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My reads were not great this game. Light was pretty obvious, but Verdith and Trans were less so especially since the whole game the 2 were trying to lynch the other. Day 4 I messed up pretty bad in pushing for Titus to be lynched when there was 5 power claimants and 2 dead Goons. That alone should have been a clue that either Creature or Trans were the last scum, but for some reason I didn't spot that at the time. I also ignored a lot of Trans's flaws and Creature's heavy town slips. Light even had Trans as a heavy town read for no reason and pushed a wagon and lingered a bit too much on Creature day 1. Part of the reason I think I had been ignoring that was that Verdith was tryind hard to bus Trans, really the whole Mafia had an odd stance on bussing. Light was bussing Verdith, Verdith was bussing Trans, and Trans was bussing Light. I think the Mafia wasn't using their day chat or something because there is no reason to fragment a Mafia team that much on day 1 and they would have had so much better of a time if they had worked together even a little bit rather than trying to act as 3 separate Serial Killers.
My reads were not great this game. Light was pretty obvious, but Verdith and Trans were less so especially since the whole game the 2 were trying to lynch the other. Day 4 I messed up pretty bad in pushing for Titus to be lynched when there was 5 power claimants and 2 dead Goons. That alone should have been a clue that either Creature or Trans were the last scum, but for some reason I didn't spot that at the time. I also ignored a lot of Trans's flaws and Creature's heavy town slips. Light even had Trans as a heavy town read for no reason and pushed a wagon and lingered a bit too much on Creature day 1. Part of the reason I think I had been ignoring that was that Verdith was tryind hard to bus Trans, really the whole Mafia had an odd stance on bussing. Light was bussing Verdith, Verdith was bussing Trans, and Trans was bussing Light. I think the Mafia wasn't using their day chat or something because there is no reason to fragment a Mafia team that much on day 1 and they would have had so much better of a time if they had worked together even a little bit rather than trying to act as 3 separate Serial Killers.
'''Mini Normal 1844 | Firework Mafia - Town Neighborizer/Deneighborizer'''
Interesting role at the start. I've never seen a neighborhood controller before or even thought about one. I had gotten both the Doc and Tracker in my neighborhood which was great as well, but I messed up a bit with the night 1 Goon neighborizing. Though the Goon never noticed so... Tracker helped a ton to clear the Doctor and to catch a killer. The Gunsmiths also cleared a somewhat suspicious person and caught the Mafia Rolecop. The most usefulness I had was at the end with the 2 confirmed town and we were able to work out who was the last Mafia easily. I also was able to clear the Doctor even before he claimed and the mafia Rolecop CCed him.
'''Large Normal 215| HMS Mafia - Town Jailkeeper'''
Admittedly I do not believe that I played very well this game. My reads were almost all wrong with half the Mafia as null or town and most of my scum reads being town. I tried to do a mix of jailing someone who I suspected as Mafia, but felt the Mafia would go after should they have been town. Unfortunately I did not successfully stop a kill and got shot by the Even Night Vigilante on night 2. Mafia also ended up having a perfect victory despite the Traitor almost getting lynched day 2 and one of their goons being almost universally scumread the whole game.


Latest revision as of 19:49, 2 October 2018

Io-Bio   Game Records   Player Commentary   Modded Games   Mod Commentary    

Newbie Games

Newbie 1690 | Hungarian Nóták II - Mafia Goon

This was my first game on the sight so going into it I was not really sure what to expect. The first thing which disappointed me a bit was the lack of activity from my scum partner and ultimately it was really not worth it to try and keep him out of the noose in the end though I was able to buy them 1 day to roleblock. My strongest point in this game was faking a Town slip day 1 by pretending to not know the Mafia had a pre-game chat as it was never stated anywhere that the day-chat for the newbie games also included a pre-game chat, of course the only way to know that would be for me to have been Mafia so it was a good way to keep the Cop off me for the first few nights and even get healed by the Doctor. Ultimately what I feel caused me to lose this game was my bad night kill targets. The last night I could have done something before I just lose by the Town Cop just having enough information to narrow it down to 2 possible Mafia if I wasn't checked I butchered it. I was even debating who was the Cop and just went against my gut and ended up killing a Vanilla Townie claimer thinking they were Cop faking that for some reason. Killing the Cop that night might have been able to save me, but it's hard to say. The Town slip was nice, but I'm not sure if it was enough to get me to practically confirmed Town status to win.


Open 646 | tojam's Semi-Nightless - Vanilla Townie

I felt pretty good doing this game. I was able to pretty much spearhead a Mafia lynch on day 1 and was able to PoE a lot of town members from the associations provided with his lynch. It really wasn't surprising that I was killed night 3 and that worked well for the last Mafia as it looked to be just a kill on a strong townie and not because I had them in my lynch block of 3 very likely scum. The reason they said they had killed me was because of my strong town read on a person they knew they could mislynch. Really though for what I lived through I did good though not sure what would have happened if I were to have been in the final 3. 2 of my top 3 scum reads were still alive, but I may have been able to save Maria day 4 and lynched one of them. Not sure though as that's just speculation.

Open 648 | Ari's Donner Party Mafia - Vanilla Townie

I honestly wasn't to great this game. I had 2 large points where I couldn't be very active while playing and ultimately my reads were just all wrong. I did manage to get one scum right, but he wasn't even lynched until day 2 after we already killed the dietitian. I was also right in my Serial Killer suspect, but that was mostly agreed upon by the whole town. Day 3 I decided to try and soft Vigilante as a lot of people were suspecting that I had killed my largest scum read, but that didn't matter because the SK was lynched and it was revealed they killed my largest scum read and not me. Not to mention the roleblocker stopped the Mafia kills both night 2 and 3 so it didn't even matter. Scum just ended up losing because they weren't very good at looking like town and the last Goon claimed Vigilante when it was highly likely the vigilante died night 1 as the vigilante never even killed anyone. Not to mention there was no doctor and scum didn't attack the roleblocker despite their day 1 claim.

Open 652 | Making Friends & Enemies - Vanilla Townie

This game went surprisingly fast. The thing I found funny was how my plan was to soft being Mason's with BBT and he ended up being a Mafia Goon so I'm not sure if they killed me on that or just that they thought I was a strong townie. Honestly though I was not the best night kill on night 1 as Tex was n my town bracket so really the reward of killing me didn't match up with the risk of him losing support. I don't see why they had lynched Naru, I thought Naru was town and would have rathered them lynch another person and would have had that lynch between BBT or Penguin. The town had reallly good PoE though and a lot of people were practically cleared to the point where there was a comfortable 3 final possible mafia and it would have been difficult for Tex to have been able to recover.

Open 655 | Fire and Ice Mafia - Ice Mafia Goon

Me and Dunn were a really good Mafia team and neither of us were even remotely on anyone's scum reads on either day 1 or 2. This ended up actually hurting us though since the Fire Mafia thought Dunn was Town so they killed him on night 2 to get rid of a strong near confirmed townie. Unfortunately me and Dunn were a rather close Mafia, but I still was able to avoid being lynched on day 3 and 4. Ultimately there was nothing I really could have done to win since the last Fire Goon was being healed literally the entire game by the Doctor. I tried to kill him on night 3 but failed and there was not really anything I could have done on night 4 other than freeze myself to stop myself from dying. I double guessed myself though and just went for my second Fire Goon guess hoping that the Fire Goon would kill the Doctor and I could kill the Goon. Other than that we did really good on night 1 by killing the single best scum reader in the game, which the Doctor was healing the Fire Goon of course; he had both of us as scum and no one really looked into the NKA, in fact both night 1 kills were both of the main people scum reading me which would have been really suspicious if they looked at it. I also kind of wasted my night 2 trying to frame Char through night kills, but no one ever does NKA.

Normal Games

Mini Normal 1827 | No Flavor Mafia - Vanilla Townie

My reads were not great this game. Light was pretty obvious, but Verdith and Trans were less so especially since the whole game the 2 were trying to lynch the other. Day 4 I messed up pretty bad in pushing for Titus to be lynched when there was 5 power claimants and 2 dead Goons. That alone should have been a clue that either Creature or Trans were the last scum, but for some reason I didn't spot that at the time. I also ignored a lot of Trans's flaws and Creature's heavy town slips. Light even had Trans as a heavy town read for no reason and pushed a wagon and lingered a bit too much on Creature day 1. Part of the reason I think I had been ignoring that was that Verdith was tryind hard to bus Trans, really the whole Mafia had an odd stance on bussing. Light was bussing Verdith, Verdith was bussing Trans, and Trans was bussing Light. I think the Mafia wasn't using their day chat or something because there is no reason to fragment a Mafia team that much on day 1 and they would have had so much better of a time if they had worked together even a little bit rather than trying to act as 3 separate Serial Killers.

Mini Normal 1844 | Firework Mafia - Town Neighborizer/Deneighborizer

Interesting role at the start. I've never seen a neighborhood controller before or even thought about one. I had gotten both the Doc and Tracker in my neighborhood which was great as well, but I messed up a bit with the night 1 Goon neighborizing. Though the Goon never noticed so... Tracker helped a ton to clear the Doctor and to catch a killer. The Gunsmiths also cleared a somewhat suspicious person and caught the Mafia Rolecop. The most usefulness I had was at the end with the 2 confirmed town and we were able to work out who was the last Mafia easily. I also was able to clear the Doctor even before he claimed and the mafia Rolecop CCed him.

Large Normal 215| HMS Mafia - Town Jailkeeper

Admittedly I do not believe that I played very well this game. My reads were almost all wrong with half the Mafia as null or town and most of my scum reads being town. I tried to do a mix of jailing someone who I suspected as Mafia, but felt the Mafia would go after should they have been town. Unfortunately I did not successfully stop a kill and got shot by the Even Night Vigilante on night 2. Mafia also ended up having a perfect victory despite the Traitor almost getting lynched day 2 and one of their goons being almost universally scumread the whole game.