc]]||2010-02-21||2010-04-22||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Lynched D2 (Mafia Goon)||SK Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|13575|Mini 934 -- Troubles at Smiths&Catharts}}'''||[[Col.Cathart]]||2010-03-01||2010-06-10||align="center"|—||align="center"|<s>[[Kthxbye]]</s> [[Pie_is_good]]||Lynched D3 (VT)||Draw
|'''{{plainlink|t|13724| Mini 944- Town Suavé The - The Beginning}}'''||[[MrSuave]]||2010-03-19||2010-05-04||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Lynched D1 (Mafia Goon)||Mafia Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|14722| Mini 1015 - Thursday Morning Murder}}'''||[[esuriospiritus]]||2010-07-26||''In Progress''||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||''Alive''||''In Progress (N1)''
====Mini Theme Games====
!colspan="8" | Mini Theme
!Game !! Moderator !! Started !! Ended !! Replaced !! Replaced by !! Player status !! Game status
|'''{{plainlink|t|13499|Mini 923 -- Behind The Scenes Mafia}}'''||[[Slicey]]||2010-02-20||2010-05-29||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Killed N3 (VT)||Mafia Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|13811|Mini 948 -- Victorian Vampire Mafia}}'''||[[ElectricBadger]]||2010-03-30||2010-05-30||align="center"|[[Slaine Hayes]]||align="center"|—||Killed N2 (VT)||Mafia Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|13971|Picto Mafia II}}'''||[[Pomegranate]]||2010-04-23||2010-05-31||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Survived (Mafia Watcher)||Mafia Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|14219|Trader Mafia}}'''||[[zoraster]]||2010-06-01||2010-07-04||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Lynched D2 (VT)||Town Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|14021|Infection Mafia}}'''||[[Phate]]||2010-05-02||2010-07-24||align="center"|[[Twomz]]||align="center"|—||Endgamed (Town Doc)||Mafia Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|14488|Mini 1001 -- Guys Pt. 2 (Adult) Mafia}}'''||[[The Mods]]||2010-06-30||2010-07-19||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Survived (VT)||Town Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|14677|Mini 1011 -- Help! My Computer Got Infected!}}'''||[[StrangerCoug]]||2010-07-21||2010-08-18||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Survived (Mafia RB)||Mafia Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|14951|Tarot Mafia}}'''||[[dramonic]]||2010-08-18||''In Progress''||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||''Alive''||''In Progress''
====Large Theme Games====
!colspan="8" | Large Theme
!Game !! Moderator !! Started !! Ended !! Replaced !! Replaced by !! Player status !! Game status
|'''{{plainlink|t|13532|Mafia 110 -- Mafia in Hell, Michigan}}'''||[[Netopalis]]||2010-02-24||2010-05-13||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Lynched D2 (VT)||Draw
|'''{{plainlink|t|13512|ZOMBIES! - I shot the deputy}}'''||[[farside22]]||2010-02-22||2010-05-11||align="center"|[[Dr.Cyanide]]||align="center"|[[SlySly]]||Endgamed (Zombie minion)||Mafia (Zombie) Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|14190|Harry Potter Mafia}}'''||<s>[[SensFan]]</s><br>[[hasdgfas]]||2010-05-25||2010-08-02||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||Lynched D5 (VT)||Mafia Win
|'''{{plainlink|t|14585|Earth's Struggle}}'''||[[Haylen]]||2010-07-07||''In Progress''||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||''Lynched D1''||''In Progress (D3)''
|'''{{plainlink|t|14701|Quirkytown}}'''||[[StrangerCoug]]||2010-07-23||''In Progress''||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||''Killed N2''||''In Progress (D3)''
|'''{{plainlink|t|14747|Choose Your Side -- A Comedy of Whims}}'''||[[SaintKerrigan]]||2010-08-09||''In Progress''||align="center"|—||align="center"|—||''Alive''||''In Progress (N2)''
[ Morgan Freeman has a flavor]. ~~[[AGar]] and [[Nobody Special|NS]]
Neither '''ZOMBIES! - I shot the Deputy''' nor '''The Game -- You Just Lost It''' are counted in my win/loss results (I was in each game for, like, ten seconds).
I need to watch [[Fate]] much more closely. Can't decide if it is an awesome player, or ... something else.
====To Do====
-- Why are the results and alignment tables off by two?
-- Create ruleset (subpage)
-- Decide bg color for closed games
-- Create modding subpage (See Nikanor {and kindly ask permission to steal})
-- Make quote section (after, you know, finding some quotes) (Also, track down CF origins)
-- Consider using [[Vi]]'s page as template. It's probably more work than I want to do, though.
-- Fix broken (archive) links on Mr Stoofer's page.
-- More broken (archive) links on CDB's page. This may have the makings of a Project.
-- '''@NS:''' My count shows you recorded two extra losses as town into your win/loss table that aren't listed in your game summaries (yes, I dis-included the two games you mentioned). -[[AGar]]
-- '''@AGar:''' That can't be it. In the first table, I have 14town/6scum completed; second table: 13town/5scum completed.
-- Tunneling article needed. ([[Confirmation Bias|Tunneling]] ~ [[Equinox]])
-- '''@NS:''' Ok, figured it out. Your Town row in the win loss table should be 4/9/2/'''15'''. Your Scum row should be 5/1/0/'''6'''. The only problem with your win/loss table is you gave yourself an extra scum loss and didn't count a win.. In the results table, your Town line should read 7/4/2/2/'''15'''. You missed one game where you were lynched. Your scum row in that table should be 3/0/0/3/'''6'''. You missed another lynch. Should be correct. I disincluded the two games you mentioned. -[[AGar]]
-- @AGar: Thank you. Updated.
-- Cleanup ToDo section; archive outdated stuffs. (Don't forget the non-archived stuffs.) (Note to any interested parties: I'm a completist by nature [it's the OCD] so anything put here will be here (or in archives) forever. You've been warned. If you have a compelling reason, I'll consider otherwise.)
-- Put in /in-vitational <s>whichever number</s> 9 (sykedoc's). But it needs its own section, so not tonight, dear, I'm tired.
-- Also, don't forget Marathon Days (both June/move and August).
-- Determine an acceptable format and add percentages to win/loss tables.
[[Category:West Coast Scumbags]]

Latest revision as of 03:06, 20 September 2010

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