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Telephone Pictionary: Business As Usual: Difference between revisions

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After a violent hostile takeover of Telephone Cat's operations, it appears as though there is new management at the head of Telephone Pictionary. First order of business is corporate restructure:
From now on, you will refer to me as CEOtory6/GorkInc.. Everyone else will be my picture generating underlings working under harsh working conditions and criminally terrible pay. All so that I can get out sentences and pictures at faster and faster rates. Ahahahahahahha.
====What is Telephone Pictionary?====
It's sort of like [[Eat Poop You Cat|EPYC]], but presumably with less poop-eating.
==The Player List==
'''1'''. {{U|N}}<br />
'''2'''. {{U|Bellaphant}}<br />
'''3'''. {{U|Thestatusquo}}<br />
'''4'''. {{U|Ether}}<br />
'''5'''. {{U|DrippingGoofball}}<br />
'''6'''. {{U|Jopalopa}}<br />
'''7'''. {{U|The Bulge}}<br />
'''8'''. {{U|Shanba}}<br />
'''9'''. {{U|Bins}}<br />
'''10'''. {{U|ChannelDelibird}}<br />
'''11.''' {{U|Cheery Dog}}<br />
'''12.''' {{U|Mina}}<br />
'''13.''' {{U|KittyMo}}<br />
'''14.''' {{U|RadiantCowbells}}<br />
'''15.''' {{U|KickAssAndGiggle}}<br />
'''16.''' {{U|Radja}}<br />
'''17.''' {{U|lilith2013}}<br />
'''18.''' {{U|DiamondSentinel}}<br />
'''19.''' {{U|caledfwitch}}<br />
'''20.''' {{U|Marquis}}<br />
==The Chains==
{| style="border:0px !important;border-spacing:15px;"
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain A|A. N's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|N}} (phrase)
*{{U|Ether}} (picture)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (phrase)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (picture)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (phrase)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (picture)
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (phrase)
*{{U|Shanba}} (picture)
*{{U|Antihero}} (phrase)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (picture)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (phrase)
*{{U|Mina}} (picture)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain B|B. Bellaphant's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (phrase)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (picture)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (phrase)
*{{U|Radja}} (picture)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (phrase)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (picture)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (phrase)
*{{U|Bins}} (picture)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (phrase)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (picture)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (phrase)
*{{U|Shanba}} (picture)
*{{U|Antihero}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain C|C. Thestatusquo's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (phrase)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (picture)
*{{U|Mina}} (phrase)
*{{U|Marquis}} (picture)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (phrase)
*{{U|Shanba}} (picture)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (phrase)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (picture)
*{{U|Radja}} (phrase)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (picture)
*{{U|Antihero}} (phrase)
*{{U|Bins}} (picture)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain D|D. Ether's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|Ether}} (phrase)
*{{U|N}} (picture)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (phrase)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (picture)
*{{U|Marquis}} (phrase)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (picture)
*{{U|Mina}} (phrase)
*{{U|Radja}} (picture)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (phrase)
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (picture)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (phrase)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (picture)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain E|E. DrippingGoofball's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (phrase)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (picture)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (phrase)
*{{U|DiamondSentinel}} (picture)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (phrase)
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (picture)
*{{U|Bins}} (phrase)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (picture)
*{{U|Mina}} (phrase)
*{{U|Marquis}} (picture)
*{{U|Radja}} (phrase)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (picture)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain F|F. Jopalopa's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (phrase)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (picture)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (phrase)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (picture)
*{{U|DiamondSentinel}} (phrase)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (picture)
*{{U|Shanba}} (phrase)
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (picture)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (phrase)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (picture)
*{{U|Ether}} (phrase)
*{{U|Radja}} (picture)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain G|G. The Bulge's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|The Bulge}} (phrase)
*{{U|Mina}} (picture)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (phrase)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (picture)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (phrase)
*{{U|Radja}} (picture)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (phrase)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (picture)
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (phrase)
*{{U|Antihero}} (picture)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (phrase)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (picture)
*{{U|Bins}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain H|H. Shanba's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|Shanba}} (phrase)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (picture)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (phrase)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (picture)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (phrase)
*{{U|N}} (picture)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (phrase)
*{{U|Errantparabola}} (picture)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (phrase)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (picture)
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (phrase)
*{{U|Antihero}} (picture)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain I|I. Bins's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|Bins}} (phrase)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (picture)
*{{U|Radja}} (phrase)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (picture)
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (phrase)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (picture)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (phrase)
*{{U|Ether}} (picture)
*{{U|N}} (phrase)
*{{U|Mina}} (picture)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (phrase)
*{{U|Marquis}} (picture)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain J|J. ChannelDelibird's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (phrase)
*{{U|DiamondSentinel}} (picture)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (phrase)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (picture)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (phrase)
*{{U|Ether}} (picture)
*{{U|N}} (phrase)
*{{U|Marquis}} (picture)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (phrase)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (picture)
*{{U|Bins}} (phrase)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (picture)
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain K|K. Cheery Dog's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (phrase)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (picture)
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (phrase)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (picture)
*{{U|Mina}} (phrase)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (picture)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (phrase)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (picture)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (phrase)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (picture)
*{{U|Marquis}} (phrase)
*{{U|Ether}} (picture)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain L|L. Mina's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|Mina}} (phrase)
*{{U|Radja}} (picture)
*{{U|N}} (phrase)
*{{U|Ether}} (picture)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (phrase)
*{{U|Plotinus}} (picture)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (phrase)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (picture)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (phrase)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (picture)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (phrase)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (picture)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain M|M. KittyMo's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|KittyMo}} (phrase)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (picture)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (phrase)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (picture)
*{{U|Bins}} (phrase)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (picture)
*{{U|Plotinus}} (phrase)
*{{U|N}} (picture)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (phrase)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (picture)
*{{U|Mina}} (phrase)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (picture)
*{{U|Shanba}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain N|N. RadiantCowbells's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (phrase)
*{{U|chamber}} (picture)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (phrase)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (picture)
*{{U|Shanba}} (phrase)
*{{U|Mina}} (picture)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (phrase)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (picture)
*{{U|Bins}} (phrase)
*{{U|Ether}} (picture)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (phrase)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (picture)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain O|O. KickAssAndGiggle's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (phrase)
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (picture)
*{{U|Marquis}} (phrase)
*{{U|Mina}} (picture)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (phrase)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (picture)
*{{U|Radja}} (phrase)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (picture)
*{{U|Ether}} (phrase)
*{{U|Bins}} (picture)
*{{U|N}} (phrase)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (picture)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain P|P. Radja's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|Radja}} (phrase)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (picture)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (phrase)
*{{U|lalaladucks}} (picture)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (phrase)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (picture)
*{{U|Marquis}} (phrase)
*{{U|Ether}} (picture)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (phrase)
*{{U|Shanba}} (picture)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (phrase)
*{{U|N}} (picture)
*{{U|Mina}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain Q|Q. lilith2013's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|lilith2013}} (phrase)
*{{U|KickAssAndGiggle}} (picture)
*{{U|DiamondSentinel}} (phrase)
*{{U|Shanba}} (picture)
*{{U|N}} (phrase)
*{{U|Marquis}} (picture)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (phrase)
*{{U|Mina}} (picture)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (phrase)
*{{U|Radja}} (picture)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (phrase)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (picture)
*{{U|Ether}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain R|R. DiamondSentinel's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|DiamondSentinel}} (phrase)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (picture)
*{{U|Ether}} (phrase)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (picture)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (phrase)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (picture)
*{{U|Bellaphant}} (phrase)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (picture)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (phrase)
*{{U|N}} (picture)
*{{U|Shanba}} (phrase)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (picture)
*{{U|Marquis}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain S|S. caledfwitch's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (phrase)
*{{U|Shanba}} (picture)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (phrase)
*{{U|N}} (picture)
*{{U|Ether}} (phrase)
*{{U|Bins}} (picture)
*{{U|Thestatusquo}} (phrase)
*{{U|Cheery Dog}} (picture)
*{{U|Marquis}} (phrase)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (picture)
*{{U|Jopalopa}} (phrase)
*{{U|RadiantCowbells}} (picture)
*{{U|Radja}} (phrase)
| '''<span style="font-size:120%;">[[/Chain T|T. Marquis's Chain]]</span>'''
*{{U|Marquis}} (phrase)
*{{U|Bins}} (picture)
*{{U|Shanba}} (phrase)
*{{U|Aristophanes}} (picture)
*{{U|Radja}} (phrase)
*{{U|DrippingGoofball}} (picture)
*{{U|Ether}} (phrase)
*{{U|ChannelDelibird}} (picture)
*{{U|caledfwitch}} (phrase)
*{{U|lilith2013}} (picture)
*{{U|KittyMo}} (phrase)
*{{U|The Bulge}} (picture)
*{{U|N}} (phrase)
[[Category:Mish Mash]]

Latest revision as of 23:58, 5 May 2016

After a violent hostile takeover of Telephone Cat's operations, it appears as though there is new management at the head of Telephone Pictionary. First order of business is corporate restructure: From now on, you will refer to me as CEOtory6/GorkInc.. Everyone else will be my picture generating underlings working under harsh working conditions and criminally terrible pay. All so that I can get out sentences and pictures at faster and faster rates. Ahahahahahahha.

What is Telephone Pictionary?

It's sort of like EPYC, but presumably with less poop-eating.

The Player List

The Chains

A. N's Chain
B. Bellaphant's Chain
C. Thestatusquo's Chain
D. Ether's Chain
E. DrippingGoofball's Chain
F. Jopalopa's Chain
G. The Bulge's Chain
H. Shanba's Chain
I. Bins's Chain
J. ChannelDelibird's Chain
K. Cheery Dog's Chain
L. Mina's Chain
M. KittyMo's Chain
N. RadiantCowbells's Chain
O. KickAssAndGiggle's Chain
P. Radja's Chain
Q. lilith2013's Chain
R. DiamondSentinel's Chain
S. caledfwitch's Chain
T. Marquis's Chain