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*Newbie 783 - Mongol Mafia
Completed Games (NB: This list is complete as of 12/28/2014, but outcome information needs to updated for the most recent games)
**Alignment: Town
**Role: VT
**Outcome: Lynched D2, Perfect Loss D:

*Mini 808 - Rabbit Doubt Mafia
**Alignment: Town
**Newbie 783 - Mongol Mafia
**Role: Daddy's Little Girl, [Determined by game mechanics]
***Alignment: Town
**Outcome: Endgamed, Perfect Loss D:
***Role: VT
***Outcome: Lynched D2, Perfect Loss D:
*Mini 812 - Twilight Mafia
**Mini 808 - Rabbit Doubt Mafia
**Alignment: Town
***Alignment: Town
**Role: Jacob Black, VT
***Role: Daddy's Little Girl, [Determined by game mechanics]
**Outcome: NKed N4, Loss :(
***Outcome: Endgamed, Perfect Loss D:
**Mini 812 - Twilight Mafia
*Mini 815 - Lazy Neighborhood Mafia
***Alignment: Town
**Alignment: Town
***Role: Jacob Black, VT
**Role: Lazy 1-Shot Vigilante (May only target neighbors)
***Outcome: NKed N4, Loss :(
**Outcome: Survived, Win :)
**Mini 815 - Lazy Neighborhood Mafia
***Alignment: Town
*Mini 834 - Grimm's Pokemon Madness Mafia
***Role: Lazy 1-Shot Vigilante (May only target neighbors)
**Alignment: Town
***Outcome: Survived, Win :)
**Role: Psyduck, Confused Townie (Chance at 1-shot ability removal)
***The first game where I felt like I had an insight that directly contributed to a win.  Also, my first win.
**Outcome: NKed N2, Loss :(
**Mini 834 - Grimm's Pokemon Madness Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Psyduck, Confused Townie (Chance at 1-shot ability removal)
***Outcome: NKed N2, Loss :(
**Mini 840 - Tajo's I Love You Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Scott, Townie In Love (Unconfirmed mason with 1 player)
***Outcome: Endgamed, Loss :(
**Newbie 858
***Alignment: Town
***Role: VT
***Outcome: Survived, Perfect Win :P
**Mini 878 - Nouns Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Noun Cop (Alignment+Rolename Cop)
***Outcome: NKed N5, Loss :(
***Well, we found all the scum 2 days before the game ended.  It was just too late.
**Mini 881 - Moviestar Madness Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Gary Oldman, [Abilities change daily]
***Outcome: NKed N4, Win :)
***Really neat ruleset.  I was happy with how I used my role.
**EmpKing's Super UPick
***Alignment: Town, Culted N2
***Role: Metatron, 2-shot Dayvig
***Outcome: Survived, Abandoned D3 :[
**Kingdom Hearts Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Jack Sparrow, 2-shot Dayvig (again!)
***Outcome: Survived, Town win :)
***I didn't do much apart from pretty consistently follow the right crowds here.  But then, a nice side effect was to survive while being all-but-confirmed all game.
**Mini 897 - OpenSource Mafia
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Lead MicroSuck developer -- [Modified] Mafia Roleblocker
***Outcome: NK'd N2, Lose. :(
**Mini 917 -- Precision Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Paranoid Doctor (aka Jailer)
***Outcome: NK'd N1, Lose. :(
***I found all the scum early on D1, even if I was shakier on the last one.  Unfortunately, that last scum managed to go all the way to 3-man lylo and win.
**Fables -- The Grimmafia Game
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Lumi, the Snow Queen -- Godfather Roleblocker Hitman Magic Dueler.  A total goddess.
***Outcome: Survived, Win. :)
***I was very proud of this game.  I talked my way out of a guilty result, came up with a great fakeclaim in a fakeclaimless setup, etc.
**Mini 924 - Disgaea Mafia
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Maderas, Traitorous Vassal (Goon)
***Outcome: Lynched D3 (Cop investigation), loss
***TBM is an amazing Cop.  He targeted scum every single day.
**Mini 943- Greek Mythology!
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Artemis, Mason Hider Dayskipper Cop.  AMAZING.
***Outcome: Daykilled D6, loss
***This was a little frustrating because we'd found all the scum long before D6, but a hidden scum wincon lost us the game.  Ah well.  Fun setup.
**Mini 933: Linked Role Chaos Mafia v2.0
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Higgs Boson, from Real Life.  Hider.
***Outcome: Killed N3 (via Nexus shenanigans), loss
***I have a problem where I don't push my reads as town.
**Lay of Leithian Mafia
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Dragluin, Morgoth Mafia Goon
***Outcome: Lynched D5 (Cop investigation), loss
***I think my scumteam played well.  Mechanics were kinda screwy.
**Square Enix Mafia I: Diabolus Erus
***Alignment: Protagonist (Town)
***Role: Ultros, Death Miller
***Outcome: Lynched D2, win
***I can't take much credit for this.  I made the mistake of (accurately) claiming Death Miller during N0, which led to my lynch D2 when Town couldn't agree on a lynch target.  Town managed to recover from near-certain defeat, though, so it was a fun game to watch.
**Mini 979 Square Enix II: Siege of Obscurum
***Alignment: Scum (Replaced in D2)
***Role: Darklord Stroud, Shadow Knight (1-shot DK, 1-shot vote-wipe)
***Outcome: Survived, win
***I replaced into an excellent situation.  I still think I played pretty well, though.
**Stars Aligned II
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Investigator
***Outcome: Murdered N1, loss
**Mini 989 - Disgaea Mafia Episode 2
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Pleinair, Silent Commentator (VT)
***Outcome: Lynched D1, loss
**Mini 961: Insane Asylum II
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Mostly Vanilla Townie (VT + Public Nighttalk)
***Outcome: Shot N2, loss
**Of Gods and Men
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Baldur, the Invulnerable (Bulletproof)
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Mini 1000: The Brave and the Beautiful
***Alignment: Good
***Role: Princess Zelda, Mystic Mage (Doctor OR Tracker/Watcher)
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Mini 970 Grimm's PR Madness
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Cop
***Outcome: Lynched in 3-man lylo, lost :(
**Mini 1024 - Pop Mafia
***Alignment: Mafia
***Role: Madonna, Diva Jack of All Trades
***Outcome: Survived, Perfect win :D
**Mafia On Holy Orders
***Alignment: Righteous
***Role: Vanilla Townie, but became a Neighborizer
***Outcome: Lynched in 4-man lylo, lost :(
**Mini 1032 [ReBoot Mafia]
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Mister Christopher, Neighbor
***Outcome: Survived, lost
**Mini 1038 Inception Mafia
***Alignment: Mafia
***Role: Dom Cobb, Extractor (Responsible for Mafia kill)
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Mini 1049 - Hide and Seek Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Light Sleeper (can determine whether someone hid in one's own room at night)
***Outcome: Slot lynched at endgame, lost
***Replaced in D3, had to replace out at the end of D5 because I accidentally learned who one of the scum was\
**Gorrad's Favorite Fictional Characters Mafia
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Casanova Frankenstein, Spark Mafia Inventor (JOAT)
***Outcome: NKed N7, lost
***Replaced in D3 with both of my scumfriends under a lot of suspicion; they were lynched D3 and D4.  I'm happy with how I did under the circumstances.
**Super Mario Brother's Mafia 1: Invasion of Bowser's Castle
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Bowyer, Roleblocker
***Outcome: Lynched D3, lost
***4 scumfriends were killed or modkilled N1 :(
**Square Enix IV
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Adam "Kane" Marcus
***Outcome: NK'd N1, lost
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Bernardos, Russian Mob Soldati
***Outcome: Survived, won
***Really fun set-up.  Part of the reason we did so well was that we were very lucky with N1 actions.
**Stars Aligned III
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Investigator
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Mini 1143 Square Enix V
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Prince Doza, VT
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Open 298 -- Follow the Cop...or Not
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Tracker
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Square Enix Mafia Gaiden: The Outsiders
***Alignment: Beauty Scum
***Role: Jaina Proudmoore, Jailkeeper
***Outcome: Killed N4, lost
**Open 296: Basic 12 Player
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Doctor
***Outcome: Killed N3, lost
**Team Mafia: Psychic Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Benefici (VT)
***Outcome: Survived, won (on D2!)
**Dynasty Warriors Mafia
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Liu Bei, Emperor of Shu (1-shot conditional governor, activated one-shot loverizer)
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Team Mafia: Overall Results
***Alignment: Varied
***Role: Team Ragnarok
***Outcome: Tied for 1st overall in terms of points, but did not win the judges' tiebreaker deliberation.  Tied for second, I suppose. :)
**The Brave and the Beautiful 2: Fairy Tales
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Alice from Wonderland, Wayward Seeker (Alignment-naive rolename cop)
***Outcome: Killed N5, lost
**Neon Genesis Evangelion Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Hikari Horaki, VT
***Outcome: Survived, won
**NY136: The Death of Reaper Charlie
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Two-Shot Vigilante
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Starcraft Mafia Mini 1210
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Samir Duran, Deathproof Allegiance-Switcher
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Judge Turpin, Mafia Depraved Jailkeeper
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Final Fantasy 6 Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Celes Chere, Jailkeeper Variant
***Outcome: Killed N4, lost
**Otters v Tigers v Sharks
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Confidotter, Fisherman
***Outcome: Killed N6, lost
**Gay Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Lady Gaga, Lyricist (Fruit Vendor)
***Outcome: Killed N6, won
**DN Does Star Wars
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Jar Jar Binks, NK Immune/Post-Restricted
***Outcome: Lynched D2, won
**Doctor Who Mafia
***Alignment: 3rd Party
***Role: The Tenth Doctor, Serial Killer
***Outcome: Lynched D2, loss
**Political Corruption Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Aspiring Congressman, Modified VT
***Outcome: Survived, won
**A Dance with Dragons (as Saporient)
***Alignment: Scum, Aegon
***Role: Varys, Informed Goon
***Outcome: Lynched D3, loss
**Politics Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Mason
***Outcome: Killed N2, loss
**The Agency Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Friedrich von Ohlhausen, Conspiracy Theorist (VT)
***Outcome: Killed N5, loss
**Gay Mafia II
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Fred Phelps Sr, Mafia Redirector
***Outcome: Killed N7, loss
**Doctor Who Mafia: The End of Time
***Alignment: Serial Killer
***Role: Tenth Doctor
***Outcome: Lynched D2, loss
**Mainstream Mafia
***Alignment: Town -> Culted
***Role: Culted
***Outcome: Lynched D5, loss
**Doctor Who Mafia: The Last Great Time War
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Rose Tyler, VT
***Outcome: Lynched D4, loss
**Dark Souls Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Crossbreed Priscilla, VT
***Outcome: Lynched D3, win
**Balto the Invitational
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Reck's Reaction to the Red Wedding
***Outcome: Lynched D7, loss
**A Memory of Light
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Mazrim Taim
***Outcome: Lynched D4, win
**JobPick Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Cabbage-Vendor
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Lord Patator Charlixion the 6th
***Alignment: Town -> Culted
***Role: Culted
***Outcome: Survived, won
**The Legend of Zelda: Defense of Hyrule
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Granny
***Outcome: Killed N8, loss
**EmpKing's UPick (Another One)
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Lilith, Mafia Self-Watcher
***Outcome: Lynched D5, won
**The Reckoning III
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Drunk CDB, Town Hammering Supersaint
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Xenosaga Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Shion Uzuki, VT
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Mini 1545: Teen Wolf Season 1 Mafia
***Alignment: Scum
***Role: Victoria Argent, Goon
***Outcome: Lynched D7, loss
**Event Card Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Tracker
***Outcome: Killed N3, won
**InuYasha Mafia (as AngryIcerink)
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Ryukotsusei, Town Demon Vanilla
***Outcome: Killed N1, loss
**MoS-Faire 3.0 Invitational
***Alignment: Lyncher -> Survivor
***Role: Win with a lyncher, or survive
***Outcome: Survived, won
**Mini 1604 -- Zodiac Mafia
***Alignment: Town
***Role: Virgo, later loverizer
***Outcome: Committed suicide N4, win

*Mini 840 - Tajo's I Love You Mafia
Modded Games
**Alignment: Town
**Role: Scott, Townie In Love (Unconfirmed mason with 1 player)
**Outcome: Endgamed, Loss :(

*Newbie 858
*Open 224 -- vengeful/Girls Alive?
**Alignment: Town
**Outcome: Mafia GF lynched D1.  Town win.
**Role: VT
**Outcome: Survived, Perfect Win :P

*Mini 878 - Nouns Mafia
*Open 252 -- Whoniverse Jungle Republic
**Alignment: Town
**Outcome: Werewolf win.
**Role: Noun Cop (Alignment+Rolename Cop)
**Outcome: NKed N5, Loss :(

*Mini 881 - Moviestar Madness Mafia
*Mafia MetaMafia (Back-Up to Vi)
**Alignment: Town
**Outcome: TIGER win.
**Role: Gary Oldman, [Abilities change daily]
**Outcome: NKed N4, Win :)
*EmpKing's Super UPick
**Alignment: Town
**Role: Metatron, 2-shot Dayvig
**Outcome: Survived, Abandoned D3

Latest revision as of 19:00, 29 December 2014

Completed Games (NB: This list is complete as of 12/28/2014, but outcome information needs to updated for the most recent games)

  • 2009
    • Newbie 783 - Mongol Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: VT
      • Outcome: Lynched D2, Perfect Loss D:
    • Mini 808 - Rabbit Doubt Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Daddy's Little Girl, [Determined by game mechanics]
      • Outcome: Endgamed, Perfect Loss D:
    • Mini 812 - Twilight Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Jacob Black, VT
      • Outcome: NKed N4, Loss :(
    • Mini 815 - Lazy Neighborhood Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Lazy 1-Shot Vigilante (May only target neighbors)
      • Outcome: Survived, Win :)
      • The first game where I felt like I had an insight that directly contributed to a win. Also, my first win.
    • Mini 834 - Grimm's Pokemon Madness Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Psyduck, Confused Townie (Chance at 1-shot ability removal)
      • Outcome: NKed N2, Loss :(
    • Mini 840 - Tajo's I Love You Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Scott, Townie In Love (Unconfirmed mason with 1 player)
      • Outcome: Endgamed, Loss :(
    • Newbie 858
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: VT
      • Outcome: Survived, Perfect Win :P
    • Mini 878 - Nouns Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Noun Cop (Alignment+Rolename Cop)
      • Outcome: NKed N5, Loss :(
      • Well, we found all the scum 2 days before the game ended. It was just too late.
    • Mini 881 - Moviestar Madness Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Gary Oldman, [Abilities change daily]
      • Outcome: NKed N4, Win :)
      • Really neat ruleset. I was happy with how I used my role.
    • EmpKing's Super UPick
      • Alignment: Town, Culted N2
      • Role: Metatron, 2-shot Dayvig
      • Outcome: Survived, Abandoned D3 :[
    • Kingdom Hearts Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Jack Sparrow, 2-shot Dayvig (again!)
      • Outcome: Survived, Town win :)
      • I didn't do much apart from pretty consistently follow the right crowds here. But then, a nice side effect was to survive while being all-but-confirmed all game.
    • Mini 897 - OpenSource Mafia
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Lead MicroSuck developer -- [Modified] Mafia Roleblocker
      • Outcome: NK'd N2, Lose. :(
  • 2010
    • Mini 917 -- Precision Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Paranoid Doctor (aka Jailer)
      • Outcome: NK'd N1, Lose. :(
      • I found all the scum early on D1, even if I was shakier on the last one. Unfortunately, that last scum managed to go all the way to 3-man lylo and win.
    • Fables -- The Grimmafia Game
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Lumi, the Snow Queen -- Godfather Roleblocker Hitman Magic Dueler. A total goddess.
      • Outcome: Survived, Win. :)
      • I was very proud of this game. I talked my way out of a guilty result, came up with a great fakeclaim in a fakeclaimless setup, etc.
    • Mini 924 - Disgaea Mafia
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Maderas, Traitorous Vassal (Goon)
      • Outcome: Lynched D3 (Cop investigation), loss
      • TBM is an amazing Cop. He targeted scum every single day.
    • Mini 943- Greek Mythology!
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Artemis, Mason Hider Dayskipper Cop. AMAZING.
      • Outcome: Daykilled D6, loss
      • This was a little frustrating because we'd found all the scum long before D6, but a hidden scum wincon lost us the game. Ah well. Fun setup.
    • Mini 933: Linked Role Chaos Mafia v2.0
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Higgs Boson, from Real Life. Hider.
      • Outcome: Killed N3 (via Nexus shenanigans), loss
      • I have a problem where I don't push my reads as town.
    • Lay of Leithian Mafia
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Dragluin, Morgoth Mafia Goon
      • Outcome: Lynched D5 (Cop investigation), loss
      • I think my scumteam played well. Mechanics were kinda screwy.
    • Square Enix Mafia I: Diabolus Erus
      • Alignment: Protagonist (Town)
      • Role: Ultros, Death Miller
      • Outcome: Lynched D2, win
      • I can't take much credit for this. I made the mistake of (accurately) claiming Death Miller during N0, which led to my lynch D2 when Town couldn't agree on a lynch target. Town managed to recover from near-certain defeat, though, so it was a fun game to watch.
    • Mini 979 Square Enix II: Siege of Obscurum
      • Alignment: Scum (Replaced in D2)
      • Role: Darklord Stroud, Shadow Knight (1-shot DK, 1-shot vote-wipe)
      • Outcome: Survived, win
      • I replaced into an excellent situation. I still think I played pretty well, though.
    • Stars Aligned II
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Investigator
      • Outcome: Murdered N1, loss
    • Mini 989 - Disgaea Mafia Episode 2
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Pleinair, Silent Commentator (VT)
      • Outcome: Lynched D1, loss
    • Mini 961: Insane Asylum II
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Mostly Vanilla Townie (VT + Public Nighttalk)
      • Outcome: Shot N2, loss
    • Of Gods and Men
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Baldur, the Invulnerable (Bulletproof)
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Mini 1000: The Brave and the Beautiful
      • Alignment: Good
      • Role: Princess Zelda, Mystic Mage (Doctor OR Tracker/Watcher)
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Mini 970 Grimm's PR Madness
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Cop
      • Outcome: Lynched in 3-man lylo, lost :(
    • Mini 1024 - Pop Mafia
      • Alignment: Mafia
      • Role: Madonna, Diva Jack of All Trades
      • Outcome: Survived, Perfect win :D
    • Mafia On Holy Orders
      • Alignment: Righteous
      • Role: Vanilla Townie, but became a Neighborizer
      • Outcome: Lynched in 4-man lylo, lost :(
    • Mini 1032 [ReBoot Mafia]
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Mister Christopher, Neighbor
      • Outcome: Survived, lost
    • Mini 1038 Inception Mafia
      • Alignment: Mafia
      • Role: Dom Cobb, Extractor (Responsible for Mafia kill)
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Mini 1049 - Hide and Seek Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Light Sleeper (can determine whether someone hid in one's own room at night)
      • Outcome: Slot lynched at endgame, lost
      • Replaced in D3, had to replace out at the end of D5 because I accidentally learned who one of the scum was\
    • Gorrad's Favorite Fictional Characters Mafia
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Casanova Frankenstein, Spark Mafia Inventor (JOAT)
      • Outcome: NKed N7, lost
      • Replaced in D3 with both of my scumfriends under a lot of suspicion; they were lynched D3 and D4. I'm happy with how I did under the circumstances.
    • Super Mario Brother's Mafia 1: Invasion of Bowser's Castle
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Bowyer, Roleblocker
      • Outcome: Lynched D3, lost
      • 4 scumfriends were killed or modkilled N1 :(
  • 2011
    • Square Enix IV
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Adam "Kane" Marcus
      • Outcome: NK'd N1, lost
    • Resurgence
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Bernardos, Russian Mob Soldati
      • Outcome: Survived, won
      • Really fun set-up. Part of the reason we did so well was that we were very lucky with N1 actions.
    • Stars Aligned III
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Investigator
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Mini 1143 Square Enix V
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Prince Doza, VT
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Open 298 -- Follow the Cop...or Not
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Tracker
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Square Enix Mafia Gaiden: The Outsiders
      • Alignment: Beauty Scum
      • Role: Jaina Proudmoore, Jailkeeper
      • Outcome: Killed N4, lost
    • Open 296: Basic 12 Player
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Doctor
      • Outcome: Killed N3, lost
    • Team Mafia: Psychic Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Benefici (VT)
      • Outcome: Survived, won (on D2!)
    • Dynasty Warriors Mafia
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Liu Bei, Emperor of Shu (1-shot conditional governor, activated one-shot loverizer)
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Team Mafia: Overall Results
      • Alignment: Varied
      • Role: Team Ragnarok
      • Outcome: Tied for 1st overall in terms of points, but did not win the judges' tiebreaker deliberation. Tied for second, I suppose. :)
    • The Brave and the Beautiful 2: Fairy Tales
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Alice from Wonderland, Wayward Seeker (Alignment-naive rolename cop)
      • Outcome: Killed N5, lost
    • Neon Genesis Evangelion Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Hikari Horaki, VT
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • NY136: The Death of Reaper Charlie
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Two-Shot Vigilante
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Starcraft Mafia Mini 1210
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Samir Duran, Deathproof Allegiance-Switcher
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Judge Turpin, Mafia Depraved Jailkeeper
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Final Fantasy 6 Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Celes Chere, Jailkeeper Variant
      • Outcome: Killed N4, lost
  • 2012
    • Otters v Tigers v Sharks
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Confidotter, Fisherman
      • Outcome: Killed N6, lost
    • Gay Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Lady Gaga, Lyricist (Fruit Vendor)
      • Outcome: Killed N6, won
    • DN Does Star Wars
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Jar Jar Binks, NK Immune/Post-Restricted
      • Outcome: Lynched D2, won
    • Doctor Who Mafia
      • Alignment: 3rd Party
      • Role: The Tenth Doctor, Serial Killer
      • Outcome: Lynched D2, loss
    • Political Corruption Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Aspiring Congressman, Modified VT
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • A Dance with Dragons (as Saporient)
      • Alignment: Scum, Aegon
      • Role: Varys, Informed Goon
      • Outcome: Lynched D3, loss
    • Politics Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Mason
      • Outcome: Killed N2, loss
    • The Agency Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Friedrich von Ohlhausen, Conspiracy Theorist (VT)
      • Outcome: Killed N5, loss
    • Gay Mafia II
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Fred Phelps Sr, Mafia Redirector
      • Outcome: Killed N7, loss
    • Doctor Who Mafia: The End of Time
      • Alignment: Serial Killer
      • Role: Tenth Doctor
      • Outcome: Lynched D2, loss
  • 2013
    • Mainstream Mafia
      • Alignment: Town -> Culted
      • Role: Culted
      • Outcome: Lynched D5, loss
    • Doctor Who Mafia: The Last Great Time War
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Rose Tyler, VT
      • Outcome: Lynched D4, loss
    • Dark Souls Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Crossbreed Priscilla, VT
      • Outcome: Lynched D3, win
    • Balto the Invitational
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Reck's Reaction to the Red Wedding
      • Outcome: Lynched D7, loss
    • A Memory of Light
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Mazrim Taim
      • Outcome: Lynched D4, win
    • JobPick Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Cabbage-Vendor
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Lord Patator Charlixion the 6th
      • Alignment: Town -> Culted
      • Role: Culted
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • The Legend of Zelda: Defense of Hyrule
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Granny
      • Outcome: Killed N8, loss
  • 2014
    • EmpKing's UPick (Another One)
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Lilith, Mafia Self-Watcher
      • Outcome: Lynched D5, won
    • The Reckoning III
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Drunk CDB, Town Hammering Supersaint
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Xenosaga Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Shion Uzuki, VT
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Mini 1545: Teen Wolf Season 1 Mafia
      • Alignment: Scum
      • Role: Victoria Argent, Goon
      • Outcome: Lynched D7, loss
    • Event Card Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Tracker
      • Outcome: Killed N3, won
    • InuYasha Mafia (as AngryIcerink)
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Ryukotsusei, Town Demon Vanilla
      • Outcome: Killed N1, loss
    • MoS-Faire 3.0 Invitational
      • Alignment: Lyncher -> Survivor
      • Role: Win with a lyncher, or survive
      • Outcome: Survived, won
    • Mini 1604 -- Zodiac Mafia
      • Alignment: Town
      • Role: Virgo, later loverizer
      • Outcome: Committed suicide N4, win

Modded Games

  • Open 224 -- vengeful/Girls Alive?
    • Outcome: Mafia GF lynched D1. Town win.
  • Open 252 -- Whoniverse Jungle Republic
    • Outcome: Werewolf win.
  • Mafia MetaMafia (Back-Up to Vi)
    • Outcome: TIGER win.