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|bgcolor="BC3434"|Golden Company
|bgcolor="BC3434"|Golden Company
|bgcolor="BEAA39" rowspan="2"|Runestone
|rowspan="2" bgcolor="#BEAA39"|Mega Man
|rowspan="2" bgcolor="#BEAA39"|Asha
|bgcolor="008000"|Jade Dragons
|bgcolor="EF6C00"|Bowser's Favorites
|bgcolor="008000"|Crash Bandicoot
|bgcolor="EF6C00"|Bowser's Favorites
|bgcolor="EF6C00"|Bowser's Favorites
|bgcolor="EF6C00"|Eddie Riggs
|bgcolor="00FFFF"|Master Chief
|bgcolor="00FFFF"|Eddie Riggs
|bgcolor="00FFFF"|Donkey Kong
|bgcolor="00FFFF"|Eddie Riggs
|rowspan="3" bgcolor="#999999"|
|2nd Runner-Up
|Sole Survivor
|Sole Survivor

Revision as of 20:13, 3 June 2015

Game of Thrones Survivor was a Survivor game modded by Jal and Nyalite. The game ran from January 19, 2014, until March 14, 2014.

The game was run anonymously, with players taking the role of characters from the Game of Thrones series. The true identities of the players were not revealed until after the game was over. The winner of the game was Cephrir, as Gilly, who defeated Oberyn in the Final Two.


Player MS Username First Tribe Second Tribe Third Tribe Fourth Tribe Merge Tribe Finish
Theon Greyjoy Lord Mhork Westermen Windblown 1st Voted Out

18th Place

Brienne of Tarth Chevre Southrons The Golden


2nd Voted Out

17th Place

Arya Stark Espeonage Northerners Windblown 3rd Voted Out

16th Place

Bronn DeathNote Westermen The Golden


Seagard 4th Voted Out

15th Place

Sansa Stark Drench Northerners Windblown Ashemark 5th Voted Out

14th Place

Asha Greyjoy TheBadOne Westermen Stormcrows Runestone 6th Voted Out

13th Place

Shae Klick Westermen The Golden


Runestone Margaery's

Sworn Swords

7th Voted Out

12th Place

Viserys Targaryen Mist7676 Southrons Stormcrows Ashemark Margaery's

Sworn Swords



8th Voted Out

11th Place

Stannis Baratheon pickemgenius Southrons Windblown Seagard Queensguard Balerion's


9th Voted Out

10th Place

Davos Seaworth Flameaxe Southrons Windblown Seagard Queensguard Balerion's


10th Voted Out

1st Jury Member

9th Place

Jaqen H'Ghar JDGA Westermen Stormcrows Runestone Queensguard Balerion's


11th Voted Out

2nd Jury Member

8th Place

Jon Snow DeasVail Northerners The Golden


Runestone Queensguard Balerion's


12th Voted Out

3rd Jury Member

7th Place

Catelyn Tully PrivateI Northerners Stormcrows Ashemark Margaery's

Sworn Swords



13th Voted Out

4th Jury Member

6th Place

Eddard Stark D3f3nder Northerners The Golden


Ashemark Queensguard Balerion's


14th Voted Out

5th Jury Member

5th Place

Tyrion Lannister Blackberry Westermen Windblown Seagard Queensguard Balerion's


15th Voted Out

6th Jury Member

4th Place

Daenerys Targaryen xofelf Southrons The Golden


Ashemark Margaery's

Sworn Swords



16th Voted Out

7th Jury Member

3rd Place

Oberyn Martell Nicholas1024 Southrons Stormcrows Seagard Margaery's

Sworn Swords



Gilly Cephrir Northerners Stormcrows Runestone Margaery's

Sworn Swords



Sole Survivor

The Game

Episode Immunity Eliminated Placement
1 Stormcrows Theon 18th
Golden Company
2 Stormcrows Brienne 17th
3 Stormcrows Arya 16th
Golden Company
4 Runestone Bronn 15th
Sansa 14th
5 Seagard Asha 13th
6 Queensguard Shae 12th
7 Tyrion Viserys 11th
8 Oberyn Stannis 10th
9 Jaqen Davos 9th
10 Tyrion Jon 8th
11 Tyrion Jaqen 7th
12 Tyrion Catelyn 6th
13 Tyrion Eddard 5th
14 Oberyn Tyrion 4th
15 Gilly Daenerys 3rd
F Oberyn Runner-Up
Gilly Sole Survivor

Voting History

Game of Thrones Survivor Voting History
Second Tribes Third Tribes Fourth Tribes Merge Tribe
Episode #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Eliminated: Theon Brienne Arya Bronn Sansa Asha Shae Viserys Stannis Davos Jaqen Jon Catelyn Eddard Tyrion Daenerys Oberyn Gilly
Vote: 4-2 5-1 4-1 4-1 3-2 3-2 6-0 9-1-1 7-3 7-2 4-3* 3-3* 4-1 3-1* 3-2 3-1 1-0 3 to win 4 to win
Gilly Asha Shae Viserys Stannis Davos Eddard Eddard Eddard Catelyn Eddard Tyrion Daenerys
Oberyn Martell Bronn Shae Jaqen Stannis Davos Jaqen Jon Jon Catelyn Eddard Tyrion
Daenerys Targaryen Brienne Sansa Shae Viserys Stannis Davos Eddard Eddard Jon Catelyn Eddard Tyrion Gilly
Tyrion Lannister Theon Arya Bronn Viserys Catelyn Catelyn Jaqen Jon Jon Daenerys Oberyn Gilly Oberyn
Eddard Stark Brienne Viserys Viserys Stannis Davos Jaqen Jon TIED Daenerys Oberyn Gilly
Catelyn Stark Sansa Shae Viserys Stannis Davos Eddard Jon Jon Eddard Oberyn
Jon Snow Brienne Asha Viserys Stannis Davos Jaqen Eddard TIED Gilly
Jaqen H'ghar Shae Viserys Stannis Davos Eddard Oberyn
Davos Seaworth Theon Arya Bronn Viserys Catelyn Catelyn Gilly
Stannis Baratheon Tyrion Arya Bronn Viserys Catelyn
Viserys Targaryen Sansa Shae Stannis
Shae Brienne Asha Shae
Asha Greyjoy Shae
Sansa Stark Theon Arya Viserys
Bronn Brienne Tyrion
Arya Stark Theon Stannis
Brienne of Tarth Shae
Theon Greyjoy Tyrion